The Process That Plants Go Through To Capture And Use Energy From The Sun To Make Food (glucose ) Is (2024)

Biology High School


Answer 1

the process that plants go through to capture and use energy from the sun to make food (glucose ) is called Photosynthesis

Answer 2

The process that plants go through to capture and use energy from the sun to make food ( glucose ) is called [tex]\sf\purple{photosynthesis}[/tex].


Photosynthesis is a process by which phototrophs convert light energy into chemical energy.

The word “photosynthesis” is derîved from the Greek words "phos" (which means “light”) and "σύνθ-εóîς" (which means “combining together.”) And so it means “combining together with the help of light.”

The process of photosynthesis occurs in green plants (the primary producers in a food chain) and a few other autotrophic organisms such as cyanobacteria, purple bacteria and green sulfur bacteria.

Following is the photosynthesis formula:

︎︎︎ 6 CO2 + 6 H2O —> C6 H12 O6 ([tex]\sf\blue{glucose}[/tex]) + 6 O2 ([tex]\sf\pink{oxygen}[/tex]).


[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Hope\:it\:helps.}}}}⋆[/tex]

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hope this helped!

Whales are mammals
They need air to survive and they give out babies nine eggs

Scientists in Brazil have developed specific fertilizers and special breeds of soybeans and corn so crops can grow on large areas of tropical lands. This is valuable because farmers can help to feed the growing human population and strengthen the economy. However, trade-offs must be considered because farming on tropical lands can also A add helpful microorganisms to the soil B remove oxygen from the atmosphere C reduce populations of native species D reduce mutations and disease in wildlife populations



C reduce populations of native species


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A. All living things are made of the same elements.
B. Every organism is made of different elements.
C. Every species is made of different elements.
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C. Every species is made up of different elements




its written that every living thing is made of different objects

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A. electrons
B. oxygen
C. pigments



A. electrons


Energy in form of ATP is generated at both cellular respiration and photosynthesis. In cellular respiration, energy (ATP) is synthesized in the mitochondria when ELECTRONS (e-) passes through series of complexes composed of proteins called ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN.

On the other hand, ATP is synthesized when ELECTRONS produced from splitting water i.e photolysis of water, passes through photosystems 1&2 in the chloroplast (thylakoid).

Answer: Electrons

Explanation: The electron transport chain is a series of molecules that accept or donate electrons easily

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The plant would be the producer, & the bird would be the consumer in the food chain. If that is what you are looking for.

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A. Epididymis
D.vas deferens





You could literally search that up. It's correct though.

"Sperm develop in the testicl*s within a system of tiny tubes called the seminiferous tubules. At birth, these tubules contain simple round cells. During puberty, testosterone and other hormones cause these cells to transform into sperm cells."

can help me this is question


Give the other person Brainliest also I like you Levi Ackerman pfp

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The student is studying the movement of substances across the cell membrane. She understands that some substances combine with special transport proteins to be carried across the cell membrane. The substances can move only from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. This process is known as:



Facilitated diffusion


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Facilitated diffusion is a passive transport process because they only depend on electrochemical gradients, so they do not need any energy to occur.

What stage of mitosis is depicted by the image above?
O metaphase
O cytokinesis
O telophase
O prophase
O anaphase



Telophase 1 because of the constriction


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a) Competition between individuals will decrease.

b)The community will grow more slowly.

c)A new species can form.

d)There would be no effect on the community.



C) A new species can form.


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die out and move from the area are the answer


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Search for this question




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Place them from smallest to biggest please;
1) atom
5)organ system
6) tissue




atomnnajsjhzbzzbzjjnbsj jsjsksksksksk



Atoms make up molecules; molecules make up cells; cells make up tissues; and two or more kinds of tissues working together make an organ and lots of organs working together creates an organ system

Can you please help with this question?



Mutations increase genetic variation and the potential for individuals to differ


Mutations can result in an organism having a new allele. When that organism produces offspring their offspring are most likely to inherit the allele created from the mutation which could potentially lead to genetic variation.

Which is a part of interphase


I think it’s C

Also plz mark Brainly




S phase

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Osmosis is a process in which molecules pass from semipermeable membrane.


Osmosis is a biological process. The solvent molecules pass through semipermeable membrane and then solute particles move through the membrane with the help of water. These molecules are not capable of passing through the membrane in absence of water.

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Answer: More sunlight less space

Explanation: The fallen tree would leave there less space however there would now be more sunlight due to the tree not covering it up anymore

A tree falling from the top most layer most immediately will provide more sunlight and space to the surrounding plants in the other lower layers in a rainforest.

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Rainforest is a thick forest in tropical parts of the world with tall, mostly evergreen trees and a high amount of rainfall.

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To know more about rainforest here


where is the oesophagus locate​


here's your answer..


The esophagus runs behind the windpipe (trachea) and heart, and in front of the spine. Just before entering the stomach, the esophagus passes through the diaphragm. The upper esophageal sphincter (UES) is a bundle of muscles at the top of the esophagus.1


i am sure it will help you

Sunspots are connected with other or events solar hare A solar fare is a sudden release of energy from the Sun, which shoots hot charged partides plasma) from the Sun into
Strical and crcalgids When
Solar harest send enormous amounts of
energy and charged particles that can interact with the Earth's atmosphere. When the charged partides strike the atmosphere they can cause auroras and magnetic storms that can also disrupt
there are more Sunspots, this indicates that the Sun is more active and there will be more solar Hares.
It is under if there is a link between solar activity and changes in the Earth's climate because our planet's climate is influenced by so many other factors such as volcanoes and greenhouse gases. A period of time known as the Maunder
Minimum occurred from about 1645 until 1715. During this time period there yere almost no sunspots. This period occurred at about the same time as a period of cold temperatures known as the Little Ice Age. However, scientists have
not been able to determine if the two phenomen were actually related
Below is a graph of sunspot activity beginning in the year 1600
Which of the following claims would the sunspot evidence from the Maunder Minimum best support?
Moresunspots during this period would have increased magnetic storms.
Fewer sunspots during this period would have caused higher than normal greenhouse gas concentrations
Lower solar activity could have caused colder temperatures on Earth
Greater solar activity could have caused warmer temperatures of Earth.


Answer: I’ve just taken the test



1- photosynthesis
2- glucose

Your welcome!


The first one is B


Question is on the image



Skates have whip-like and flat pectoral fins.


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Oxygen is a gas that your body needs to work properly. Your cells need oxygen to make energy. Your lungs absorb oxygen from the air you breathe. The oxygen enters your blood from your lungs and travels to your organs and body tissues

Answer: oxygen is like a gas that helps your body work and breathe. For example your lungs need air and etc. Then chemicals from red blood cells pick up the Oxygen and bring it to the body tissues and cells

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Earth in the 22nd ceuntry didn't had Electronics they had weapons, slavery, dynastys, and many more things that barely exist today

A scientist is studying gene expression in a prokaryote. Which of the following organisms could the scientist be
Bacillus subtilis, a bacterium
Leucobryum glaucum, a moss
Lycoperdon pyriforme, a fungus
Caenorhabditis elegans, a roundworm


A Bacillus subtilis, a bacterium

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The charcoal produced by the burning of the woods provides nutrients for reforestation.

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Domain archaea holds microorganisms that is bacteria that has cell wall consist up of peptidoglycan. The Eukarya differ from the Archea and Bacteria in that their cells are eukaryotic, meaning they consist up of a "membrane enclosed nucleus" and "other membrane enclosed organelles".



Archaea have no membranes around their organelles


The Process That Plants Go Through To Capture And Use Energy From The Sun To Make Food (glucose ) Is (2024)
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