The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


AUGUST 31. 1914 Situations to IF Want you. you Ads are Read ought out them to of be over of work, carefully material Lost and Found. Situations Wanted- -Women. Lost.

WANTED--A capable housekeeper wants a position in widower's, best of referLOST Initial G. 19th, child's chain and locket, ences. Box 319, Union (9353) M. Reward if returned to WANTED- Position as 4 63 Center, city. Tel.

4632-R. (9.234) graduate Worcester. Becker'g Business College, stenograpber, LOST-2 rabbit toands, Becket, Mass. Write Box 257, Union Ofice. Phone 25 Bucket, Yokum View House.

(9107) (9001) WANTED -Position as housekeeper lu city or Box country, or charge of lodging house. 250, Union Office. (9079) Situations Wanted -Men. for WANTED -Young Gerwan girl, looking housework. 10 Emily Roshville.

WANTED -Young man understanding the (9059) work, destres position where push is ap- middle-aged, Capable would like Protestant a good position woman, bandling of tools, not afraid of hard WANTEDpreciated. Address Box 334, re Union Office. as housekeeper. Address I'. O.

Box 90, (9002) Williamsburg, Mass. (903S) WANTED -Position as driver or a por- Ag WANTED -By American woman position ter, by colored man. You can write to bousekeeper for elderly couple Mr. Louis N. Lyons, 30 Hubbard oue alone.

Box 259, Enion Office. (9200) city. (9551) WANTED. -Situation by woman as cook. WANTED--By salesman, now employed, call, Mrs.

A. Berard, 67 Belle desires change of line; young man, thor- West Springfield. (9257) goods oughly in familiar New and England experienced States; would selling WANTED -Housekeeping American position by consider Western or Southern territory; derly lady. 111 woman, or companion Ave. for plability to secure new business; salary Kensington (9251) aud expense basis; reliable references.

do WANTED--By competent girl, position to Box 316, Union Office. (9193) general housework. Write Box 200, WANTED--Position by Arst-class freman Union Office. (9278) or uight watchman with 11- WANTED -Position br a young girl to (ense: married man, 40 years old. Box help Union in housework, good home.

Box 208, 315. Union Office. (9533) Ofice. (3309) WANTED--Young married man, reliable WANTED years' -By young lady stenographer, temperate, desires position on gro- best experience, desires position; cory, bakery or any light delivery team; Write of references; would out of city. several years' experience; will go any- Box 210, Union Office.

(9031) where. W'alter G. Fenner, 334 Chestnut (9473) WANTED- -Positiou as housekeeper, with years old, good cook and CATHIRD-CLASS ENGINEER wants posi- pable. Call C. 81 Main St.

(8005) tion. do piping and wright work. Address Box 311, Office. WANTED Position as chauffeur, will rept position driving private or inercial truck. 33 Quincy St.

'ANTED understands janitor beating or plant, watchwan, and running boilers; also repair Address A. Burrougha, 903 State City. Tel. 1175-R. WANTED--BY good second band bread and cakes, a steady Peter Koapik, 113 Holyoke.

WANTED--Young man or excellent a place to work board attending Central High School; best references. Address G. T. care ter, West Chesterfield, Mass. WANTED--At liberty.

A-1 pianist, 6 experience, for vaudeville, pictures orchestra work, also operator and trician, A-1: will 80 any place. Box 927. Union Office. WANTED- -Position by A1 experienced repair man in any garage; years' perience on several makes of cars. dress F.

W. 130 So. Main St. Florence. Mass.

for WANTED--A 3d -class engineer, working a woodworking establishment, like a position where coal is used fuel. Address Engineer, Bor 153, ter. Mass. WANTED- -Position by married 50, AS night watchman, ence dorsem*nt, in private pursing, physician's bospital experience; painter. 3 rears on engine work, 234.

helper; in or out of city, Cnion Office. ED- -Position by tirst-class hotel experience: Can give best of erence. Address Box 241, Union Office. electrical WANTED--Position, A-1 mecbanical best draftsman desires position; of references: 12 rears' experience, Box Union Office. WANTELY Work in store, janitor or ing team, sober, reliable; references necessary.

James Clark, 82 George West Springfield. and WANTED--Position by 1st -class carpenter repair work for $2.50 day. Herman Krause, 30 Howard St. in WANTED--Young man (22) desires this vicinity; college graduate. Apply Box 225, Union Ofice.

(8933) WANTED--Situation by young American larm; on give private place, gardening good reference. Box Union Office. (8828) WANTED--Steady position, city or country. married man, 83 driver, or care place. Ofice.

Address Smith, Eox 930, Union (8848) belper WANTED--Job and driver; as blasksmith's doorman, C. honest and sober. 23 Carew second floor. (8829) man WANTED--Situation and blacksmith; by a good all around also have gineer's license: would do machine work Lebanon, temperate, N. IT.

well experienced. Box (6401) Situations Wanted- -Women. position WANTED--A to young woman would like family. do housework In a Christian 220 Federal Address Miss Florence LaCroix, Greenfield, Mass. (9641) WANTED--German woman wants kind of bousework.

Mrs. Kunke. Waverly St. (9405) WANTED housework -By in woman, position as general small family, no washing nor ironing. Call or write 120 Sharon (9454) WANTED- -Position by American woman AS.

bousekeeper for elderly widower. M. Currier, 78 Howard person St. (9438) tion college and school. place WANTED- Cook, experienced, in instituhouse.

Bor 934, Undou Ofice. (9126) WANTED--High Schonl girl would like Box position after school caring for children. 265, Union Office. (9125) with- 6 wanted by woman WANTED -Situation rears old girl, position family: bousekeeper for widower or 121 Sterling city country. Mrs.

L. S. City. (9124) WANTED- bookkeeper Young or lady cashier, desires position as perience Address 5 years' exHall, Spring. (9075) would WANTED like -Lady inside position demonstrator of ability Box 267, Union of some kind.

Offce. (9131) WANTED widower's Position a3 housekeeper. in objection to family or or elderly couple, no 'Union Office. 1 2 children. Box 935, (9410) with WANTED good family American girl of 13, place duties and $2 to do light household while attending pay 1 work for board Wales, Mass.

school. M. Il. Chapin, (9104) few WANTED- -Experienced dressmaker wants engagements for September. Tel 6002-J.

erenings. (9100) sition WANTED -By American widow, wants poreferences as housekeeper exchanged. in widower's home, Box 306, Address Reliable, Union Office. (9417) WANTED- -By Swedish lady, position as ferred. housekeeper, in gentleman's home nreBox 301, Union Office.

19395) P. WANTED 0. Box -Position 88 all around cook. 107, Leeds, Mass. (8965) light WANTED office -Position by young woman.

for work or as attrodant in doctor's Box 260, Union Offro. (9133) go out. 680 Main st. (0629) WANTED--Laundry work at home or will WANTED- Competent laundress wishes work 7402-R. to take 255 Quincy.

Tel. (9611) can WANTED--By refined middle-aged Amerikeeper to woman, position as working househighest references. elderly people Box or to Union gentlemen, 336, Office. (0621) tion WANTED to -By young girl, 15 years, posiWrite Box do light housework: Protestant. 338, Union Office.

(9022) work WANTED--Position to do general houseor second work. 58 Portland St. (9504) Young WANTED- widow. Employment afternoons by Office. Address Box Union (9575) WANTED- Housekeeper's position 1p FA.

spectable widower's American Protestant elderly home, by American Protestant preferable middle-aged lady; permanent position to high wages. Bor 323, ('nion Office. (9571) work in -Position as cook for general WANTEDreferences. small family; can furnish good Orice. in or out of city.

Box 343, Union (0613) :15 a cook would also WANTED A Finnish gin wants a place housework. Call to John Clemens, general 158 accent Walnut. (9655) WANTED -Reliable belp furnished with ref. Emp. Agency, 30 Oak.

Tel. 7408. 19478) WANTED Position br experienced Tel. HOS-M. (9539) like WANTED--A position middle-aged woman would bousework, or In the city cooking or light help with other work: no 16:2 washing or ironing: references.

Call at Plainfield (9200) Ca -ur Kresge Co. (9053) WANTED work, -Yonng girl for light house home. no, Miller. washing, in small family, good 653 Belmont Ave. improvements.

50 Belmont Are. Tel. 1176-W. 3375-MI. (8021) LET-5 rooms, (8034) TO LET-5-room tenements, all TO LET-Furnished rooms, good location Prospect Ter.

modern, upper. 16 in Carew heart of city, with reasonab for teachers. 160 High St. (7689) or near Main. Call 36 (8051) TO LET--First door tenement.

6 Tel. 6668-M. TO LET- housekeeping. rooms for light 2 attic rooms, restricted location. Inqulze rooms, TO Mrs.

Callahan, 33 Church 257 Massasoit St. and LET- York -Light airy 5-room dat, St. (7426) Sts Tel. 4377. TO LET- -Large unfurnisbed (9613) TO at once.

LET-4-room apartment: possession TO LE? -Central, 4 ly papered and pointed: $2.50 rooms, new. Corry, 55 No. Main. (7332) floor, rent this new brick block, rooms and will furnish gas. Call after 6 week: 45 TO LET-15 Congress, down, 5 rooms and on premises $19.

or Inquire of Mrs Howard St. p. (9596) bath, Young, steam, bot water, Janitor. W. M.

411, 31 Elm St. of Tel. T. J. Sherid 147 Main.

(7441) 1599. TO LET-Very pleasant furnished room, TO 4-room TO private home. 912 State, near Andrew. and $16: two tenements. $14, $15 repair.

Tel. 4566-R. 6-room tenemer (9584) $17; four 5-room tenements, $16 and 31 Sargeant. TO LET--Large front room. $26: all 5 modern rooms, steam fats, $25 and TO LET-169 Spring steam heat, bath, $1.50 60 week.

James McQueen, 46 Thomas. Tel. convealences. 3032-W. G.

w. room $10. Setb H. Barlow. Te desira 3025-W.

per (9515) Tel. TO, LET-5-room (7155) TO. LET--Room with board. Mrs. J.

T. Montmorenci St. Tel. 7872-R. apartments.

(6559) 62 heat; LET-Flat. convenient to rooms, rent modern. modern TO Philbrick, 133 Florida St. (9494) TO or LET unfurnished, 2, 3, add 5 rooms. furnished rent light 1.

2, 3 and 4 unfurnished roc rooms, TO LET-Rooms, furnished rooms. 49 172 Carew steam heat. in. Lefevre. 37 Franklin housekeeping.

Inquire M. Clinton St. (3538) St. 'Tel. 3454-M.

(8034) St. Tel. 3724-W. TO LET- room, part or fully fur- TO LET-3 and 4-room flats. See janitor.

TO LET-2 and 4-room nished, to lady; board near. Tel. 3642-J. 214-216 No. Main St.

(4278) Central Block, steam, bot water. apartme (9471) service. Inquire I. Dick, TO keeping, LET bot -Furnished apartment for house- To TO all LET-21 Pattou 4-room gle rooms. 332 water, No.

Main. set tubs, Tel. also sin- Let-South End. modern No. Main.

improvements. Apply 3882-J. (9472) TO LET-6-room TO modern. steam. hot flat, at water, 704 janitor Main TO and Main LET-6-room apartment.

cor. Sh LET- Furnished room, modern con- tee. Apply on premises. ice. all wodern.

jaaitor veniences. 62 Temple St. (3453) TO LET (9673) Inguire Telephone 5251-J. TO LET-2 furnished bousekeeping rooms. modern, steam Central heat, adults.

lower, 5 rooms, TO suite LET--The Royal, 3 Salem 4. continuous hot water. GO Sargeant. (0404) (9475) Mrs. elevator, all 2.

modern convenie TO LET-2 connecting rooms, furnished TO, steam LET-46 beat, hot Locust water, St, 3-room apartment, Sperry, D. for light bousckeeping. 78 Spring St. $15. 'Tel.

732. (9331) TO LET-2 rooms for (9456) TO LET -Modern tenement, cor. Howard To Let -On the Hill. Inquire 543 Main St. housekeeping.

(9103) TO LET- Inq. Dr. fa*gnant. (3320) TO LET-76 Northampton light and Water. TO LET-Furnisbed room, steam.

bot wa- monts. one facing Wendell. Main 3. 4. 5-room apart- Apply 58 tenement, Dresden St.

rooms, steam The lower ter, easy walking distance Court Wendell all modern one TO Tel. 7826-M. private family. 40 Locust St. (9413) right on car lines, steam boated, conveniences, electric Tel.

LET-61 1881-1. Oak Grove Ave. Inquize. Lewis. -Furnished rooms.

Spring. Mrs. ply Adaskin Furniture janitor 234 service. Main Ap- TO TO LET light, gas, hot water, (9420) just above the arch. Dace beat.

LET-5-room, 159 all modern, 2d foot TO LET-2-room sulte for light house. TO (9432) College St. keeping, with heat, hot water and gas Marble St. LET-4-room lower tenement. 44 TO LET-3-room tenement.

60 James store; all modern. Inq. 36 Arch St. (9201) bot water, bath and garden: (9336) TO LET-4-room tenement, all modern. per month.

Tel. 3625- W. TO LET- -Nicely fornished front room. nIl top. floor.

24 Hubbard Are. (8676) TO LET -Tenement modern. 36 Arch. Tel. 3446-M.

(0337) TO LET-5-room modern at 09 Knox St. TO LET -Furnished rooms, board if de- Mill 2d door. 231 TO LET-4 rooms, apartment, tenement. sired: also light housekeeping. Tel.

8143. TO LET-4-room lower beat. 91 Pipe. 153 Main st. (9339) Marble St.

(S.10) TO LET-129 Sherman tenement. TO 7-room TO LET-22 Salem suite of rooms. LET -39 Acusbnet 7 rooms, mod- flat, $16. Call, or Tel. 5315-M.

TO running water, connected bath. ern, reasonable; vacant Sept. 1. Tel. 7809.

TO room LET-20 Chapel modern LET--Pleasant furnished front and tenement. Wm. t. Gregg. upper side rooms; rooms: also light housekeeping TO 7321 LET-3 Main and 4-room apartments at TO LET-10 conveniences.

33 Clinton St. steam heat, bot water, steam beat; rent Wilbraham S1S in 6-room janitor services. Apply on premises or winter. Inq. John J.

Fish, summer, to Joba J. Shea. 864 North Tel. 3821. 476 Mai TO -Furnished room to young WO- St.

(S411) at man: 3 required. Call evenings TO Norwood and 5 rooms, all modern. 70 TO LET-60 Salem Apartment A2. (SSCO) St. (8388) steam beat.

L. H. Wellington Wilcox, 374 7 TO LET-2 unfurnished rooms, suitable TO Tel. 1608. Ma' for couple.

69 Byers St. (SS07) 58 Locust St. Tel. 9263-W. upper apartment.

(7705) TO LET-3 and TO LET-Furnisbed rooms, steam beat. TO LET-239 Mill 4-room tenement, to $10. 265 Walnut St. Jantor. Tel.

539 4-room flat, modern, F. Aglupas, 47 Seventh st. (SS36) all premises. modern: $15. See Samuel Brisk.

on TO 105 LET-4 Main rooms for light housekeeping. TO Tel. 2531. (7309) TO LET-51 Danmooreland St. (8800) LET-6 rooms, steam beat, hot water, house, 7 rooms, steam heat.

Tel. Ave. 32 Richelieu Ct. Tel. 5515-J.

(7497) (9312) To Let- -Board and Lodgings. TO ed. Apply LET-6-room 34 Wilcox dat. St. modern, steam heat- TO pleasant, LET only -Modern $18.

6-room Hawley upper, Locke TO LET -Large TO LET -Apartments. (7282) Main St. front room, with board, 1ng Blocks. R. Winthrop and Lor.

TO 42 Bay St. Tel. 4030-M. (9615) I. Pike, jan.

Tel. 3372-M. ready LET- Oct. 1. Attractive 38 Dresden room aparto LET -Room with board.

rent reason- (6623) St (8 able. Mrs. Shorey, 32 Cypress St. (9557) TO LET moreland -Now Ave. 6 or 8-room.

lower, 57 LET-Large front room on Arst floor, To Let--Forest Park. Tel. 8319-R. with board. Tel.

2348-R. 74 Temple St. TO LET--Upper tenement at 131 first-clase modern 6-room St. TO LET- -Board and (8003) oments. 17 St.

rooms at 623 Main 211 Belmont and Are. 19 Noel $18. Tuquire TO LET -Modern Tel. or 5082. Cortland St.

Tel. 1656-W. tenement. 5 ro (8950) rooms LET-Large, select attractively furnished TO LET-6 rooms. first door, TO Ave.

LET- Tel. or 7 rooms. 103 Massachusd (0679) and comfortable home. table Suite board, desirable 30 Forest Park Are. Tel.

9334-J. modern. (9600) 6052-W. (91 Hotel Kimball. 1, 52 (SOTS) Pearl TO LET-40 Wareham TO LET--New tenement, 54 Reed LET -Board and tage, modern, garden; reasonable.

t-room cot- quire 273 Pine upstairs. St. 37 Stebbins room. st. (673S) 2603-R.

(9520) Tel. TO LET-19 Ashley tenement. Goodenouzb St. 5-room, vate family. or couple, strictly pri- door.

steam beat, electric 6 lights. rooms on Bridge St. Tel: 6235. (9' WANTED-Lady TO LET-90 Grenada Goodenough, Forest Park. Phone everything 4997-W.

modera and (SS79) new, premises or Tel. 1615-M. Inq. (9560) on TO LET -Modern tenement. ond 5 rooms, TO elegant modern door.

51 Maynard St. Tel. 2111-1 nished LET- -Private family. front room, fur7364-R. 20 Palmer Are.

11 desired. Tel. 2062-M. (9TOS) TO Eastern lower tenem for two; board room upper tenement, $30. Tel.

SEE TO LET-90 Wilmont 7 rooms, med- rooms, modern. 92 Melrose. reasonable. LET- 26 l'atton board and room. cor.

Main. ern, new. Tel. (9572) TO LET-00 Melrose lower (7133) TO LET-160 4 rooms, modern. 92 Melrose.

(90 LET-I'rirate family, room and board. stucco house. Tel. Washington 2025-J. new TO LET-4-room modern steam-bea Tel.

7304-R. 20 Palmer Ave. (5343) TO LET-7-room apartment. Apply 917 State St. modern.

steam beat. 418 Belmont Ave. TO No. LET--Modern tenement of.7 roc lower tenement, all Tel. 3147-J.

(9570) 11 Belgrade Pl. Inquire of To Let- -Dwellings. TO LET Randall. 63 White St. (9: LET -New modern flat, cheap.

would Jine, modern: $20. 7-room Goodenough tenement, on Goode- car TO. LET -Pleasant balf house at 17 furnish; also cottage. 150 Quincy. (9550) nough, 165 Bridge St.

Tel. 6235. ford St. Tel. 2055-W after 4 p.

m- LET- New TO LET-23 Beaumont lower 7-room TO LET-87 Lebanon 6. rooms, The Stewart. Tel. apartments, 5 and 7 rooms, tenement, steum, electricity, all modern. tenement, all modern: 85 Lebano Room 406.

318 Main St. 5148. W. I. Metcalf.

(9347) rooms, lower, all modera, Inqui (8991) TO Federal St. rooms, all upper tenement of lower, Dr. Benin. Tel. 2122-W.

rooms, TO LET -Upstairs tenement of LET LET-274 Forest Park 8 modern. inquire Gridley. 15 modero. 14 Gunn Square, lacing 7 ro Sorrento St. (8054) TO LET -Sept.

1. 225 Belmont 6 rent $22. Ing. on premises, or Room LET looking rent. see Fest- rooms and bath, lower apartment, mod.

Court Square Theater. Bldg. wood Tel. Renting 0090. Room 208.

318 Main floors, etc. Tel. 1143-J. steam, hard (9295) rood TO LET-162 Bowles 7-room se ern, electricity, gas, TO LET-730 door tenement, steam, gas, set. LET-5 upper, mcdero tene.

rect Summer 7-room tene- bath. Inquire G. M. Stevens, 1:3 meat. Inq.

within or last bouse on Lawn- J. ment, $25 a month. Inquire Jobn Stu, or premises. $20. wood Longmeadow.

Tel. 8860. (8306) Fish, 476 Main St. Tel. 3821.

(9137) TO LET-4 rooms at: 160 CoNese St. LET -Small apartments, steam -heated TO ily LET -First door apartment of 2-fam- 46 Eastern Ave. Tel. 2182-M. flats and Hanlon modern 310 tenements.

Main Get St. list of district; steam beat; $23 per month. TO LET condition. -Modern 7-room upper, house, located highly restricted (9533) Tel. 7961.

(9114) Walnut St Tel sple To Let- -North TO fine LET--A 7-room tenant first for floor this apartment. exceptionally End. steam heat, electricity, TO Middleser LET-7-room St. Tel. upper.

5120. W. all mode', first-class Main, LET-5-room apartment, 104 North price appointments, on Washington Blvd. For TO LET-58 and 62 Chester steam heat, water. Inquire of and particulars call Phone 817S.

apartment, all modern improven Janitor. 'Tel. 3690-M. (9537) (9442) Inquire Alfred Labrie. 430 Mill St LET-4-room apartment, all modern, TO LET -Charming rurnished house.

$39. 6725-M. Inquire 54 Patton St. (9107) Address Home Comfort, Box 189, Union TO LET -Cor. A re.

LET--Modern 7-room tenement. In- Office. Tel. 5313. (9103) tenement, Wilbraham 6 rooms modero door.

8-mom Inquire 01 quire James F. Power. 93 Cass. On (940G) TO LET-4-room fat, kitchen fur- on nished. 075 Sumner Are.

Tel. Northampton Ave. Tel. FAM- R. modern.

Inquire upper 45 tenements, Linden 5 rooms, all (8900) TO LET 227 King 6-room flat, ada LET-2 St. (2414) TO LET-5-room $14 advance. (7A LET-410 Plainfield lower tene- den with bath, tenement. 7t separate and 78 Mal- TO LET-25-Lebanon St. new modern ment of 5 rooms; also 13 Clayton newly painted and papered; rent only ond door tenement, electricity and lates furnace, second 100r, All modern.

furnace beat. $18; Arst door: get busy. T. J. Sberidan.

Improvements. Inq. on premises. (941. on 5459-W.

premises 521 I'lainfeld St. Room 411, 31 Blin St. Tel 4399. (9345) TO LET -Modern 3-room apartments. LET-3-room apartment at the Ban- TO ern.

LET-74 Inq. 92 Crystal Melrose St. 6 rooms, (9098) mod- TO E. LET- Fenton, 3 264 and Main 4-room St: Tel. 4029.

(943 croft, 152 No. Main St. Inq. 134. (9222) beated LET-5-room TO LET-420 Sumner Are.

(this side of meats. Janitor, adults. Tel 2481-X St. modern, $16. 38 Dong- X).

7 rooms, upper tenement. Inquire (0219) premises. LET-Steam-heated apartment, ror. TO LET--Lower teuement, 8 large rooms, TO Union LET-5 St. Tel rooms, 3937-R.

modern, lower. $15. (7 1906-W. Main aud Cumberland Sts. Tel.

modern, separate entrances, 43 Scott St. (9102) Tel. 2153-R, or 4396-M. ($662) TO LET Wilbrabam -Upper Rd. fat, Inquire 7 404 rooms, mou' LET-Modern vewly decorated 7-room TO LET-5-room steamn-beated apartments, Rd.

Tel. 3272-J. Wilbra tenement. 25 Grove. Fox.

Tel. 5267-M. in finest the and Twin Arbor, at 143 Belmont (919S) being most desirable location, Just TO Maple Court, LET-8-room $30; 7 modern cottage. -Recently fumigated and thor- cupaucy sept. completed, 1.

will For he reservation ready for 00- tage, Spring St. rooms, other mMen renta ongbly Thomas cleaned, ask 5-room tenements. 38 now nt Albert Karp, 719, Belmont apply Ave. $12 up. Root, 435 Walnut for George I'rifts.

(0202) Tel. 7777-M. Tel to-date. 4 4 Eagle and 5-room janitor. apartments, up- TO LET 11at.

All modern, TO LET -Wellington strictly LET-2, (9136) (9204) aile l'ark. near the X. 467 Dick- 7-room upper tenement; $25. LET--New 5-room tenewent; elec- inson St. Tel.

G069-M. (TGOS) 5462-M. tricity. Cherrelyn off P'hoenix TO LET -Sept. 1, Modera, 5 rooms and TO LET--Some excellent 23 (9132) bath, third floor.

$15 per mouth. every convenience. Inq. Bell 1. LET-5-room tenement, all modern.

3930 W. Brown Brown. (7187) Delta, 10 Andrew St. Tel. 9273-M.

electricity. 550 Liberty St. (90-9) TO LET--New. modern tenement. TO Dickinson St.

LET -Apartments at 820 State Main and LET-Apartments, Greenwich. The Tel. looker, cor. of (7195) rooms. furnisbed or unfarnished; large TO I.FT-00 Keitb 8-rin.

house, 756 Apply to Reed Realty (0011) erm, steam. Thayer, 214 zh. Tel. 7079-M. State st.

Tel. 8230. LET--On S-room dat, Massasoit steam opp. Chapin 17700) TO -Lower. heat, new house.

TO LET -Modern 7-room upper tenement pledell St. Tel. 6 rooms, modern, John J. Fish. 476 Main St.

Tel. 80S Helmont Ave. Tel. 3836-J. (7014) LET -Tenement, 7 rooms, modern.

In- feld. Inq. 738 Sumner Are. modern, Tel. 86 8038-J.

Fair- $14. Inq 155 Tyler. (8972) TO LET-10-room house. TO LET-5 room upper tenement, 48 Massasoit St. (067S) (6793) TO LET-New TO LET-22 Cortland, 6-room ten apartments, 3 and rooms LET-8-room upper tenement.

6 rooms modern. Tel. 1600-R. improvements, kitchenets, '33 janitor Bancroft' service, modern 00 floor. 52 Wilmont.

Tel. 3302-J. (7843) St. Inquire TO LET- 8-room all LET-144 modern. Tel.

Tale lower, 7 premises. (9074) ment, park upper tene- 8164-J. in front of house, 2 LET-37 Thomas large G- season rooms fireplace, bot water during steam TO LET-5 rooms, all modern, -heated Inq. janitor or 3 minutes from X. 31 Trafton Rd.

door, Melrose cor. 2305-W (930S) (7338) Melrose $14. Tel. COC8-M. LET-11 apartment, Eagle 4-room steam- TO LET-4 and 5-room steam-heated and janitor service: continuous bot wa- To Let--Central.

menta. 156 Walnut St. TeL 2055-M. 3821. Inq.

Jobn J. Fish. 470 Main St. TO LET-42 rent $22 dL McGrath. (S971) whole or in part; steam, unfurnished electricity.

suite, TO ern. LET-3 new, $11 and and 4-room tenements, Maple LET -Lower tenement. 43 Ilebron St. (1610) $14. Easterr at The H.

I'. Stone Co. office, Lyman St. H. Stone, (8871) TO LET-2-room tenements, for light I TO LET -Large 7-room tenement, 101 housekeeping.

607 Main. 101 Massachusetts Are The Union each day. Help Wanted at Wanted The Union daily and look over the Help To Let a Take tenant down that spotted placard and assistance Several hundred men and women call Ads. If you need help--Advertise. through or Union roomer in the modern wa.

a classified advertise men Help Wanted -Men. Wanted--Miscellaneous. WANTE Jobs. $65 to $150 women, month get Government WANTED To buy a portable sawmill, TO LET To Let--Lodgings. To Let End.

of positions available. Franklin write for Insti- list is Lane or Chase, without the power, Chase tral, front room, very cou- TO LET-5-room tenement, To Let- Centra tute, Dept. 161R, Rochester, N. Y. preferred.

G. II. Osier, Eat Lee, (9007) Mass. trie light, to floor, gentlemen. steam Mrs.

heat and Howe. elec- 93 3d floor. 11 Hebron St. modern. (9279) TO LET-Upper second all (8425) roll-top desk.

Park St. Tel. 3099-M. (9832) TO LET -Lower tenement, large rooms; St. W.

I1. Lynch. 366 Water tenement, 6 month WANTED--Railway 2000 mail clerks, commence 6178-J. (0652) TO LET -Single room, 3 rooms for reasonable. 20 Clayton St.

(8910) 'Tel. ple examination appointments questions yearly: sam- WANTED -TYPEWRITING AND light bousekeeping, completely furnished. To LET-5 and 6-room tenements, all furnace LET-56 Holyoke 7-r TO fin Institute. Dept. 100R, free.

Rochester, Frank- N. Y. plicating. Facsimile typewriten letters DU- 67 Bliss St. (9334) modern: low rent.

14 Morgan St. beat, American ad (8424) for circular purposes specialty. TO LET -Furnished and light TO LET -Tenement, new WANTED--A CHAUFFEUR'S LICENSE. GALLAWAY'S. 374 Main St.

Tel. 3415. ing rooms. 27 Elliot St. Tel.

2417-W. housekeep- 82 Prospect St. Inquire 88. (0656) new block, janitor apartme service and up-to-date, TO LET-4-room 10 DRIVING LESSONS AT $1.50 EACH (406) (938G) TO LET--GB Mooreland 6 rooms, up- Tel. GETS IT AT PYNCIION ST.

(6494) watch. 200 Worthington Mausteld St. repair (6541) your TO LET-Light housekeeping and siren- per; $14. Inquire Armory. (9230) TO LET-2 WANTED -Have WANTED agents to caL vags city WANTED-Household ing rooms.

26 Bradford St. Tel. 3667-R. TO LET-5-room apurtmont, continuous steam beat; no t-room carfares. tener.

and outside territory on a furniture and office (9380) hot water. steam modern Improve- St. is a thington winner. C. F.

Adams 216 Wor- stuif ont of now the is attic the and time to elsewhere, get that bet- TO LET- -Pleasant furnished room. ments: $3 a week. Tel. 3794-M. ($570) TO specialty that Oxtures; St.

(6951) ter to family, private TO LET-52 Phoenix 1st 8-rooin LET-1834 and 183 turn it into cash. Call us. Benoit. near State St. 32 Thompson Nt.

tenements, 6 door tenements. with and Bremen: always reliable and fair. 571 Main St (9220) Falvey, 126 rooms each; modern. II. steam heated, just the plac struction given to obtain a license on Tel.

4189. TO LET-1 Ft. Pleasant Ave. (8285) ing house, would rent boilers; pumps and engines for the sta- furnished front room. 190 TO LET-444 Franklin 5 rooms, mod- Chestnut 3 rooms, al' dents to work on; given the practical Thompson St.

Tel. 1085-R. (9220) ern. Apply 20 Portland St. (8802) $16.

1105. E. T. Daris, 398 Bri work in the schoolroom op side valve Wanted-wellings. TO LET--In private residence.

TO takes setting; but Harris short Corliss engine valve; it WANTED--By woman and tion, large pleasant room, bath, fine phone. loca- second floor: best in steam city. dat, See Arst janitor, and TO LET -The LET-4-room, course; individual time attention to complete the room modern upper tenement. son, 4 with or ver- 5- 100 Mill St (9118) 16 Sheldon St. 67 ment, bot water, 74 BoylstBoylston.

dent; day and evening classes to now each stu- anda, for about $20, 'with beat furnished. TO LET Pleasant TO LET -Upper dat in 2-family Boylston St. ing; weekly payment Springfield forin- En- also arranged that it can be beated by keeping rooms, 70 single and light house- rooms, 6 on a door, all modern; house, ready TO LET -Modern gingering School, 41 Sharon St. (78:29) kitchen range. Tel.

2217-R. (9561) TO LET Byers St. (9078) Ort. 1. 72 Plainfield St.

(9586) Thyberg. 30 Longfellow tools. Box 326, rent Union farm with stock and home. 131 Oakland upstairs. room, private TO heat LET-9-room upper WANTED--To -Nicely furnished Help Office.

(9576) (8972) Tel. and electric light. 27 tenement, P'rospect steam Ter. TO fruit. LET- 171 -Tenements, Wanted- -Women.

WANTED -FOR RENT--Adult family TO LET -Comfortable rooms, $1.25 1253-W. (9543) Main, Wes' WANTED- Thoroughly wants modern 8 or 9-room house or clean, quiet, near arch. 37 Gray's Ave. TO LET-Modern 5- room tenement, TO LET -Best moder. up, on women's suits and experienced dressing, sales- apartment in 2-family house, near Maple, (8043) and hot water.

57 Sargeant. steam improvements, furnace understand and belp alterations, must 0043-W. Belinont or Dickinson St. car lines. Tel.

TO LET- newly furnished, also 1 TO LET-5-room apartment. 574 (0556) adults preferred. Inq. steady position; addresa stating experi- (9496) or 2 rooms for light housekreping, fur- cor. Bancroft; days free.

Chestnut, ence, references and salary, Box 303, WANTED- -Modern cottage, in city or sub- nished or not; references. 2117-R. 58 janitor. Apply to TO LET-9-room tenement Union Office. urb, Union with land for chickens.

Box 213, Spring St. (9052) TO LET--Upper (8833) second and third door suit. WANTED -Cooks, second office. (8864) TO LET-2 nicely furnished American adults. tenement.

6 rooms, to ing house. 41S Chestnut St eral girls, 30 Oak. Tel. 7408. and (9479) gen- rooms.

central. 102 State. (9058) TO North St. (8843) TO LET-152 Central St. 8-ro.

maids housekeeping 1180 WANTED -Good salesladies. Apply S. S. To Let Lodgings. TO LET- -Nicely furnished room, modern 155 Fulton.

-Modern Inquire 5. room there apartments at modern, on. car line, just al. LET Union mill- of children; -Position 69 companion Box can good (0462) 237. Union odice.

ac- WANTED- -Position as housekeeper (9444) stitution or private family or trust, Union can give good references. Ofice. work. care at WANTED -Dressmaking by day, $1.00, fitting. bowe; girls for sewing circle.

(9349) 603 P'lainfeld St. Tel position. baker, WANTED- position spectable American Protestant (9314) widower's home, by American preferable middle-aged lady; permanent habits to high wages. C. A.

while Acushnet Are. postmas- of WANTED -Position by 3 young (9209) general office girl or assistant years' keeper, with experience knowledge of typewriting. years' and best and Box 230, Union ofice. Address good experience; bome nights. elec- take any kind of (9094) Room write Mrs.

210 Main third 11. Ad- PI- WANTED-Position by capable young man, accurate at 6gures and a good man: can do typewriting. Miss (9177) Britton, Tilton. N. H.

WANTED--Position by 2 young girls would siring general housework in small for Ilies. Please call 135 Wilbraham Ches(9247) WANTED- -Position by all around mau, dress, cook and housekeeper, with experi- references. Box 231, Union Office. iron in- round WANTED- Position by a competent cook, best of references. Box ma- Union Office.

(8959) WANTED Position br widow Box (15) housekeeper or assistant, fine conk, baker, references: if possible wold like 17 ref- old daughter to room. Bor 211, Tel. 7603-R. (9022) Position as cook in small or ily. Write or call 02 Plainfield.

2082-R. MIDDLE- AGED AMERICAN (S950) wishes position at moderate wages driv. working housekeeper in small if Office. family. city or country.

Box 928, WANTED -Competent lacadress work to home. 255 Quincy St. 7402-R. (9003) post- Help Wanted -Men. F.

WANTED E. King -Experienced tobacco spearers. Son State Line. Conn. 200, or WANTED--Reliable agents and canvassers seasonable housebold goods 233 Instalments Main St.

Call Room 2, Agawam 7 to 10 8. and 4 ot p. 10. WANTED -Live. bustling agents bandle a quick -selling, D.

ritory house-to-bouse to lire necessity: exclusive wires. Apply 410 System 356 Main Springfield. en- at WANTED. -Cylinder press feeder: once. ARMS POCKET BOOK 86, Maas.

LEATHER NOVELTY Amberst, WANTED-2 energetic educated men of neat appearance as salesmen the biggest magazine premium offer the year; start $1S; chance to travel not quick as promotion essential to bustlers; experience willingness as good character Sales to P. work; F. call 8.30 mornings. Main St. Collier Sun, any (SS13) WANTED the -Young men, now 1s the driving; we are automobile the repairing only Springfield automobiles: giving lessons on up-to-date St tomobile Instruction given buy a warning factory' experts; we give automobile to schools; away from bargaio or money and time Just throwing away: all chauffeursare wanted hired by from the Cadillac Automobile us; ask any good chautfeur, they will soon tell you the in 503 place to learn is to go to Smith Bros.

State cor. of Oak St. Night WANTED-4 2d-class 8-br. shift. watchman, with license Exp.

gas engine operator. Soda clerk able to mix syrups. Young man, 18, in office. 1st-class Millwright and farmbend repair man $30 and Elderly man to work on farm. Man to pick tobacco $1 and Husky clerical chap as stock clerk.

Y. M. Spp C. "Bulletin" for fall list. A.

EMP. DEPT. TEL. 3320. WANTED Young man about 19 or own Fears old offce work; address and salary handwriting, expected.

giving Box age, 208, experience Union (9144) WANTED--AD experienced cleaner and spotter tablishment: take charge of dry cleaning state references and wages. The Hygienic Cleansers, Pavilion St. Hartford, Conn. (9116) J. Dooley WANTED-Horsesho*r.

good doorman. Son, 57 Race St, Hoiyoke. (9072) WANTED-2 Knowles or 3 fancy woolen weavers steady help and Crompton looms; only Somersville, need apply. Somersville Mfg. Conn.

(961S) special WANTED--Men to know that we bare and lighting class for the Delco Self-starting a class; few more instruction to All ont our September system; we have room for given by factory perts, and who have mastered the Delco from start finish; enrol now, remember, men Delco experience are in great demand. Smith Brothers, State St. (9030) WANTED -Baker to work nights alone on bread and pies; must be reliable and furnish references. Brattleboro Baking Brattleboro, It (9044) WANTED--A young man with some abil. ity as a detective Lox 328, Union Office.

(9521;) ing; WANTED- reference Good watchmaker, no engravOffice. required. Box 320, Union (9585) WANTED-Elderly man on small farm to do chores and milk; good home and small wages. Hagar, Reed Farm. Call after 5 p.

In. (8680) WANTED Good pay, light work; do want write us it? If quick. so, C. be R. our representative; Burr Co.

Nurserymeu, Manchester, Conn. (9030) WANTED-1000 young men to become proschool fessional chauffeurs; we bare opened our under new management and have all new cars and equipment; we have reduced the price of road lessons to $1 each; not short lessons on old sumn junks, but long lessons for the small equipped of $1 each, on 1014 electrically cars; road lessons given day and uight, start today, Fairbanks Auto School. 18 Fort St. (9289) WANTED--At once, 2 bushelmen. 175 (9651) By old established a young IDaD to operate multigraph and assist shipper: references required.

Box 296, Union Office. (9297) WANTED Catholic piano salesman. Box 275, Union Office. (9206) sion WANTED basis -Salesman to work on commisfor old established real estate firm: unusual opportunity to right party, with small amount of capital. to 88 buy a and side sell real estate ou speculation.

commission line, In addition to regular work. Box 201, Union Office. (9287) or care references. (9020) In inplace or Box 245, (9021) also cutting. 6819-M.

(5695) in reelderly Protestant position 100 (8984) lady as bookG references. (9032) work: Call or floor, (8951) penLillian (8966) defam- Are. good (8974) all210, (SS65) AS A1 Fears Union (8513) famTel. (SS20) WOMAN 'as congenial Union (9759) wishes Tel. (8011) Suf(9672) on to 6 (2660) to terBesse (9492) apply AND (9477) young on of and and 264 time and in 10- you your wt.

bd. ing. bd. 20 in pine field. mAn e8- on 5 work P.

prices: Tel. Union WANTED care Honch perta terbugs, 5331-J. Main new the bought, and 0. P. WANTED TO 10 dried tools; WANTEDsprings, metal Max WANTED OF BUGS SIONAL: TEED WANTED PAPER COUNTER FOR FOLDING MACHINE.

BIRNIE PAPER CO. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. WANTED cooking. for general housework. no side Swede preferred.

39 Morning(3564) WANTED- -Good opening in large office 8 young woman, over 16 age, high school graduate preferred; of Fears small salary to start with, quick addoor, rancement. "Inquire of Mr. Pease, 6th Myrick city. (3545) state WANTED Girl for general housework: dress experience and wages wanted. AdRox 314, Union Office.

(9481) WANTED- housework. -Competent woman for general 72 Temple. (9493) reined WANTED ladies -For for motion pictures, 5 bright, in local motion picture plays; splendid part training to take opportunity. Baker, director. studio ofAce 101, Kelsey Bldg, 204 Stain St.

(0344) poonS in WANTED--Young lady to work afterhigh office; good opportunity for school girl. Box 300, Union Office. (9393) WANTED- smart girls over 16 for 235 packing Mill, dept. foot Springfield Webbing of Maple St. (9340) WANTED- -Young lady bookkeeper, one willing to help wait on table.

Bor 249, Union Office. (9080) arch WANTED- Table. 73 boase. store girls. MonAgency, Spring St.

TeL 4920. WANTED--Every woman of (9010) to visit this this vicinity and wholesale millinery house see the large assortment of fall millivery at wholesale prices Outlet Millinery Elevator 374 Main Lyman Ridg. service. WANTED--Girls to learn millinery. I.a Mode Millinery, 169 Main St (8857) WANTED- Girl for general housework, small family.

Tel. 20-2, No. Wilbraham. (8827) WANTED- FOR GOVERNMENT CLERKSHIPS, $70 month; Springdeld examinations soon: specimen questions TO free. Franklin Institute, Dept.

6320. Rochester. N. Y. (2905) TO Wanted -Agents.

TO WANTED -Men ADd women, good, pay cAn be made. Towne, Photographer, 508 Main. TO (9272) Wanted -Miscellaneous. TO WANTED to take home and day's work. 17 Stockbridge St.

(9008) TO and WANTED delivered. Small box washings; called for Phone (9554) WANTED -One 2-cylinder Maxwell engine TO with good crank case to ase for re.10 or 12-h. p. F. L.

Hall, Elling. TO ton, Conn. (9497) WANTED -A good family to consider the adoption of a little girl, 5 years old; TO parentage open to inspection. Tel. 1-22 Ludlow.

(9397) WANTED- -Miss Pendergast, will reopen TO dressmaking 37 Windsor Sept. Grst-class work done. (9338) and cold water TO paint spraying. for factories. barns, celJars, Springfeld, Mass.


TEL. 5125-W. TO (8912) WANTED -Secondhand motorcycle tires, 25 Terrence St. ($854) TO WANTED ML Meacham. duplicating, Hotel Kimball, TeL (9144) WANTED--Sewing machines all kinds re.

TO paired; Orleans St. work guaranteed. Richards, 23 (8074) TO WANTED--About preferred, 50 cords alab wood, Bor 304, Union within 10 miles of SpringOffice. (9430) To WANTED--TO Feather buy old feather beds, Ger. I'.

0. Box 1458. (6703) WANTED--Cement Blocks made and laid TO Job, 16c. Tel. 2181 2 (7948) WANTED- work, all kinds made TO guaranteed.

Mrs. Ware, 24 Aubarn. (7711) TO feather Secondband also WANTED beds: I pay the bigbest cash Hampden sell before you see 119. don't Furniture 619 Main St. TO 9266.

(7195) cavation kinds of cement work, exWANTED--All or more on the expense. Tel The and grading. I'll save you 15! TO O. W. Peterson, 195 College St.

WANTED First (91SS) 1st TO nishings class second -hand fur. for 6 rooms: Atate price; all communications Office. confidential. Box 261, (9127) TO or elderly person to Aired; meadow for. St.

Tel, 1233-R. 1656 Long(7223) TO WANTED- WHY KEEP THEM? Griffin's Exterminator never falls; let ex- care rid your premises of roaches, 98 bedbugs; low cost. Phone College. (7521) TO WANTED-2-Inch chestnut plank and inch St. St.

basswood. C. L. Day, 204 (9296) North TO, sired. and WANTED--Highest prices paid for men's Tailor.

63 secondband Main St. clothing. Samuel TO (6572) water. WANTED--Spot cash paid for housebold TO new and secondhand furniture at mattresses sold or made exchanged; in all upbolstering TO Robertson, 142 Union St. Tel.

branches. 1249. at (6338) TO -Key fitting. saw filing. per Hacklife, 231 Main st.


(6753) TO by WANTED--Ladles' hand. Mrs. DOc, hair adults; Parker, 168 Bridge. rent (5830) money WANTED--Carpenters' aud machinists' TO loaned, 38-40 St. couple, (407) 50c.

38 Dwight cleaned, St. Open 50c; TO Watches evenings. bot (419) cellings; WANTED--Painting, and TO Miller. 261 special Eastera prices Are. this Tel.

inonth. 6904. keeping; TO RID PREMISES (6470) keeping. TO RATS. MICE.


3494. 0649) TO LET TO and "PLAZA." MODERN 2 3 and FURNISHED APARTMENTS. arranged for HOUSEKEEPING. From $4.00 to $10.00 per week. Tel.

2930. A. F. BUCKLER, 356 Belmont Ave. (404) TO LET-2 elegant front rooms, 1 side State room, st steam, bot water.

Brunelle, 55 TO LET-2 or 3 furnished (3637) for housekreping. 129 Catharine St. (9616) TO continuous LET-2 hot furnished water. housekeeping ruins, GO Sargeant. (9031) TO LET-174 Maple, pleasant rooms, modern; $1.50 $3.50 per week.

furnished (9505) TO R. I. LET Pike, -Rooms 714 for Main. light housekeeping. Tel.

3072-M. (9567) LET continuons -Furnished steam heated, TO family. G. E. bot S.

water, electricity, private 90 Westminster St. (9547) TO LET- -Furnished room, modern, 3799-w. family; gentleman. 33 High. Tel.

pri(8930) and LET- -Front room, with hall room TO can porch, also side room. board, Ameriphone. 37 family; Osgood gentlemen preferred; telest. (9550) TO bousekeeping LET--One large front room, 1 light room. 40 Sargeant St.

(SS46) TO LET--Furnished rooms for light bousekeeping. 31 Mattoon St. ed. light and kitchen, connectTO LET West Springfield. 32 Meadow (8753) housekeeping.

I keeping LET--Room with board, light houseTO rooms, 241 No. Main. TeL 3537-M. (8239) TO LET--Furnished flats, also rooms for light bousekeeping. Main St.

(8840) TO LET-2 nice furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 302 Belmont Ave. (932S) nicely furnished LET-LAWRENCE HALL, 29, TO or room for business woman. Tel. 1484-R.

(9162) -Furnished room ic family. 19 Webster St. Tel. 4657-MI. (9119) tel: under LET--Furnisbed new rooms, Aragon Ho up ovated; per rooms by the week $2 up.

50c newly Morrison, night; 177. hot Chestnut water. If rs. 11. thington.

pear (7990) WorSt, cove, sunny parlor with alI running water and porch. 2S Spring. (9300) Mrs. LET--Furnished room. 20 School St.

Knowles, Tel. 1484-J. (9292) nished LET-83 Northampton furroom, very pleasant. side LET room, -Front room, suitable for 2, also man preferred. modern Mrs.

conveniences; gentlePearl St. McDonald, (0310) 52 Fred 50 Bancroft St. pleasant front rooms. TO LET-Furnished (9271) LET--2 housekeeping. unfurnished rooms for light TO modern.

Pine St. (9290) conveniences. LET--Pleasant furnisbed room all 76 Temple St. (9122) LET-13 Mattoon front rooms, 3 TO windows, modern conveniences, sunny. (8006) LET -Single and double rooms ranning water, central Tel 91 Elliot St.

TO (8036) room. Salem St. furnished front LET-27 side room, steam heated. Tel. 1357.

(7702) LET--Room with steam beat. 120 TO Westminster St. (9266) ment. Address LET--Furnished Box rooms, swell apart2SS. Union Omice.

TO (9273) room LET- Front room, $2: also double dera. 91 with single beds. Mra. J. TO Spring St.

(7438) LET -Nice, light, airy furnished rooms. So. Also Main St. light housekeeping rooms. (7284) furnished LET--Very apartments desirable and 3-room TO city.

L. W. Dillon, 789 State, bath: Tel. best 5557-W. in (7656) TO LET -Large, well furnished rooms.

30 in Spring. Phone 755-R. (7381) LET -Homestead rooms, 10 Bliss. $1.50 TO week up; also housekeeping, laundry. (6399) LET--Large front room, running TO water, single rooms; best location 10 city.

45 Pearl St. Tel. 2648- W. (6902) St. LET-2 light housekeeping rooms.

$3 TO Bliss St. (6SFT) room LET-30 for 2, Maple, running large water, tarnished front TO steam. (9044) LET-12 Holyoke suite of light J. housekeeping rooms; also furnished room. (9014) private LET--Furnished family, room, bath connected, ferred.

Box 242, 1 or Colon 2 gentlemen (9024) pre- TO LET- Whitney, Rooms for light housekeeping. 14 Mattoon St. (9013) TO LET-1 large furnished front room, $16. Boor: furnished and 1 unfurnished TO Pease. room, 3d door.

29 Stebbins St. A. A. (7003) TO LET -Furnished rooms. board if denear Uendee's.

913 State. TO (0337) LET- Winchester Chambers, fur- Inq. aud rooms, bath: single or en sulte; light, Tel. mitted. 750 light housekeeping per.

State St. Tel. 8230. (6383) TO LET--Light rooms. 78 l'earl housekeeping and 41 and Biattoon fur- TO las (8867) private family.

rooms, 71 Oak board if de- No. LET- -Furnisbed TO Grove. (SS56) LET -Furnished rooms, bot and cold TO 90 Elliot St. Tel. 3922-R.

(CS26) LET-2 furnished housekeeping rooms per week. 536 Belmont (6133) TO $0 LET-3 per week. furnished 358 Belmont. housekeeping (6432) rooms LET-3 rooms, with private bath, $7 TO week. 356 Belmont.

(0443) LET -Rooms, board 11 desired; also TO housekeeping. 43 John St. (7679) St. LET- parlor Aud al- TO piano, electric light, steam, hot single suitable bedroom. for doctor or two people; Whitaker, 254 Pearl.

TO (6439) No. LET-: connecting rooms. 1 or furnished or steam; TO low; near Forest l'ark. Tel. 8147-W.

Inq. LET-Front room, central, single or 3821. with private family, steam heat. TO Box 224, Union Office. (8935) quire LET -Furnished rooms, continuous TO water, $1.50 up.

32 Holyoke St. and (7941) on up. rooms 614 for Main light Nt. Louse- TO LET--Furnished (96-0) steam LET-2 and 4 rooms for light hong Tel. 105 Main St.

(9676) TO -One large first door front room, heated large windows; rear first door ter and one third floor; all clean and month. furnished. 18 Vine second door Tel. Main St. Phone 7840.

(0382) TO -Nicely furnished room. All con- Inquire T1 Bliss St. Tel. 3746-M, (9384) 55.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.