The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Day 8 or Night Want Ads Are on the Job Always Working ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements CIGARET burns, mothholes, tears woven clothing hosiery invisible mendInz. Tertile Rewearing, 176 State 4-7041. Est. 1899. no charge.

No digging. CLOGGED DRAINS "Electrocleaned" ol Sewer Service. Any gour. any day. 4-3754 REWEAVING other tricks to repair damaged clothing, holes, tears, burns, etc.

Day and Night Tailors, 34 New Dwight st. Florists THE SENTIMENT of the occasion is concealed in our floral arrangements. Wenk's Florists, 128 Hanco*ck St. 2-1197 Personals 9 FEDERAL State income tax returns compiled. Reasonable.

Tel. 2-6098. PASSENGERS to Miami; $25 ro Ind trip: new car. Leaving Marcs 14. Help drive.

3-1920. WILL the person who witnessed the Accident on Columbus the night of Feb. 20th please phone 8-9623. YOUNG couple motoring to Miami, 2 weeks "In March. Room for 2.

$17.50 each, round trip. Box 2221, Union Office. -P 'BLUE CHIP GAMBLE FOR WORLD TRADE AIMS BEYOND WAR U.S. Ship Owners Admit It's a 'Screwball' Effort to Make Boom Extend Past the Lush Present world trade under conditions they themselves call "fantastic." Men who stand to win or lose fortunes are putting every resource they have into making the United States merchant marine the mightiest in history. "Screwball" situations are developing.

Ships Are sailing to South Amerwith their holds empty -ballasted with tanks of water-to bring hack strategic defense materials at high rates; army and navy ships are utilizing every available font of space to carry materials to the Panama Canal Zone--and are coming back in water ballast. Steamship operators who were glad to dispose of freighters for 000 less than three years ago are buyuh: ing them back, when they can get them, for half a million. As German submarines, airplanes and surface raiders peck away, week after week, at Great Britain's merchant marine, United States steamship owners, week after week, are betting millions of dollars that international trade, after the war as well ag now, will continue on a large scale. Right now, Germany and Italy are outeof transoceanic business picture, although before war their merchant fleets were strong competitors for business wherever ships traveled. place has been taken by the United States, whose merchant MArine, for two decades after the World war, was gradually rotting away.

The American flag today flies from ships entering every port in the world except the proscribed belligerent area of Europe. to Play Tenny Ante" The American shipping men who have stepped swiftly into the picture recognize their position as completely war war-created, permanent. but They they are intend risking to make their fortunes on this intention. A "We used to play penny ante," said one ship owner. "Naw it's a blue chip game with everything going into the pot." The "fantastic" aspects of the hig game for world trade have been erated, say shipping men, by the present mad scrambles for cargo vessels.

Those 8000-ton freighters which hegan sliding down the ways of Hog island when the World war ended and which could scarcely be given away a few years ago, now are bringing around $500,000. They've been improved a bit, it is true. Geared turbines have stepped up the speed of some of them to around 14 knots from their original 11. They always were seaworthy, but for about 20 years there wasn't much use for them, Now they are in such demand that. even at present prices, "Instances single voyages paying almost half their cost are noised about in shipping circles.

For example, it was not long ago that one 8000-ton American simp sailed from New York for Vladivostok carrying a cargo of machinery, The Russian government paid the owner 000 for the trip and paid all the costs of wharfa*ge and loading the ship. Steamship men say the British government "has been wary pl giving "warrants" (sailing permits under specified conditions) to ships carrying cargoes to Russia. London underwriters will not jasue insurance on ships without such warrants and New York underwriters. it is understood, will not insure ships which the British desginate as bad risks. The only ships specifically exeminted from the necessity for bearing such warrants those of Great Britain, Belgium the Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Poland, the United States and Sweden.

As a result, Russia has been forced to get most of her imports in American bottoms and has been offering fancy High prices Rates for Hit the U. S. privilege. Buyers, Too' But Russia is not the only buyer paying high rates for cargo. Shippers are paying premiums for space on vessels which will carry manganese ore and other raw materials to the United States from Brazil.

Up the west coast, from ('hile, Peru and Bolivia dare coming other heavy ore shipments. Shippers say they! could use twice 15 many bottoms on the northbound runs. But they have to charge heavily for those runs, they Say, because their southern trips are made with virtually empty holds. Specifically, the southbound mte is around a ton. while a top of $14 is charged northbound.

On April 1 the north bound rate will be 'raised 20 to 25 per cent. It is rumored that ocean freight rates to the Far East may be boosted 20 to 331-3 per cent again on April 1. lifing general cargo rates to $10 A. ton from New York compared with $33 now. ALEXIS CARREL IN MADRID Madrid, Feb.

23-(AP) -Dr Alexis Carrel, noted surgeon and biologist who won the prize in physifrom the United States today on his ology And medicine in 1912, arrived way to France and Belgium to study the effects of cold and hunger on the human system. BOT SET SCHOOL FIRE AN Brandon. Feb, 23-(INS) 15-year-old boy has confessed startIng the 10.000 fire which swept through the Brandon school Thursday night because he "didn't want to to school," authorities announced 10- night. BY CHARLES E. HARNER New York, Feb.

22 Men are betting "blue chips" today in a gamble 6 ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found 10 GOLD CHAIN, with white stones, lost in Westfleld. Reward. Box Blandford. LOST -Lady's diamond cluster ring. Tel.

East longmeadow 261. Reward. LOST -IRISH SETTER. REWARD. TEL.

2-6734. LAT- Lady's Hamilton wristwatch, Salem, Chestnut, Bridge 8ts, Reward. Thompsonville 1127. LOST -Male tiger cat: white double paws and chest. Named "Tiger." Mrs Bryant Hazen, 25 Oxford St.

LOST- -Small female pomeranian, vicinity Monmouth St. Reward. Call 3-1835. MAN'S Lord Elgin gold wrist. watch lost.

Tel. 2-4024. Reward. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 CATOK SPECIAL '40 Pontiac Torpedo Sedan, CATOK'S. 334 Columbuaz Ave.

4-1616. A. V. REOPELL, 109 State St. Used Cars, Low Prices.

Liberal Trades. Open Evenings. Dial 7-0251. AT AUTO SALES next Ry. Station, 95 Liberty St.

Complete line Used Cara trucks on hand. All types, $35 to $750. AT PINE POINT MOTOR SALES! Stude. P'resident Sedan Have $150 Stude. Commander Sed.

'36 Olds, Deluxe 2-Door, and r. 8347 Olds. 2-Door Sedan, heater Plymouth Deluxe Sedan, heater $143 1300 STATE ST. OPEN EVES. 3-2342.

AUSTIN (English) Convertible; 40 miles to gallon of gas. Phone Suffield, 133-5. WISE-RUY AT SANFORD'S 40 Dodge Del. Del. 2-Door 4-Door Tre.

Try. Sedan Sedan Dodge Del. 4-Door Tre. Sedan 39 Plymouth Del. 2-Door Tre.

139 Chev. Master Del. 2-Door Tre. Sed. Dodge Del.

4-Door Tre. Sedan 395 3 Chev. Plymouth F. Master 1. Del.

1- 2-Door Door SANFORD Trg. Trg. CO. 1:5 613 STATE ST. Dodge Trucks Plymouth Open Evenings, Tel.

4-8251. RESWICK'S RETTER USED. CARS "'The Finest Thet Money Can Buy" Ford Del. 2-Dr, Trk. late 1941, run only 4000 miles.

Fully equipped. $695 Buick Del. Club Conv. Coupe, 1939, run only 9000 miles, beautiful sport car, like brand new $693 Buick Del. 4-Dr.

Trk. 1939, 12,000 miles, six wheels. Radio, heater, etc. $630. Chevrolet Del Conv.

Club Coupe, 8070 miles. Radio, heater, etc. $730 Ford Del. Conv. Club Coupe.

1940, full; equipped, run 900 1 miles $795 Chevrolet, Master Tel. 4-Dr. 1910, low mileage. Heater defroster $313 Nash Del. 2-Dr.

Trk. late run only 6000 miles, fully equipped, just like $330 hrand new Plymouth 2-Dr. Trk. 1940, run only 9000 miles, exceptional car $350 Buick Special 2-Dr. Trk.

1939, low mileage. equipped with sun top, and $100 radio, heater, etc. $673 35 Others, All Makes. Every one the pick of the crop. See them today.

Charles K. Beswick, 833 White St. Est. 20 years. Chevrolet '40 Del.

Tre. Sedan $49.1 Chevrolet Touring Sedan $39.7 Chevrolet Touring Sedan Ford Del. Touring Sedan 4-Dr. Del. Trg.

Sad. $290 $405. Buick 41 4-Dr. Sedan And '37 Coupes And Sedans LOUIS CHEVROLET. Thompsonville CHEVROLET '36 coach.

with trunk, good r. and h. Call 4-5385. Sun. or Mon.

Small trade and terms considered. Club Coupe 1910 Ford, radio, heater 1940 Plymouth 305 Sedan 1938 Dodge, heater 470 Sedan Dodge Sedan 1938 Plymouth, heater Sedan 1907 Dodge. deluxe Sedan 1937 Willys, deluxe Sedan 1937 Plymouth, heater 190 Nash, heater 130 292 PARK WEST SPFLD. DODGE '37 Del. Sedan.

good R. 19,000 miles. Death causes sale, 1131 Spfid. Feeding Hills. DODGE 1933 four -door Sedan 1940 Mercury Club Coupe THE VALLEY CO.

718 State St. 4-1773 FORD 1007 Tudor sedan, good condition: heater; private owner. Any reasonable offer accepted. 335 Allen St. FORD Tudor trunk sedan, new tires, radio, heater, winterized, mechanically verY good.

Reasonable. 3-4807. FORD '37 TUDOR trunk sedan, new tires, radio, heater, winterized: mechanically, very good. Reasonable. HUDSON CLUR COUPE 1968.


4-1461. SASH Sedan 1930. Perfect condition. Must sell. No reasonable offer refused.

Let me give vou a ride. Seen at 36 John St. apt. 4. OLDSMORILE 1940--2 door sedan, 10,000 miles, tully equipped.

Can be bought for 1-3 down. Low mileage. Call Mr. Gowdy 4-4144. PLYMOUTH '35 sport coupe, r.

and Hudson '40) del, 6 r. and LOUIS COHEN. 395 Main St. PLYMOUTH 1910 convertible coupe, perfect in every way. Hedges-Sattier, 21 Park St.

Open evenings. Tel. 2-3134. PONTIAC DE LUXE 6 1940 sedan, radio, clock, under-seat heater. STUDEBAKER 1038 Commander coupe: cellent condition: private party, $110.

Tel. WILLY'S Priced from $125 up. '38 CHEV. de 1. sport cpe, It.

H. $123 AUSTINS $30 and up 826 STATE ST. '37 FORD 4-door sedan, deluxe model, 83 h. p. engine, built-in radio, heater.

special chromium wheels, white side- tires, new battery and brakes, large trunk, paint sacrifice for immediate sale. $340 cash. 191 Bowdoin St. Tel. 2-6375.

1939 convertible roupe. H. D. Like new, low Call Mr. Bangle 4-4144.

5 Trucks for Sale 11A AT INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. Intern'l Milk Body $395 Dodge Canopy $200 '31 Chevrolet Pickup $150 MANY OTHERS. ALL PRICES. 33 Memorial West Spfld. 2-2191.

CHEV. truck long wheelbase. Cheap. 133 South Chicopee. 2-WHEEL trailer, 10 ft.

body, ideal for painter, roofer or camping. 3-3047. Auto Accessories GENDEN RROS. -For new and used auto parts and rebuilt motors. Genden Cor.

Main Morgan Sts. Tel. 6-5481-2-3. Wanted- mobiles 17 AHSOLUTELY highest cash prices for any used cars. Clinton Garage.

4-9823. A BETTER cash price paid for Any '36- '37-'38 used car. by app't. 3-4897. CASH for late model used cara KellAher Mixer.

464 St. James Ave. 3-3116 JUNK cars wanted. Bennie's Auto Exchange. 386 Sharon St.

6-9181. TOP PRICES- For late models. Pine Point Motor, 1566 State St. Open eves. 3-3542.

WANTED used consid. cars, Gen. immediate A. Rodfish. cash.

Only good cars 1236-40 State (opp. Mass. Mut.) 6-4615. WANTED Auburn. any model, must be clean.

John Huggard, 39 Westminster. WILL PAY cash for 1940 4-Door Sedan. Tel. 6-2950. BUSINESS SERVICES Exterminators 18 AMERICAN EXTERMINATING 61 Vernon Guaranteed service, insect And rodent control, Tel.


1900 364 Worthington St. Tel. 3-4921 Building--Contracting 19 ALL const. new, repairs, carpentry, I floortog. ceiling, garages, screen, estimates.

6-8933. i Repairing 22 CHAIRS-Reseated by the blind, Edw. Schuerer, 739 Sumner Ave. Tel. 6-1344.

VACUUM CLEANERS REBUILT rebristled. After you tried all others, try me. It suffices to BAY that have been at Gl Dresden St. 30 years. Tel.

2-3844. A J. O. Printing-Statlonery 24 BUSINESS CARDS $1.50 SEND FOR FREE SAMPLES Advertisers Press, P. O.


3-0817. ANDERSON BENSON CORP. 2-8166. Furniture piano moving. local long dist.

Storage, 137-159 Lebanon St. BIGGEST and latest padded vans. long diatante and storage. Original Dinan, the 47 Abbe Ave. 6-1925 or 2-1983.


DIAL 2-2168. 385 LIBERTY ST. TRUCKING RIGGING MOVING Huck's Transfer, Inc. Since 1880. 3-5147.

Professional Services ELECTROLYSIS--A method both safe and permanent in the removal of Superfluous Hair. Sadie E. Bohling, 1331 Main St. Room 503. Tel.

3-4070. INFORMAL REST HOME in country, for convalescents. Pleasant surroundings. Sperlal for recently discharged hospital patients. Graduate nurse.

Diets given careful attention, Moderate rates. Tel. Palmer 281 R. Write Box 379, Three Rivers, Mass. MASSAGE.

Swedish method. Ellen Lindberg. Rms. 304-305, 23 Harrison Ave. 2-8835, SCIENTIFIC reconstructive hody cage flesh reduction by specialist.

Phone 3-8011. SWEDISH reducing massages. Steam cabinet: women only. Rose David. THE MAPLE REST- modern, pleasant convalescent and rest home.

Nurse in attendance. 192 Maple St. Tel. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 A CAPABLE girl for light housework. 4-1260.

A nursemaid. state age, wages expected. Box 142, Union Office. AMAZING new line Women's Coats; sells on sight. Liberal profits.

Free coats to producers. Write: for free sample outAt. Betty Berkley, Dept. C-125, Dalton, Mass. AMAZING pronts-just show friends smart greetings for.

birthdays, everyday. 14 folders sell $1. Up to profit. No experience. Samples on approval.

Chilton Greetings, 147-G Essex Roston. AN EXPERIENCED Girl with ref. Generhousework for 2 weeks. Start immeal, diately. Excel.

wages. Call 2-2960. ASSISTANT bookkeeper with shorthand knowledge- preferred. State age, experience and complete record of employment with reasons for leaving. Box 143, Union.

AT HANLEY'S: 3 waltresses for Daytona, (1 for city). 74 Hillman St. CALL on friends with Greeting Card Agsortments. Easter, Birthday, other occasions. Personal stationery: gift wrappings.

Big profits. Experience unnecessary. Sampies on approval. Wallace Brown, 210-E Tremont Boston. CAPABLE GIRL- General housework, goon pay.

one child school age, stay nights. 6-8413. CATHOLIO woman. general housework, 3- day wppk. Tel.

CORSETIERE Clear Weave Hosiery has opening for experienced corsetiere to take full charge of corset dept. of their local store. Good salary, exceptional opportunity. Apply Box Union Office. No applications taken at store, DRESS business of your own without investment.

We supply you with everything needed. Details free. Write today. Fashion Frocks, Dept. W-1689, Cincinnati.

0. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, home nights. References. 6-1143. EXP.

refined saleswoman, between ages. 23 35, One who can model hats dresses. Also to take charge when owner is absent. Apply Ellen Curley, 418 Bridge St. EXPERIENCED stenographer and bookkeeper, age 28 to 35.

Give full particulars when replying. Box 100, Union Off. EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply Pioneer Restaurant, 1936 Main St. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK.

TEL. 2-7636. GIRL for general housework. Adult family. No cooking.

Stay nights. 2-0380. GIRL for light housework. Leonard St. Short hours, 3 days A week.

4t GIRL, white, general housework. Home nights. Good wages, car fare, Long. meadow. 7-0301, GIRL for gen.

housework. Live in good pay. Tel. Chicopee 557-J. GIRL -to work on candy, counter.

Poli Theater. Apply Monday, p. m. GIRL. 16 to 18, (white) housework.

Mrs. Field, 68 Temple St. HOUSEKEEPER for adults or gentleman. Airs Robert Sherman, Monson. Tel.

118. INTELLIGENT young lady, Christian, between and CO, as dental assistant, knowledge of bookkeeping. typing. State age, salary expected and qualifications. Hox 800.

Union Office, LIGHT work in exchange for pleasant room, in private home. Box 133, Union. MIDDLE AGED nights woman or for live in. light No house- launwork, Home dry. 3 adults, Heferences, Box.

141, U'nion Office. NEW, easy way to make money! Represent famous line sportswear, sharkskin uniforms, pinafore frocks, in your locality. Sell friends. Write quick for: gorgeous free outfit and free Nylon Hosiery offer. l'eggy Parker, Dept.

2107, 231 WV. 19th, New York City. OPENING for two ladies for full-time work with national concern. Ability to meet people only qualification. Must have car.

Write Box 893, Union Office. RELIABLE maid for general housework. No children. Longmeadow. Tel, 4-4001.

SALESLADY -Experienced selling wearing apparel and other articles in general store. Write to Box 114, Union Office. SALESLADY wanted for children's shop. Must be able to cater to good clientel. Box 126, Union Office.

SCHOOL GIRL, (white), 16 to 17, after school work. Mrs. Field, 68 Temple St. SELL Mattering, stylish outsize dresses at lower than regular size prices. Regular sizes, too.

Experience unnecessary. Spare time. No investment. Everything supplied, including personal wardrobe. Send dress size.

Harford Dept. L-3807. Cincinnati, 0. SELL NYLON Hosiery with famous Snag'rotected hosiery. Sensational profit opportunity.

Write; fully for sample silk stocking. American Mills, Dept. P-6941, Indianapolis, Ind. SPECIAL work for married women. Opportunity to earn up to $16 first week in spare time showing beautiful rose bushes, shrubs, to friends and neighbors on new.

plan. Write today for details and free sample outfit. Mr Faulkner, Dept. Pr. Manchester, Conn.

STARTING AT weekly. A boundless opportunity awaits the alert young capable' of meeting my requirements. Write J. R. Fish, West STENOGRAPHER -Experienced in gen.

office routine, references required. B30x 107, Union Offire. TO TIE WOMAN who wants a career, will train you to become an ethical cosmetic sales woman for Luziers, selective beauty service. Box Union Office. TWO INTELLIGENT saleswoman for furniture department: about 30 years of age.

Knowledge of furniture not essential, but must have sales experience. Salary bonus. Must he neat and ambitious. Write Box 1:16, Union Office. TWO WOMEN over 40.

Small income At start. Opportunity for permanent future with old concern. Box: 120, Union. WOMEN OPERATE A "HOME SHOP' We furnish dresses; hosiery. lingerie.

to responsible parties. Excell. earnings. No invest. neC.

Royal Crown Ty1 Washington Boston. Mass, WOMAN for light housework. 2 children. Liberty Jill section. Home nights.

6-1648. WOMEN -Increase income by taking suhscription on all popular magazines. Highest comms. Dignified part or full-time work. Write: Box Union Office.

YOUNG woman for chambermaid and waitress in tourist house. Box 807, Union Off. Help Wanted--Male Salary 33 AT HANLEY'S: Young man, 18-45 years, for stock Handy man kitchen early Monday. 74 Hillman St. BOY over 18 with driver's who wants to learn a good trade.

Call 0-9500 Monday. CABINET. MAKERS -Experienced in store fixture Steady job. Top wages. Pava Store Equipment Liberty and Ileywood Sts.

CASKET hardware caster, apply Eastern Casket Hardware 32 Hampden, Springfield, Mass. COOK Short order cooks: experienced. Steady: good wages. Six days. Apply Mr.

Clark, 1353 Main Springfield. COUNSELOR -Modern Boys' and Girls' New England Summer Camp (Gentile) has opening for alert person. Exceptional'onportunity for former counselor or director with some following. Salary And commission. Box 2252, Union Office, COUNTER MEN Experienced counter rood wages.


J. ECLIPSE AVIATION ENGINEER for ice plant with Diesel engine experience; capable of doing owll repairs. Write fully in first letter. ConAdential. Box 137, Union Office.

EXPERIENCED Madison- Kipp Cast Machine operator. Five full details. 4 Box 2230, 'Union Office, EXPERIENCED auto metal body worker. Immediate opportunity for right man to obtain a profitable, local position. International Motor.

Car 138 Memorial West Spfld. EXPERIENCED truck driver wanted. 83 Charles St. EXPERIENCED auto mechanic, capable of taking. charge of repair garage.

6-2930. EXPERIENCED man to cut wood. Long job, good lot, and camp already on lot. J. G.

Carew, Tel. 124-3, Monsou, Mass, FARMHAND- -Must be good milker. $40 hoard room. Dr. Mixter Farm, Hardwick, Mags.

See Goodfelt. GARAGE ATTENDANT, expert driver, good washer, J. C. Byrnes 34 Sumner Ave. INSTALLMENT Collector And Salesman wanted.

Apply Box 140, Union Office. LADY'S shoe salesman, excellent Mr. Golden, opportunity The for right man. Apply WomAn'S Shop. LICENSED plumber, state age, number of years experience and wages wanted.

Steady work for the right man. Ansel T. Ward, Athol, Mass. LOCAL MAN with car to service nut And and candy route of nationally known products. $30 salary and commission.

Cash deposit required for: merchandise. Write only, state qualifications. Address Service $8 35th Brooklyn, N. Y. MACHINIST WANTED; good pay; no age limit.

Tel. 3-4390. mar. pharm. or med.

training. Sales car furn. Sal. Exc. opp.

I'rogressive Empl. Service, 171 State St. MIDDLE- AGED couple. Man must be good milker to strip after milking machine. Cottage furnished.

A. H. Hatch, Granby, Mass. SALESMAN to sell and take full charge. merSmall, local store, great variety of chandise.

Box 125, Union Office. SINGLE YOUNG or middle-aged milker. man, R. for L. Smith, Miller Ludlow, Mass.

light farm work. Good STENOGRAPHER -Prefer schooling; young man Also with high: opening for high school graduate over 18 who 18 competent typist. Apply between 8.30.11.. Employment Office, Gilbert Barker Mig. West Spfld.


WANTED MEDICAL DETAIL AND SALES REPRESENTATIVE A well-known specialty house needs A reprosentative for the Springfield area. His territory will include Vermont, New Connecticut Hampshire, And Western Massachusetts, Rhode Island. The man for this job must have Medical, Chemical or Pharmaceutical College training and should be between man with the Ages of and 33. prefer road selling experience. Apply by letter, accompanied with a recent.

photograph or snapshot. and full details as to and age, telephone experience. number. Our gales manager will interview religion, marital status prospects in Springfield. All answers organ- will be held in strictest confidence.

Our ization knows of the advertisem*nt and vacancy. Box linion Office. WANTED Experienced Miehle Vertical pressman, none others need apply. Box 300v, Union Office. small and growing company needs an and Aggressive enyoung gineering experience to work as general mAn with some drafting Assistant to chief engineer.

Excellent opportunity to work into. responsible permanent Location, position. Webster, State Mass. Box 2231, desired, Union Office. WANTED- Men to contact home owners.

with Transportation furnished. ambitious Work manager. Only those commission. need apply. See No selling.

Salary and Dir Simard, liotel Bridgway, Mon. WANTED Registered drug clerk; good wages: reasonable hours. Give references. Box 999, Union Office. WANTED- -Young man experienced in typing, gen, office routine, references required.

Box 108, Union Office. YOUNG BUSINESS EXECUTIVE--This advertisem*nt is 8 seriousminded man of ability, 25 to 36 yrs. of age, now employed or unemployed for reasons beyond his control; preferably collegetrained, sound character and pleasing personality essential. Creative sales experience desirable, though not necessary, since you will be backed by a company having An enviable record for developing men, And who Are willing to help you financially, to take advantage. of this opportunity.

In reply give briet history, telephone number. Box 119, Union Offire. YOUNG MAN; Park Section, to drive car partime. Give phone and daily rate expected. Box 892, Union Office.

WOOD CHOPPER, $2.30 per cord. 162 State Palmer. Tel. Palmer 347-M. YOUNG MEN with general and cost accounting background.

Paper mill expertence desirable. Write giving full particulars as to age, experience and salary desired. Box 2249, Union Office. Male 33-A BIG DAILY profits, extra cash bonuses, Represent large manufacturer. Show compiete line tailored shirts, neckwear, hosdery.

underwear, direct to wearer. No experience needed. l'art or fall time. Complete outlit free. Write today.

l'ackard Corporation, Terra llaute, Indiana, A CLOTHING MAN 1 TO, take orders for famous Nash Custom Tallored Clothes direct from your own trade Excellent commission and bonus arrangement can be had. Should enable you to earn better than average income after you've built your business. Immediate income possible. Write. 64 Vernon Springfield, GOOD tailoring SAlesmen -sell made-tomeasure shirts.

3 popular prices. 4xT samples. Est. 1924. Opportunity for hustlers.

Brohard-Rainer, Dept. C-310, Cincinnati, 0. CAN I'LACE A few men at once in A permanent connection with good weekly earnings, Steady work. 32 weeks a year, Married men: preferred. Apply to Room 411, Third National Bank 1387 Monday morning, 8 sharp.

MAN for immediate connection, over 26 years. of age, permanently located furnish In or vicinity and able to wood character This is An unusual opportunity with good earnings. For personal interview see Mr Johnson, Bridgway Hotel. Monday morning, 9 sharp. NATIONALLY known brake lining manufacturer has opening for salesman in New England States to take over established business with leading parts jobbers.

Qualifications: Must know the trade, understand of air, booster, and mechanical brake systems. Own late mode! car. Drawing account to be considered and give' full details and recent photograph. Box 2255, Union Office. NOW IS THE TIME Cash In on big demand for.

maintenance paints. We sell direct to big users--factorles, realtors, warehouses, schools, bidg. lowners. Complete line finest paints, roofing, caulking, etc. Rig commission.

Easy terms. Free sample case. Nationally known manufacturers. Reply only if capable of handling real opportuntty. Write Dept R-418, Madison Paint Company.

Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN -A fast growing local organization seeks the services of men to represent us in the feld. A sales connection with us means applied effort -it also means liberal compensation. Call Monday after 8.30 96 Elliot St. Aak for Mr Mackin.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Male Salesmen 33A ONE MAN to help me in my business. Phone my secretary for an appointment. Tel. 4-6967. SALESMEN We want man, clean cut, willing to work, and owns a car.

Our proposition is high type, controlled by local businessmen. Our sales forces is small, we make few changes, Our men like this work, no aamples -to carry, no demonstrating, And 8 a splendid chance for advancement. A drawing account and sales help to the man selected. Call After 9 R. Monday Room 57.

23 Harrison Ave. SALESMAN- -Intelligent ambitious man vision, Between 25 and 35 yeArs of age, high school or college education who can qualify As merchandising sales. man calling on retail grocers for: National Food Manufacturer, The positon is permanent with fine opportunity for merchandising education and advancement for right man. Straight salary and company car furnished. Must have record of honest accomplishment.

Food selling experience: unnecessary but retail grocery experience helpful. Must pass physical examination and be fret from indebtedness. Answer in oWN handwriting giving complete business history, business and personal references, qualifications, schooling, age, weight and height. All replies strictly confidential. Box 128, Union SALESMEN Nationally known manufacturer of disinfectants, cleansers, polishes, floor waXes, insecticides, deordants, dishwashing compounds, liquid soaps, wishes to appoint reliable district sales representative tt, call on churches, schools, clubs, camps, factories and office buildings, hotels, resorts, municipalities, etc.

Liberal percentage arrangement. Active territory now open. Excellent future: car required. Past experience in our lipe helpful, but not Write, stating qualifications in detall. Sanitation I'roducts Division, P.

O. Box 70, Long laland City, N. 3. SALESMAN wanted to cover small town and farm trade with nationally known line of motor oils, pAints and roofing. We deliver and collect.

Immediate steady income for man with car. Central l'etroleum 354 Standard Cleveland, Ohio. STEADY WORK -GOOD PAY RELIABLE. MAN wanted to call on farmers in llampden County. No experience or capital required.

Write McNess Candler Baltimore, Md. STRANGE chemical sponge cleans wallpaper like magic. Banishes housecleaning drudgery. Women amazed. Hustlers cleaning up.

Details free. Kristee 70, Akron, Ohio. TAILORING Salesman; We offer more money and a permanent future, because tve insure customer satisfaction. PopuJar prices: budget plan. Business boorging.

Act now! H. Davis Tallors, Dept. Cincinnati, Ohio. TIRE SALESMAN for Springtield territory. Sell popular price Atco Tires to dealers.

Exceptional commissions; fine opportunity for right man. American Tire Cleveland, 0. TWO MEN, 20 to 35, to solicit home-owned house repaint jobs. Liberal commission, Cooperation furnished to close prospects. Box 132, Union Office.

UNUSUAL opportunity for several highgrade men in automotive fleld. Box 113 Union Office. WANTED Reliable man for lawleigh Route, 80 consumers. 200 easily sold household necessities. We teach you how; supply SAles, advertising literature -all you need.

Rawleigh's, Dept. MAB-212-G, Albany, N. Y. WELL-KNOWN MAN We want a man who has good acquaintances locally, to sell a nationally advertised product. on an excellent commission and bonus basis that should pay him a good income.

Outstanding possibilities. Give complete details. Write Box 115, Union Office. Help--Male or Female 34 WANTED- -Male or female, neat appearing person to sell Golden Rule Groceries and Household Supplies direct to Consumer in Spfld. vicinity.

Car necessary. Apply Box 118, Union Office. Female Help--Instruction 37 LEARN A profession. Scientific massage home study course. Write.

Free literature. College Massage, 488 Main, Hart -Y ford, Conn. NEW SCHOOL of private nursing. 18 months' course. General hospital, 100 beds.

Medical, surgical, obstetrical and children. Preference given to high school graduates, but. diploma not required. Credit allowance for experience in selfsupport following completion: of ninth grade, Class starts in May. Address North Adams Hospital, North Adams, Mass.

Male Help- -Instruction 354 CLASS FORMING in machine shop, practice to start March 17, 1941. Hours, 11 p. m. to 7 a. m.

Spild. School of Practical Training. For particulars, call or write 33 Winter Spfld. 4-9255. Situations Wanted- -Female: 36 HOUSEKEEPER, neat, capable, gond cook.

Phone 2-4411. POSITION as dental assistant wanted. 5 years exp. 4-0834. PRACTICAL, nursing.

Reasonable. Tel. PROTESTANT woman, 35, with son, 6, wants domestic work. Good refs. Box 2248, Union Office.

STENOGRAPHER and general office work desires position. Box 113, Union Off. WIDOW with school child desires position as housekeeper. Box 144 Union Off. Situations Wanted- -Male 37 CARPENTER work of all kinds by 1st clAsA man: $1 hour: insured.

3-9789. COLLEGE GRADUATE, 28 years married, Now employed, desires permanent position with future. Box 891, Unior Office. ENPERIENCED janitor wants work. Full or part time.

References, 3-3647. JANITOR--Exp. fireman, caretaker. 2-4564 Box 3. 2236, Union Office or Tel.

Holyoke SECOND-CLASS fireman, experienced; go Anywhere. Box 152. Union Office. where. CLASS 131, Union Office.

THIRD-CLASS engineer, age 31, gO FINANCIAL Business Opportunities. 38 A BARGAIN confectionery ice cream parlor, beautifully equipped opposite school, next to theater. low rent. Must be sacriticed for On account of nwner's health. Terms to responsible party, Box Union office.

REAL OPPORTUNITY! Experienced hotel manager, wants partner to make payment, cash; purchase fully equipped modern, year-round commercial resort hotel; 23 guest rooms, restaurant, licensed bar. package heavy traveled highway. Business new Can he in- increased. l'artner handles all. money, cluding his initial payment, interest.

which ig secured and returned. with Sue investment. Stand strict investigation. HON UNION OFFICE. AN.

OPPORTUNITY -Meat groceries. Restricted zone. Gond business. Trial all6wed. Low rent.

Sacrifice for cash. Tel. 4-8200. Box 996, Union Office. ANY legitimate business, buying, selling or secur.

partner. See us. 1618 Main, Rm. 507. BARBER SHOP for gAle, chairs.

P. O. Box 100,0 Williamsburg. Mass. BUT THIS FINE ALL- -NIGHT DINER.

Retiring. Box 131. Union Office, CAFE--Full license, dancing. on good road, with or without prop. Box 2241, Union Office.

CAFE, with living quarters. Clears annually, Price $2000. $1000 cash. 1-3301. CONFECTIONERY variety store near school.

Price reasonable. Low rent. Other business. Box 129, Union Office. CONF.

STORE for sale; doing good busi- Sacness: fine location. Small overhead. rifice. Box 130, Union Office. ESTABLISHED soda shop and restaurant in college city; excellent reason.

for selling; no: brokers. Write Box 2245, Union Office. FOR SALE-17 rms. for office. apt.

or central. Box 894, Union Off. GASOLINE STATIONS--City and outside available energetic operators with small for stock. Phone 3-0376. GAS STA.

lease expired next to Liberty Theater. 100 ft. front $2950 Inq. I. Lucier, 415 Sumner Ave.

4-1918. GROCERY, del. property: years same owner. Fine zoned. Profitable, sure business.

Sickness sale. 6-5138. GROCERY Store: 20 miles away in country. Good paying bus. Sell Inventory.

4-3307. GROWING BUSINESS for sale. Loss of partner forces sacrifce. Immediate sale essential. Phone 8-4815 or call at 651 Alden St.

A Business Opportunities 38 I CAN HELP YOU-130 listings. Every kind of business. Prices $200 and up. Call or write, J. M.

Newell, ligh. 6-5158. LUNCHROOM on paying basis. Easy terms. Reason for sale; other business.

690 Dwight St. NEAR Armory-12-apt. unheated 3 and rooms: Income $200 monthly. Can be bought on easy Box 117. Union.

TO GO INTO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR YOURSELF R. FINANCIAL Western Auto Associate Stora Western Auto Supply Company, largest And most successful in its line, 31 years in husiness, had A sales volume of 43 million: dollars in 1939. We are now offering you an opportunity to: own and A in. towns up to: 20,100. There Are more Western Auto Associate Store, home owned, than such stores in operation, You ran become the owner and of a Auto Associate Store' for R8 little A8 $2000 in the smaller towns, which pays for merchandise and fixtures and everything necessary to start business.

We train you in our successful merchandising methods. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Division 201 Rowland Springfeld, Massachusetts. OPPORTUNITY to increase your income by owning and operating 1c gum vending maChines, selling nationally advertised Adams Gum on A full' or part-tine basis, We help to finance qualified person. Write immediately for full details.

G. v. conPORATION, 33 W. 4th N. Y.

C. PACKAGE Store, full license: good bus. Heasonable price. Sell or partner, RESTAURANT--Closed evenings and Sundays. Make money and have comfort.

Call ROOMING House: always rented. Must sacrifice. Reason, death. Box 117, Union. ROOMING HOUSE, Gas Oil Route, Lunch, Restaurant.

6-0158. SALES, Service Agency, New England 14 eat. Sure, protitable. 1 or 2. 4-3138: SMALL Restaurant for sale.

Doing business Will show immediate profits. Bargain. Mr. Sherman, Hotel Barnes, 837 Main. VARIETY, tine Joc.

and business, A low rental and a price. VARIETY Store. Clears $30 weekly. Sac. Reason, sick.

Reas. price. Terms. WANTED in good -paying, attractive business. Box 11t, Union Office.

$500 for second mortgage, reduceable yearly, by resp. priv. party. Box 127, Union Off. Bus.

Opportunities Wanted 38-A COMBINATION house and business; state price and terms. Box 121, Union Office. Personal Financing 39 ABANDON ALL BILLS--See First Personal Bankers, Inc. on Court Square, 21 Elm Incense 222. Tel.

2-4158. AUTO LOANS -New low rates. Owner's signature only. Springfield Finance 1490 Jfajn St. License 77.

Tel. 4-3193 LOANS ON YOUR SIGNATURE PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 1618 Main Rm. 209, Bowles Bldg. License 73.

Tel. 4-1191. LOANS to $300 on your own signature. The New Method Finance 1561 Main St. Tel.

4-2127. License 60. Money to Loan 40 AUTO LOANS $300 to $1000 Immediate Service MOTOR ACCEPTANCE 510 MAIN ST. TEL. 6-9036 CASH.

PAID or loaned on watches, diamonds, unredeemed diamonds for gale. Court Sq. Jewelers. 1263 Main St. INSTRUCTION Correspondence Courses 42 MEN- WOMEN -Learn how to get gOverNment jobs.

I'repare now. month. Try 1041 Spfld, exams, Full particulars, sample home coaching -list positions free. Apply today. Box 4204.

Union office. Local Instruction Classes 43 AAA -BE A QUALIFIED WELDER Thousands of men wanted in aviation, shipyards, arsenals Industry. Get into this big paying trade, Master Welders give Practical Training Aircraft, Acetylene Gas and Elec. Arc Welding. Classes day or eve.

years in welding husiness. Booklet free. Imas. Reg. No 41017.

DYER'S WELDING SCHOOL, 380 Belmont City. Dial 3-8187. AMERICA NEEDS SKILLED MEN TODAY! Prepare yourself now for a good paying job. We give an all practical training course in Arc and Acetylene Welding and Flame Cutting. Also machine shop practice under the personal supervision of competent instructors.

Visit our completely equipped shops and see what we have to offer, Open 9 a. m. to 10, p. m. dally.

For details call or write Winter St. or phone 4-9255. Springfield School of Practical Training. Reg. No.

41013. Musical. Dancing, Dramatic 44 ACCORDION. guitars, ballrm. dancing.

dramatics, voice. Mme. Beauregard's School of Music, 1634 Main. 2-6317 PIANO LESSONS. beginners.

leas, Write Mias Husson, 21G Pearl for appointment. Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 SPRINGFIELD Institute of Music, 173 St. Tel. 6-3007 for instructions in radio singing, all instruments and voice culture. At your hame or our studios.

Private Instruction 45 SAVE time money: 'earn shorthand, typing with private teacher. C. M. Park. 2-6139.

STENOGRAPHIC, Secretarial, Ing courses open now. Catalog free. Ray Path Institute, 100 Chestnut St. 6-270 LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 A. K.

C. reg. l'ekingese puppies and grown dogs. Sirs S. A.

Moody, 23 Russell Thompsonville. Ct. ALL BREEDS OK DOGS BOARDED In Sanitary Kennels with individual runs. Boston Terrier Pups for sale KENNELS 30 N. West.

Feeding Hills. 6-1306. AT STUD-Boston Terrier, Little Skipper. A. K.

C. registered: proven sire. 136 Grattan Chicopee Falls. Mass. 1 BLUE years.

Tel. CRO85-Part 4-0787. Angora female cat, co*ckEI: Spaniei puppies: parti-color; best of blood lines. Reasonable. 2-4708.

GREAT DANE pups. DOgS boarded. Stone Kennels, North Feeding Hills. DOBERMAN Male 14 months, house broken, gentle. Female months, eire Ch.

Figato of Pontchtrain. Brood matron VPATS sire Ch. Gustl V. Thannenhaus. All A.

K. C. registered and over distemper. I'rices reasonable. Tel.

ENGLISH SETTEE and Pointer best of. breeding Blaine Kennels, Indian or chard. Tot. 8-1123. EVERYTHING for hirds, cats, dogs, THE SHOP.

Taylor 3-084. FOX Terrier pups. Mother great ratter. 53 Thomas St. PEKINGESE dogs for sale; reasonable.

93 Walnut St. Tel. 1 RABBITS-150 New Zealand rabbits profitable Lalr trade: for Sale, Tel. 302 Longineadow. REGISTERED Miniature Doberman Pinschers and Schrauver? puppies aired.

by Ch. Tiny Toy Fox Terriers. Riverview Petland, River Road. Agawam. SPRINGER spaniel puppies, registered litter, J.

Halpin, 93 Alderman St. 4-2906. WELSH TERRIERS--Pedigreed proven female; mal. puppy. lelen in Williams, Ware, Mass, VIRE-HAIRED Fox Terriers, some housebroken: Scottles.

Lewis's Kennels, Allen. YORKSHIRE golden nightingale singing canarles. Mated pairs, females. 16 Fissex St. BOSTON Terrier puppies Aristicrat.

Reg. A. K. C. Sheehan, 37 Langden St.

Horses. Cattle. Vehicles 48 horses. Accidental deaths, telephone quickly Wilson Mink Ranch. Hampden.

31-3. 50 HORSES Just arrived Feb. 16th. express load Indiana horses. Come where you have 60 head to pick from some of the beat that of A horse can be found here.

All kinds grow, In all weights and a colors. Any class of harnesses and collars on hand. Squire's Greenfield Horse Market. Tel. 3129 field.

Mass. 3 COWS 1 Holstein, in, just freshened, 2 Jerseys due to freshen. Heavy milkera 1131 Spfld Feeding Hills. Poultry and Supplies 49 A BETTER price for your live poultry. ALL LIVE POULTRY wanted especially Harry 1734 Allen St.

4-1774. A pullets. -For better price call Hughes, Springfeld a 2-5134. ALWAYS best prices paid for poultry. Superman.

993 Memortal' W. 3-2371. LIVESTOCK Poultry and Supplies 49 BABY CHICKS now in stock--lieds Rocks--all Embryo-Fed. A chick feeder free with 8 bag of Startena. Methe's Checkerboard Stores, 368 Taylor St.

2-1194. 489 W'orthington St. Tel. 2-2041. BARRED ROCKS, I.

I. Reds and N. I. Red Chicks. Thousands on hand: sexed or straight run, high production, pulforum clean stock at nominal prices.

McKinstry Farms, 135 McKinstry Chicopee. Tel. 292. BE YOUR DIN ROSS-Make poultry and eggs nay. you daily income.

Magazine tells how others succeed. years months 10.. Poultry Tribune, Dept. 119, Mount Morris. Il! CHICKS--Reds, Rocks, Crosses, Pinecrest quality means more profits, cash or mos.

credit. Booklet shows reduced prices, also 25 chicks free. McMurdy Farm latchery, Bernardston or Tel. 2-6134. CUSTOM HATCHING turkeys A.

apecially. J. F. Stocking. Wilbraham.

Mass. Tel. 127. HILLTOP LEGHORNS Large. vigorous, healthy, day-old and started chicks.

All breeders years nld And over. Price right. Call early. Hilltop Farm, Suffield, Conn. IT'S TOIE now to place your spring orders.

Willam's Pullorurn Clean Hatchery. Thompsonville. LARGE Toulouse geese, 10 6 years old. $14 for trio. John Iteid, Tasty South Hadley, Dial Holyoke 5186.

KERR'S LIVELY CHICKS 5 reliable breeds. Also crossed and sexed. Advance order discount Kore Chickeries, West Springfield. PILAH'S HEALTHY LIVELY CHICKSOn hand at all times. day-old started.

from our own breeders. Sexed chicks. Sale on co*ckerels. Feedings Hills, 4-0162. WANTED -Large chickens, fowls, broilers capons.

We pay more. F. J. Zelazo, 3-2310. Wanted -Lirestock 50 ALL LIVE poultry wanted.

I. Kaplan, 134 Knollwood. St. 3-5403. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 ELECTROLUX refrigerator, perfect; $20.

Boys' and men's clothes; very cheap. Good condition. 3-1920. BOUGHT from Bankrupt stock. For Sale.

Cheap. 4 engagement rings. Box 105, Union Office. TIME CLOCK (Simplex) practically new. Will sell cheap.

284 Bridge St. or 3-5850. STORM WINDOWS, TELEPHONE 3-84414. WARDROBE suitcase. $3.

Tuxedo, suit, size 38. Aficrometer, $2. Tel. 2-6579. Cameras and Equipment 51-A A -Zeiss Maximar Tessar Comp.

R- Kalart coupled rangefinder, filters. accessory lens, sunshade, Stir. Easy terms and trades. UNITED LUGGAGE CAMERA SHOP Main St. New Curtis Color Printer, Complete $16.50 Perfex Camera lens.

Pert. cond, $22.50 Agfa Memo 4.5 lens. Excellent $25.04 FREEDMAN Radio Elec. Co. 1225 Main NEWEST RELEASE from our Film Lending Library, "Air Riders." Many other films, John TV.

Deely (with Cheney's) 301 Bridge Street. 6-2139. WANTED -Used enlarger. Good condition. lome-made models not considered.

Business Equipment BEST VALUES in store fixtures, Dew used for every business. Pava Store Equin. Liberty Sts. COMPLETE set of drugstore fixtures. slightly used.

At Stein's, 868 Main Springfield and 512 ligh Holyoke. COMPLETE brake lining outfit. Bear front wheel aligner. 30,000 rivetschones, gauges, brake Jining, and tools $100. New stock.

Call 4-9266 from m. until 9.30 P. DESKS- nut, oak, mahogany. Office size models. Discontinued lines.

Attractive discounts. Hopkins, 6th floor, 293 Bridge. MEAT CASE. double-duty and delicatessen case, floor samples at substantial reductions. Electric Device 87 Broadway.

2-3184. STOOLS--New and used, for bar, fount tain, restaurant and shop use. Holyoke Auction Co. High lolyoke. Building Materials 51 SELLING building materials must be sold from our yard within 3 weeks.

2x4 up to 2x10 large stock of boards, 300 doors, 150 windows complete with frames, bath tubs, steam boilers. 130 radiators. all sizes, fireplace mantels. etc. Lowest prices in city.

State Wrecking 814 Union West Sptid. SUMNER 540-Building Wrecking house. On premises. Fuel and Feed 56 A SOFT slabs, fireplace, furnace flove wood, $5: $8. Tel.

8-1925. DARED HAY and Straw at farm or delivered. John M. Treadwell, Spencer, Mass. Tel.

2240. hardwood $8. Fireplace mixed $7. Slabs, kindling. range oil.

Chic. 188. HARD dry wood, sawed any length, delivered, $7 cord. Two cords. $13.

N. Houtington, Tel. Russell 6-2. eves, SLAB WOOD--Hard stove dry wood for sale. Tel.

6-7490. SOFT Slab Wood $2.50 half cord; $4.50 a cord. Tel. 3-6347. Good Things to Fat POTATOES No.

1 Tic per 100. Come and get them. Giera, 663 P'iper W. Spfld. Household Goods A Linoleum Spectal.

Your kitchen covered (up to 20 sq. yds.) felt base linoleum $7.90. Tree estimates, Union 994 Main St. Open eves. A ROLL top deak.

kitchen cabinet. beds, oil heater. Tel. A table. SOLID 4 Maple chairs, Dinette $59.50.

including Edward's Buffet, Furniture, 890 State St. Open eves. 6-3'61. AT MILLER 1935 Main new lot of bedroom sets. special prices, $1 weekly.

Opposite Rood's. BABY GRAND piano, $130. To see call at 480. Belmont Ave. BRAND NEW Apex ironer, floor model.

Rex. $79.05. now $49.95. Terms, F'roctorCAR RADIO. $14.95.

Terms. Collins ElecFlanagan, 1212 Main St. Near. State. a co trie, 211 Worthington.

COMBINATION gas range with oil burner, good condition. Tel. 3-6396. COMBINATION love and hed, tically new (2 months $43 for itmediate sale: cost $87. Tel.

CUSTOM-MADE QUALITY FACTORY FLOOR SAMPLES $89 Lawson Love seat clown cush.) $40 Wing Barrel chairs 29. $39 Ladies' lounge chair $139 London club $139 Semi-Modern 47 $159 Maple living room $139 -pe. Apartment. louse style Quality Maple Dinettes at Lowest Prices: FORN. 43 Harrison Ave.

Tel. 2-9103 Open Thuralasa d. Saturdays till 9 p. m. CUSTOM BUILT Living loom Sets, honest values.

lowest prices. P'hillip's Furniture Showroom, 3: Harrison Ave. DINING and hedroom sets. Tel. Brookline Ave.

EASY washing machine, spiral model with dryer. ('ost $150. New, vra. old. l'erfect $12.50, Quirk sale.

2-8260. ELEC. RANGE. Univ. Brand new 1940 deluxe.

Reg. $199.90, one at $100. Terms, See or phone Dir Boyd. 6-6371. Colling 211 Worthington.

EUREKA Vacuum. Perfect. All attachmonte. Cost $47. Sell $13.

Tel. 2-6600. EUREKA Terms. Collina' Electric. 211 Worthington.

FLORENCE oil burner. living rm. stove, Food reas. 59 Montford St. FOR SALE -Piano, almost new, 160.

music rolls, cahinet, bench, sacrifice. Box 2246, Union Office. G. F. 6 $45.

Terms. Collins Electric, 211 HIGH chair, convertible; reasonable. Tel. 3-8164. HUMIDIFIER, elec.

samples, shopworn. One at $5, one at $15. Terms. Colling 211 Worthington. KITCHEN stove wIth or without oll burner, elec.

refrigerator and etc. Tel. 4-6503. MAPLE dinette set; table, 6 chairs, 2 ride cabinets and lamp tabie. 119 Andrew 1st floor.

2-1327. MAYTAG washer, like new. $35. Terms. Collins Electric, 211 Worthington.

NEW STOVE-3 months old, comb. oil and gas. Will sacrifice at half price. Can be seen in morning, 418 Belmont. B.

Helfont. PIANO for sale. Very reasonable. Call 1-9160. RCA RADIO, console, push buttons, speaker, built-in aerial, brand new display samples at $25.

Collins Electric, 211 Worthington. RUGS--Factory prices. Orientals. minsters. b'looms.

White Rug Co. Mill 1123 State St. Open eve. 2-8038, MERCHANDISE Household Goods RUGS -Factory prices, Wiltons, sters. Hunt Shea.

mill 810 Enfield T'Ville, 4571. Open till 9. RUGS- Roxbury, and all good makes. larold G. Moore, 655 Enfield Thompsonville, 4396.

Open eves. RUGS Regular $31.50. Now $23. Also other good buys. Orchard Rug.

238 Worcester Indian Orchard, 8-1017. Open eves. SAVE ON FLOOR SAMPLE CLEARANCE 1940 Norge elec. ref. $8.5 Motorola auto radio $15 Heavy blonde maple dinette table $9 White gag range $35 8113 Norge elec.

range $65 2-Pc. Divanola group, regular $35 $.50 Solid maple bed $7 Poster beds, all tinishes $5 to $15 s29 Innerspring mattress $15 Large mirror vanity $15 $19 Solid Vermont maple bedroom 852 Mahogany vanity with hanging mirror $25 Solid mahogany chest on chest $25 $4 Heavy maple kitchen chairs $2 Terms arranged. Open every night til 9, ALBERT'S. 1623 Main St. Tel.

3-6013. SLIGHTLY USED ITEMS Upright phonographs $1. to $10 White Insulated ire box $8 White porc. range, gas And oil comb. $75 Elec.

and coal comb. range $75 Console radios, good condition to $15 $19 Beautiful. dark bedroom Large office desk 315 Large radio phonograph comb. 31A Black cast iron coal stoves $10 1144 Washer and spinner, white 835 $13 Chrome office chairs si 12-Tube Zenith all -wave Terms arranged. Open nights til ALBERT'S, 1428 Main St.

Tel. 3-6643. SPECIAL! General Electric, monitor -top refrigerator. in good condition, fully guaranteed: $10, Bailey-Wagner, 286 Worthington St. Tel.

7-1401. Open eves. SPINET piano, one month old. No dealers. Tel.

2-4218. VACUUM cleaner, 3 months old, headlight, paid now $20. Tel. 4-1461. VACUUM CLEANER (headlight) regular, $39.95, 3 mOs.

old, $20. 4-1461. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, $30; radio, rug, rocking chairs. 2-8169. WESTINGHOUSE Refrigerator, cub.

like now. $60. Forest Park. 4-4671. WINDOW SHADES- -Make your home Attractive.

them to order and also do repairing. Springfield Tindow Shade Mig. 63 Vernon St. 6-3143. 2 WHEEL Chairs, beds, springs, mattress, jou-lb.

cap. ice lox, gas range, 3 chairs, settee, 2 small tables. Call at 37 School St. before Feh. 26.

Nd Anor. 3 ROOMS OF Everything furnished Complete FURNITURE Easy Terms -Free Delivery HADLEY'S WAREHOUSE OUTLET 1095 Main Blocks Below Etate 1941 SAMPLES -Sagless living Odd chairs. Less than wholesale prices. 15 Hampden St. 100 ASS'T maple walnut tables.

Rez. $2.98 only $1 each. Wholesale 10 Hampden St. Jewelry and Watches 60 CASH for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum. M.

J. KITTREDGE, 1354 Main St. Tel. 6-0373. CHANGE OLD Watches for new: cash for old gold, silver, diamonds, antique jewelry.

Watches, clocks, jewelry repaired. G. Grimes, 21 A. Bookstore Bldg. 2-0118 Machinery and Tools 61 TURRET lathe with colletts, precision bench planner.

lathe milling machines. drill presses, grinders, Vil Biss Jugersol land air compressors. vises, chain falls. motors, belting and small tools. Spild.

Auction 769 Dwight St. 4-889G. JOINTER, circular saw. drill press. power hack saw.

woodturning lathe. grinding heads, contrifugal extractor, Clipper belt lacer, American Steel pulleys, miscollancons equipment, lumber and steel pieces. Call Ni. Machinery and Tools 61 ATLAS tools, American self feed rip saw. double surfacer planer.

edging machine, shaper, milling machines, punch press, Brown sharp-cutter. grinder, metal planer, bench motors, belting. bench saws, drill presses, exhaust fans, jointers 8" metal brake at MARSHALL'S, 240 Chestnut St. Tel. 6-4285.

INTERNATIONAL farm tractor. Excel. reasonable. Li H. Bradway, Tel.

16-14. Monson. Radios 62-A PORTABLE radio, new. never used," $30: sell for $20. 6-8641.

Wearing Apparel 65 MAN'S blue overcoat, lady's fur coat "dresses. Size 18. Excellent condition. Box 147. Union Office.

OVERCOATS, $1, $6, $8, $10, $12 Suits. topcoats, tuxedos, $7, $9. $11, $13: Sport Coats, $3 un: Boys' Suits $4 Ladies' Winter Coats, now $4, $5, $8. $10: Fur Coats. $10, $20, $30.

$40. On weekly payment extra. Open every evening. 42 New Dwight. Near State WHITE silk Moire dress hat suitable for bride or bridesmaid.

Size 18. Must be seen to be appreciated. Box 148, Union Office. Wanted to: Buy 66 A BETTER PITCE FOR ALL KINDS OF USED FURNITURE. WE BUY EVERYTHING.

ESSEN FURN. 3-7473. ALWAYS TOP PRICES PAID FURNITURE--RUGS--ANTIQUES ECONOMY FURNITURE, 2-0145 ANTIQUES -Old family silver. frames, nortraits. parlor sets.

any cond. RICHMOND BROTHERS, 32 Patton St. 3-7041. JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH for Used Banks, Antique Furnaure and Antiquea. 1379 Main St.

Dial 4-6231. 1 LAWN MOWER GRINDER WANTED. TEL. 6-4236. WANTED to buy private Box 2244, Union Office.

WANTED- Donation of a cello, violin, trumpet or cornet by deserving musical family. Box 100, Union Office. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board 67 A SUNNY front room, desirable for convalescent, in private home. 4-3848. ATTRAC.

excellent hoard, free parking. A 367 St, James Ave. 4-1496. DA FOREST PARK noard room for elderly lady, 1st next to hath. 6-1157.

FRONT rooms, cottage, near park. on hus line, adults, board laundry. 4-3664. KING 53 -Near both Armories. Excel.

home cooling. Can accommodate 3 men. 6-3574. WIDOW'S comfortable home. nice location, 1 or 2 boarders wanted.

Rooms Without Board 68 A BEAUT. redoc. mned. largo priv. bath for hua.

people. 63 Mulberry St. A BEAUTIFUL large front room, 4 windows, parking. 344 St. James Ave.

6-0433. A CHOICE 1 or 2 beautiful hath. Quiet hone. gar. 71 Walnut.

2-6827. CLEAN. Attractive room St up. Before inspect these. 11 Mattoon.

A CLEAN ROOM, very central. 6,8 Tempo St. Field. Tel. 2-031.

A LARGE pleas. rm. at TO Chopin Tar. (near Chestnut): lady. A NEW treat In comfort.

Studio style rooms. Inner- spring mattress. New maple furniture, 62 High Mrs. Smith. ATTRACTIVE, warm room, next to hath, home atmosphere, suitable for business girl.

67 Mulberry St. ATTRAC. suitable for 2, board optional, garage. Tel. 4-3404.

ATTRAC. fr front rm. Business person. Hot water, heat. 2-0136 Merriam, 15 Temple.

BARNE3 HOTEL, 837 Main rooms, running water, shower $3.50 $4. 6-9607 BYERS 04. Near Armory--Single light hskpg. also siceping rms. 7-1613.

BOWDOIN 57-Well-furnished warm room. Meals it desired. Free parking. CENTRAL loc. Room, next bath, good heat, hot water: gentleman.

6-5138. CENTRAL, pleasant comfortable room. running water, 36 Temple St. CHEERFUL well -furnished warm room. 265 Union between School Maple.

CLEAN comfortable room in private home. Tel. 8087. COOLIDGE -Daily rates, $1, $1.25. $1 00; weekly rates, $3, $6.

Free parking. 2787 Main St. Tel. 4-3580. DICKINSON 105-Cozy wArm room cont.

hot water, shower, $3. Tel. 4-5581. DICKINSON 251-Pleasant room next to bath, 1st floor, near Tel. 7-2624, rooms with connecting A DARTMOUTH home: 1 or 2 FOR RENT- Warm.

clean rms. for men near Watershops. Sep. bath. 6-0286.

FOREST PARK room for buriDeEs person, private home. Tel. P. 2u SaL.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.