Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growing: Full Guide (2024)

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Mushroom cultivation is a fun and rewarding hobby that can also become a small-scale commercial venture, depending on your abilities and interests. If you have a passion for mushrooms and are looking to turn your hobby into small scale commercial mushroom growing, this guide will help you get started.

Setting up a commercial mushroom grow operation can seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and resources, it is a feasible and lucrative endeavor. There are a few key considerations to keep in mind when setting up your mushroom grow.

Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growing: Full Guide (1)

First, you will need to choose the type of mushroom you want to grow. There are many different types of mushrooms, each with its own unique set of requirements for growth. Research the different types and choose one that is suitable for your climate and the resources you have available.

Next, you will need to decide on the size of your operation. This will depend on your goals, resources, and space availability. A small-scale operation can run out of a basem*nt or garage, while a larger operation will require more space and resources.

Once you have a clear understanding of the type of mushroom you want to grow and the size of your operation, you can begin to gather the necessary equipment and supplies.

Choosing the right mushroom for a commercial grow

Choosing the right mushroom for small scale commercial mushroom growing is an important decision that will impact the success of your operation. There are many different types of mushrooms to choose from, each with its own unique set of requirements for growth.

One important factor to consider is the climate in which you live. Some mushrooms thrive in warm, humid environments, while others prefer cooler, drier conditions. Research the different types of mushrooms and choose one that works perfectly to the climate in your area, that is, if you are growing outside!

Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growing: Full Guide (2)

Note! If you plan to grow indoors in a controlled climate with heating/cooling, and controlled humidity levels, you can concern yourself less with the outside climate.

Another important factor to consider is the type of substrate you will be using to grow your mushrooms. Different types of mushrooms require different types of substrate to thrive. For example, oyster mushrooms grow well on straw or coffee grounds, while shiitake mushrooms prefer hardwood logs. Choose a mushroom that suits the substrate you have available.

In addition to climate and substrate, there are other factors to consider when choosing the right mushroom for your grow operation. These include the level of difficulty involved in growing the mushroom, the potential yield, and the demand for the mushroom in your local market.

By taking the time to research the different types of mushrooms and considering the unique requirements of each, you can choose the right mushroom for your small-scale commercial grow operation and increase your chances of success.

How to pick a space for small scale commercial mushroom growing

The space you choose will need to meet the specific needs of the mushroom you are growing, as well as accommodate the necessary equipment and supplies. For small scale commercial mushroom growing, focus on areas you may have already have access to on your property. This could be a big yard, a shed, a basem*nt, or others.

One option for a small-scale mushroom grow is a basem*nt. A basem*nt provides a controlled environment with stable temperatures and humidity levels, making it a suitable space for mushroom cultivation. However, it is important to ensure that the basem*nt is well-ventilated and has access to natural light, as mushrooms require both to thrive.

Read more on commercial mushroom grows on our blog here.

Another option is a greenhouse. A greenhouse allows you to create the ideal growing conditions for your mushrooms, including temperature, humidity, and light levels. Greenhouses are also a good option if you live in an area with a climate that is not conducive to mushroom growth.

A small outdoor shed can also be used as a space for a commercial mushroom grow. An outdoor shed can provide the necessary protection from the elements and can be equipped with heating and cooling systems to maintain the ideal growing conditions for your mushrooms.

Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growing: Full Guide (3)

Ultimately, the right space for your commercial mushroom grow will depend on the specific needs of the mushroom you are growing, as well as your resources and space availability.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the right space for your small-scale commercial mushroom grow operation.

Note, we have a detailed guide on mushroom growing houses in our blog here.

Supplies Required for Small Scale Mushroom Grow

Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growing: Full Guide (4)

In order to gather supplies properly for your small scale commercial mushroom growing operation, you will need to gather a few different things. Chances are, if you’re already at least a beginner mushroom grower, you are aware of what you need.

The specific supplies you will need will depend on the type of mushroom you are growing and the size of your operation.

Some of the basic supplies you will need include:

  • Growing containers: You will need containers to hold the substrate and spawn in which the mushrooms will grow. These can be plastic bins, trays, or bags. Even mushroom growing in buckets is great for commercial applications.
  • Substrate: This is the material on which the mushrooms will grow. Different types of mushrooms require different types of substrate, such as straw, wood chips, or coffee grounds.
  • Spawn: Spawn is the material used to introduce the mushroom spores to the substrate. Mushroom Spawn can be purchased from a mushroom grower or made at home using a sterilized grain. You can also use mushroom spore syringes, read about those here.
  • Humidity and temperature control system: Mushrooms require specific humidity and temperature levels to grow properly. You will need a system to monitor and maintain these levels, such as a humidifier and thermostat.
    • If you plan to run your commercial grow outside, then you won’t need a special monitoring system, as long as the climate in your area can support your mushroom of choice.

Don’t forget! Other supplies you may need include a growing light, a watering system, and protective gear, such as gloves and a mask. We have more tips on the extra supplies you need to grow mushrooms commercially here.

Using a mushroom growing house in a commercial mushroom grow

One option in doing a commercial mushroom grow is building your own mushroom growing house. With your own dedicated space such as an outdoor shed, you can install systems to monitor humidity and temperature levels.

Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growing: Full Guide (5)

Secondly, by growing your mushrooms in a dedicated space, you also can keep it a more sterile environment, as you only need to enter to water or otherwise check on your mushrooms.

A mushroom growing house can be as simple as a pre-fabricated shed purchased at a store like Lowe’s or Walmart. You can also build your own, which we’ve outlined in this blog article here.


Mushroom cultivation can be a rewarding and profitable hobby, and with the right knowledge and resources, it is possible to turn it into a small-scale commercial venture. In this guide, we have covered the steps involved in setting up a commercial mushroom grow operation, including choosing the right mushroom, finding the right space, and gathering the necessary supplies and equipment.

By following these steps, you can successfully set up a small-scale commercial mushroom grow operation and start turning your passion for mushrooms into a profitable business. Remember to do your research, plan carefully, and dedicate to the process, and you can achieve success in the world of mushroom cultivation.

Don’t forget about the key aspects of mushroom growing, even though you’re now in commercial practices, such as preventing contamination and high moisture levels when applicable.

Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growing: Full Guide (2024)


What is the most commonly purchased mushroom for commercial use? ›

Agaricus bisporus, is the most familiar mushroom for most of us — it is the commercial mushroom sold in grocery stores and put on pizza. It comes in various forms: button versions, brown versions and large portobello versions — all of which are varieties of the same species.

What is the easiest mushroom to grow and sell? ›

The easiest mushrooms to grow that are also the most profitable are shiitake and oyster. While you may feel tempted to grow more valuable and challenging varieties, you have to understand that these will require more time and resources.

How much money do you need to start a mushroom farm? ›

While it is impossible to put an exact figure on how much you will need to invest in your farm, you should be prepared to set aside a substantial amount of money to get your farm started. The cost can range from $3,000 to $100,000, depending upon how advanced you plan to make your farm.

What is the most profitable mushroom to sell? ›

Oyster mushrooms, a type of gourmet mushroom, are one of the most profitable gourmet mushroom available.

Which type of mushroom is more profitable? ›

If you're looking for the most profitable mushroom to farm, you're likely considering Shiitake mushrooms. These sell at around $12 per pound, making them the most profitable type of mushroom to farm, especially when considering the demand. However, you might also consider growing gourmet Oyster mushrooms.

What is the easiest mushroom to grow? ›

Pretty much every mushroom growing resource I could find says that oyster mushrooms are the easiest variety for first time-growers, as they grow fast and can easily thrive in substrates made of things like coffee grounds and straw, making them relatively low maintenance.

How much do mushroom growers make a year? ›

Mushroom Grower Salary
Annual SalaryWeekly Pay
Top Earners$72,500$1,394
75th Percentile$52,000$1,000
25th Percentile$30,500$586

Is starting a mushroom business hard? ›

Mushroom Farming is Difficult

Despite how easy it is to start growing oyster mushrooms or lion's mane from ready to fruit blocks, other mushrooms can be very difficult to grow successfully. Mushroom farming can be very labor-intensive as well.

How much do mushroom farms make per acre? ›

As a result of these opportunities, active mushroom growers report better profit potential for indoor production as compared to outdoors. They provided estimates of $1 to $3 per square foot net income, representing a potential $43,560 to $130,680 income per acre.

Is commercial mushroom farming profitable? ›

Mushroom cultivation can be a profitable and rewarding business for those interested in sustainable agriculture and healthy eating. By choosing the right variety of mushrooms, obtaining the necessary supplies and equipment, and marketing your mushrooms effectively, you can start a successful mushroom-growing business.

How do mushroom farmers make money? ›

The direct to consumer sale of your mushrooms – Common methods include the sale of mushrooms to the local market via local farmers' markets. As some farms grow, they establish their own company store and offer other related gourmet items for sale in their store as well.

Which type of mushroom is best for business? ›

As a general rule, oyster mushrooms are the best sort of mushrooms for novice growers, because they are easy to cultivate, grow quickly, and are in high demand. It's also cost-effective to grow these crops because of their cheap production costs.

What is the most sought after mushroom? ›

Matsutake, one of the most expensive mushrooms, can cost up to $1,000 per kilogram. The Italian White Alba Truffle is the world's most expensive mushroom, with a price of $330 per gram. In Japan, people pay up to $600 for a single Matsutake mushroom. Morel mushrooms can cost approximately $254 per kilogram.

What is the most popular mushroom in America? ›

Also known as table mushrooms or champignons, white button mushrooms are the most common mushroom variety grown in the Unites States and the world. As the name itself suggests, they resemble a white button and they are small in size, usually growing no more than 7 centimeters in diameter.

What is the most desirable mushroom? ›

Top 10 Tastiest Edible Mushrooms
  • Portobello Mushrooms. Portobello mushrooms are one of the most popular edible mushroom varieties and are often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian dishes. ...
  • Shiitake Mushrooms. ...
  • Morel Mushrooms. ...
  • Chanterelle Mushrooms. ...
  • Enoki Mushrooms. ...
  • Maitake Mushrooms. ...
  • Oyster Mushrooms. ...
  • Cremini Mushrooms.
Feb 23, 2023

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