What sides go with chicken and dumplings? - Chef's Resource (2024)

Chicken and dumplings is a timeless comfort food that warms the soul with its tender chicken and fluffy dumplings in a creamy, flavorful broth. But when it comes to serving this classic dish, you might be wondering what sides would complement it perfectly. Well, worry not! In this article, we’ll explore a variety of delicious side dishes that will elevate your chicken and dumplings experience.

**What sides go with chicken and dumplings?**


1. **Green beans**: Serve some steamed or sautéed green beans on the side to add a burst of vibrant color and freshness to your plate.
2. **Roasted vegetables**: Roasting some carrots, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts will provide a hearty and nutritious accompaniment to your chicken and dumplings.
3. **Cornbread**: The sweet and crumbly texture of cornbread makes it an excellent pairing to balance out the savory flavors of the dish.
4. **Mashed potatoes**: Creamy mashed potatoes can be a satisfying addition that complements the dumplings and chicken in both flavor and texture.
5. **Salad**: A light and refreshing salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and a tangy vinaigrette can provide a refreshing contrast to the richness of chicken and dumplings.
6. **Biscuits**: Fluffy biscuits make a wonderful companion to sop up the delicious broth of the chicken and dumplings.
7. **Collard greens**: Simmered collard greens with a touch of bacon or smoked ham can add a touch of Southern flair to your meal.
8. **Coleslaw**: A crunchy and creamy coleslaw creates a delightful contrast and adds a refreshing element to the plate.
9. **Sweet potato fries**: For a twist, consider serving crispy sweet potato fries on the side for a touch of sweetness and a hint of crunch.
10. **Fruit salad**: A colorful bowl of fresh fruit salad can lighten up the meal and provide a refreshing burst of natural sweetness.
11. **Roasted asparagus**: Roasted asparagus spears seasoned with olive oil, salt, and pepper will bring a lovely earthy flavor to the table and add a touch of elegance.
12. **Macaroni and cheese**: A classic comfort food like macaroni and cheese can cozy up your plate and please everyone around the table.


1. Can I use canned vegetables as a side dish?

Yes, if you’re short on time, canned vegetables can be a convenient option. However, consider fresh or frozen vegetables for a better taste and texture.

2. How can I make the best homemade cornbread?

To make delicious cornbread, use a combination of cornmeal and all-purpose flour, along with buttermilk for moisture and tanginess. Don’t forget to preheat your skillet or baking dish with some melted butter before pouring in the batter.

3. What other greens can I serve instead of collard greens?

If you’re not a fan of collard greens, try serving spinach, Swiss chard, or kale sautéed in garlic and olive oil.

4. Can I substitute chicken with another protein?

Yes, you can substitute chicken with turkey, pork, or even mushroom for a vegetarian option. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.

5. Are there any low-carb options?

Yes, you can opt for cauliflower rice, roasted cauliflower, or a crisp salad with a protein of your choice for a low-carb option.

6. Can I serve chicken and dumplings as a standalone meal?

Absolutely! Chicken and dumplings can be a complete and satisfying meal on its own. However, adding some side dishes can enhance the overall dining experience.

7. How do I make fluffy biscuits?

For fluffy biscuits, use cold butter and buttermilk, handle the dough gently, and avoid overmixing. Cut the dough into rounds and bake them until golden brown.

8. Are there any gluten-free options?

Yes, you can find gluten-free flour blends to make dumplings, and serve the dish with gluten-free cornbread or a salad.

9. Can I make chicken and dumplings ahead of time?

Yes, you can make chicken and dumplings ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator. However, be aware that the dumplings may absorb more liquid as they sit, so you may need to add more broth when reheating.

10. What spices can I use to season the chicken and dumplings?

Season your chicken and dumplings with salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves for a robust and aromatic flavor.

11. Can I add different vegetables to the chicken and dumplings?

Certainly! Feel free to add diced carrots, celery, peas, or even mushrooms to your chicken and dumplings for extra flavor and texture.

12. Is there a vegetarian version of chicken and dumplings?

Yes, you can recreate the flavors and textures of chicken and dumplings using plant-based alternatives like seitan, tofu, or chickpeas. Adjust the cooking time and seasonings accordingly to create a delicious vegetarian version.

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What sides go with chicken and dumplings? - Chef's Resource (2024)
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