The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A 7 26 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 29, '1915 Situations If to Want you. you Ads are Read ought out them to of be over of work, material carefully The each assistance Union day. Help Wanted at Wanted Several The Ads. Union hundred If daily you men and need look and help over women the -Advertise.

Help call To Let a Take through tenant down a or that Union roomer spotted in classified the placard modern and advertisem*nt. way- secure Lost and Found. 5c per Line per Day. Lost. LOST -Fox terrier puppy, black head, with brown marking, black tail; answers to name of Trix.

309 Central 45590 or 233. (9801) LOST -Bunch of keys; reward. IL. M. Pinney, 264 Maln.

(508) silver mesh bag on lolyoke-Springfleld car Wednesday, p. Office. reward. Write to Bor 419, Union (9889) LOST Gold watch, between Beverly St. and Training School Reward if returned to 110 Northampton Are, (9718) -Black and white.

spotted coach dog; reward for return. Tel. 2320. (503) evening on Longmeadow car, or on State St. to Maplo St.

to High lady's gold wrist watch: reward. Tel. 9090. ($093) LOST-Old-fashioned Inlaid locket, pietures iuside. A.

Lost, Main St. Reward. A boston terrier, brindle and white, to the name of Fetty, wearing a leather collar, trimmed with brass, with brass lock. Linder please return to 208 Chicopee St; receive reward. (9708) E.

Karp, 44 crank Palmer handle; Ave. Tel. rewnrd. 0223-W. Louis (9991) 108T-Package containing young man's suit, 256 Main St.

(1473) LOST -Between Tongmeadow and Springdeld, brown bostou bag, containing samples; reward. Tel. 5711-R (0372) LOST -A pair of brown fan -tall pigeons. Please Tel. 4700 or 1150.

Reward. FOUND. FOUND--A white and brown beagle hound bitch on Perryman farm in Peluam. Apply Geo. P.

Mackintosh, 42 Howard (507) Ludlow. FOUND--Monday night, bay mare, 1 white foot. Frank A. Thayer, livery stable, No. Wilbraham.

(0051) FOUND White for terrier. N. H. Cumwings, 40 Hanover West Springield. (981T) POUND--Set of earrings on St.

James Ave. car. 11 Gaild Ave. FOUND Lady's gold watch. J.

A. Picard, 75 Bradford. (9724) Situations Wanted -Men. 50 per Line per Day. WANTED -Boy of 16 wants situation, with board, room, is large and atrong; used to work, handy with tools; in preseat situation almost 2 years; best of references from present employers; no bad habits.

James Mitchell, 11 Lincoln Westtield, Mass. WANTED- By chef of long experience, position in hotel; good on meat and pastry; will go anywhere; best of references. Address "American," 111 Union St. (9503) keeping, copying or any clerical work to home by experienced bookkeeper, A1 references. Box 411.

Union Office. (9602) WANTED -Position of any kind by young man; 3 experieuce in general store work, 6 mouths' experience hardware store, 3 years' experience in Rhop work; clerical position preferred. Box 407, Union Office. (9793) WANTED--Position as private tutor for boys by competent young man; best references. Box 412, Union Office.

(9534) TANTED-Experienced lac man wants position, with chance to learn furnishInge. Box 401, Union Ofice, (9742) WANTED FAMILIAR POSITION WITH AS BOSS LARGE PAINT- AND SMALL CONTRACTS; ALSO CAPABLL OF ESTIMATING SAME. BOX 245, UNION OFFICE. -Salesman of ability and appearance is open for goud paying proposition; intervlew solcited; best credentals. Box Union Office.

(9026) WANTED--Position us window dresser, years' experience: can give best uf references. Box Union Office. (0490) WANTED--Au experlenced bookkeeper of Ability desires position, can also do stenographic work, thoroughly familiar with all branches of office work; will accept any clerical work; references on request. Address Box 375, Cuion Office. (0519) WANTED -Stenographer; thorouzbly CXperienced.

competent young mad uDquestionable references. Box 381, inion Office. (9004) WANTED- Situation, baker, good third hand, want work. bakery or restaurant, city or couutry. Box 350, Uniou Office.

(9341) -Position 85 meat cutter or grocery clerk; capable of managing or buying; yearn' best of references. Address L. S. Thompsoarille, Conn. (0547) WANTED salesman' wants chance to learn real estate business: references from present employer.

Box 363, Union ORice. WANTED--Experienced meat, cutter and grocery clerk, willing gO anywhere. Box 377, Union office. (0310) WANTED--By middlo-aged man, Position cabler iu restaurant. experienced, best of reference; bonds if required.

Box 814, Ofice. (1201) WANTED-1 or 2 more furnaces or boilers to care for. Address Box 337. Union Office. (9146) WANTED Chauffeur would like a good permanent position, can drive any make of car, driving Dow, but would like change, with elderly people preferred, bare had 8 years' experience, can furnish best of references from highest city officials.

Box 333, Union Office. (9100) WANTED--Position 89 bookkeeper or clerk; with slight experlence tu both; will start at very low salary. Address Ralph W. Boulger, Empire Hotel. (8937) WANTED--Light work or chores by 8.

temperate elderly man, neat and orderly; no tobacco; good worker; small wages; references. Address Box TO A R. F. D. No.

1, Orange, Mass. (8924) -By third-class engineer of 3 years' experience, 8 job either of runming or tiring; will 150 anywhere: Arst. class reference. Michael 123 Water Mass. (0253) WANTED- -Englueer, 1st-cl.

and master mechanic, desires position, textile mills preferred. Address 10 River North Adams, Mass. (000) Situations Wanted -Women. 50 per Line per Day. WANTED -Position A3 working or managing, housekeeper in widower's home; capable; full particulars in first letter.

Box 241, Union Office. (9773) WANTED small family; housework on Hill by preferred. Swedish 19 Ashley St. (9523) WANTED--Housekeeper for widower, elderly couple. invalid; work in Amali family, city or country.

by reliable middle-aged woman. Box 371, Union office. (9492) WANTED -Day work or cooking. Hill, Main St. Phore 2509-W.

(9601) WANTED -Position by youug lady bookkeeper and caabier with knowledge of typewriting; years' experience with DARt employer. Address Box 374, Union Office. (9526) WANTED -Dressmaking by the day, Tel. 7436-W. (8309) WANTED -Middle-aged American woman wants housework place, good cook, modPrate wages: reference.

74 Woodbridge South Hadley. (9138) retined young lady, a DoAition us second girl 10. a nice family. Tel. 3185-R.

(9123) WANTED--By neat, young girl, would like place a8 second girl. Goodrich St. (9103) WANTED- -Position by all-round cook, housekeeper and laundress; middle-aged; references. 83 Elliot St. (9012) girl, graduate of higb school, would like position; light office work preferred.

1249-R. (9251) American woman with 10 months' experience as house. keeper for man with 4 children, desires to keep house for widower with 1 or children; best references. Address Box 817, Union Office. (5850) FANTED-A position as an all around cook, hotel, restaurant or boarding house, city or country.

Inquire Mra. M. Barard, 190 Main West Springfield, Mass. (9042) WANTED--Housework or Any kind of work. Box 330, Union Office.

(9069) WANTED--By reliable woman, a position 88 bousekeeper. to. dodging house Box 884 Union Office (9100). Situations Wanted -Women, 5c per Line per Day. WANTED--A position 89 fitter in A AA partment store, by one of experience and a graduate of the McDowell School of Dressmaking and Designing.

Address BOx 188. Manchester Ceuter, (504) WANTED by German Ave. girl in squall family. Call Harrison (9053) WANTED--By widow, age 40, housekeeping position, in widower's family or bachelor, in or' Fery near city; best of reference. Box 427, Union Office.

(9980) ANTED--By neat, willing girl, general housework or second work. Inquire 60 Dawes upstairs. (9970) WANTED -By colored Technical High School girl afternoon work. Tel. 7402-R.

(9792) WANTED -Ladies entertaining, consult Mrs. Ross, she will arrange and cook. Box 322, Union Office. (9006) WANTED -Experienced copyist and 'accountant would like position as copyist or visiting secretary or part time. Box 325, Colon Office.

(9014) WANTED--Protestant woman would like to care for invalid or elderly people. Tel. 7456-J. (8042) WANTED -Experienced dressmaker wants few engagements by day for Norembor. Tel.

0092-J- evenings. (9512) WANTED -Hourework by Swedish girl. 83 Mooreland upper bell. (9800) WANTED middle-aged American womAn to assist with the housework, care elderly people: no B. 379 Central St, The Clifton.

($150) WANTED A first-class dressmaker from New York, a few engagements to KO out by the day; would work at home cutting and fitting, designing specialty; highest reference. 109 Pearl Tel. 3015- W. (0592) Reined American widow wants position as working housekceper In widower's family; Ane cook. capable and rellable: best of references given and required.

Box 327. Union Office. (0045) WANTED -Position 88 A housekeeper Sta- or care invalid. Box 2, tion, City. (9005) WANTED -Position 18 stenographer.

erperienced, faithful, competent; would assist generally in office: references. Address Box 864. Untou Orice. (8827) WANTED -Housework, kitchen work or care of children. Address 60 Bond St.

(8939) WANTED--Position br an American man as housekceper in widower's family In or near city, Box 390, Union Office. (9691) of school age, for widower or business. refined Protestant widow DOUR with daughter WANTED Position as housekeeper by family; references exchanged. Address J. W.

ti Springfield Springteld, Mass. Phone 4081-J. (9007) WANTED -American lady would like position as practical nurse or companion: would care for invalids or people. 460 State St. Tel.

392. Help Wanted -Men. 5c per Lino per Day. WANTED Warning to people who are Interested in the automobile driving and repairing to keep away from a number of fake automobile schools that have started in city: we start n. new class in repairing On 6- cylinder automobile Monday all day.

SMITH BROS. AUTO SCHOOL. Corner of Oak and State St. once, $1 a day. board good men, WANTED- more, good farmhands at J.

P. Bidwell Son, Bernardston, Mass. (511) WANTED -Blacksmiths, helpers, dropforgers, bardeners, braziers and welders to attend An open meeting under the auspices of the International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers at the Central Labor Union Hall, 21 Sanford on Sunday, 2 p. all union and non-union men of the ubore branches are urgeutly invited to attend. (502) WANTED FEEDER, -FIRST WHO CAN MAKE JOB PRESS HIS OWN JOBS READY.

MINOT PRINTING AND LINDING COMPANY, GREENFIELD. (9774) WANTED AUTOMATIC MACHINE OPERATORS On National, Acme Cleveland automatic screw machines producing parts for automobiles. Good wages and steady work for drst-class men. Address, F. W.

GRENACHE, Waltham, Masa. METZ COMPANY. (US8T) WANTED--Young lady for work; can keep books: state salary expected. Box 424, Union Office. (.941) WANTED -Boy to run errands, must be years old or older.

Address Box 430, Tinion office. (9995) WANTED -A retail store wishes to enrage an ambitious. vigoroua, courteous, thoroughly experienced retail canvassers. traveling wen or meD with only grocery, drug or cigar store experience kindly do not apply; applicants must be betn ecu 24 and 30 years of age; please rive full details of experience in first letier, stating kinds of merchandise handled and length of time in each po9ition; good salary to commence Address Box Union: Office, (0940) WANTUDBOY FOR AFTERNOON WORK. A HIGH SCHOOL PUPIL PREFERRED.

LASKEY'S, 368 MAIN. (9997) WANTED--New York art embroidery Arm wishes experienced salesman on cominisgion; one acquainted with- dry goods and art embroidery trade for State of Connecticut. Partridge Wilcox, 251 Church New York City. (9030) Good farm band; must be a good milker and teamster. H.

W. King. East Longmendow. (9871) WANTED Bricklayers, Belmont Ave. and Ken wood Ter.

J. J. Mack. Tel. (9803) carriage blacksmith and helper on automobile bodies: good wAges and steady work to the right man.

The Blue Ribbon Auto and Carriage Bridgeport, Conn, (9738) WANTED-2 experienced tailors, at once. Joseph Levine, Suttield, Conn. (9745) WANTED -Electricinns; inside wiremen for old house work. Elec. Palmer, Mass.

(9772) -First-class upholsterer, steady job to right party. Address Box Union Branch, Holyoke. (8735) and firemen, instruction given to obtain a license; practical work on bollers and alide valve engine and Corliss engine setting; it takes but A short time to complete the course; attention given to each student; day and evening classes now forming; weekly payment. Springfeld Engineering School. 41 Sharon St.

(8019) WANTEDIf you want to learn the automobile business, on up-to-date automobiles with call on u8. SMITH AUTO SCHOOL, Springfield, Pittsfield and liolyoke. (8448) WANTED-2 energetic educated young men aR salesmen on the biggest magazine club and premium offers of the age, start $18, chance to travel and quick promotion to hustlers, experience not as essential as good character and willingness to work. Call 8.30 a. m.

or 4 Sales P. F. Collier Son, 264 St. (9282) WANTED -2 power miller operators for night work, able to set up their own work; 2 tool and cutter grinders, day work; 1 internal and exterdal grinder, night work. Robert's Employment Bureall, Room 509, Besse Bldg.

Office open 8.30 n. m. to 2 p. to 5.30; Monday evening, D. m.

to 9 p. m. (9958) WANTED -We Make No Charge. Toolmakers. All- round machinists.

Welder. Inspector. CONN. VALLEY LABOR BUREAU, 11 Court House Pl. Tel.

1062. (9050) WANTED--Men for traveling position: exp. not needed. Bor, 872,, Union Offi: e. Help Wanted -Men.


172 Main St. THe Art Studio. (0992) WANTED--A bright, active boy, 16 years old or over, to act A8 page; apply to Mr. Long. Meekins, Packard Wheat, Ine.

(9972) WANTED--Experienced coatmaker. MI. Torff: 4 Sanford St. (9936) WANTED--A bright, young with experience in gent's furnishing apMr. Meekins, Packard Wheat, Inc.

WANTED makers, at once. Apply to Mr. J. Bennati, Haynes Company. (9967) WANTED -Experienced salesmen for good proposition.

Apply Cooley Hotel. N. J. Room B-18, 8 to 9 8. m.

and 12 to 1 r. m. (9950) WANTED -First-class gage maker, also first-clars lathe hand on tool work; give age, expected And previous places employment. P. 0.

Box 115, Springfield. (9957) WANTED JENNINGS 20TH CENTURY AUTO SCHOOL. Ladles or gentlemen, earn $18 to $25 per week; ask Jennings, he will show you how: come up to the big garage, 20 Oak always open; look us over. visit our work shops, Judge for yourself; see the 1916 models, high -grade cars; we teach you to drire and repair; don't throw vour money away learning all about a 1402 B. C.

car; we teach you the auto business from A to 7: our years of experience is at your service; prO will make you a Gray Davis electrical expert; special attention to the ledics. Jennings 20th Century Auto School, Big Garage, 20 Oak St. Springfeld, Mass. Phone 2315. Write, phone or call.

(9855) FOR ENGLAND. MACHINISTS, TOOLMAKERS. Must be thoroughly competent; Also viewers for aero engine work, large lathehands, small lathe machinists for vertical boring mills, machinists for capstan and turret lathes who must be able to set up their own machines; machinists to act as setters grinders, brass molders, also union lathe and coppersmiths for shipyard. For full particulars apply Box 231, Boston. (OST) WANTED MECHANICS GREAT tool turners, large and small latne hands, machinist for capstan and turret lathes able to set up their own machines, viewers for aero engine work, machinists to act as settersUp, grinders, brass molders, and machinists for vertical boring mills; must be British subjects or American citizens of British extraction.

Address G. P. 0. Bor 822, New York City. (9670) WANTED $75 month paid railway mall clerks, examinations announced Jan.

15; sample questiona free; write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 160H, Rochester, N. Y. (5315) WANTED and girls to earn their money selling Chadsey's davoring extracts and tooth paste; $3 to $3 per day easily enrned.

George Chadsey, Neptune New Londou, Coou. (9420) WANTED--Hand and automatic screw machine operators; 48-hour shop, no labor Apply Employment Agent, American Graphophone Bridgeport, Conn. (8902) WANTED -First -class tenmster, single, temperate. J. A.

Peeso, Belchertown, Mass. Tel. 10-2. (9049) WANTED operators, Hand and 48-hour automatic shop; screw labor Inano troubles. Apply employment agent, American Graphophone Company, Eridgeport, Conn.

(9672) WANTED -Experienced farmer. single, no dissipation. Box 405 Union Offce. (9836) WANTED -Musicians for non-union band with large bookings. Box 395, Union Office.

(9089) WANTED -A man for general farm work. Airs. A. P. Loomis, Feeding Hills.

(9754) WANTED-2 door boys, age 16. Johnson's Bookstore. (9721) WANTED--A furniture upholsterer. A. D.

Hoilts 35 Pine St. Court, Citv. (9833) WANTEI-Sheet metal workers on rooting. Apply Muller's Sheet Metal Works, 242 Worthington St. (9821) WANTED -Competent shoe salesman for Saturday afternoons and evenings.

Box 400. Inion Office. (9816) WANTED--Sales delivery man, an excellent opportunity for an energetic young man. Box 400, Union Office. (8815) WANTED-Plasterers.

Apply Room 507, Besse Besse Place. (9775) WANTED-10 young men for agency work, uew household article. 185 State second floor. (9613) WANTED -Shoemakers. United Shoe Repair 109 Worthington St.

(9658) WANTED--A young mun that understands the meat business. Box 353, Union ofice. (9011) WANTED--Railway mail clerks, $73 month: Springfeld examinations coming; write Immediately. Franklin Iustitute. Dept.

104H. Rochester, N. Y. (5314) WANTED -A1 machinists. Mechanical draftsman wk.

Steamfitter, with mfg. firm, Clerk, exp. on stock records. Exp. shipping clerk Y.

18, to learn moving picture opr. Y. 18-25, as cashier wk. Assemblers and milling inach. hands.

Boys for stores, offices and Y. M. C. A. END'.

DEPT. TEL. 3320. WANTED -Reliable boy, age between 15 and 18, $4 per week: call at once. Crystal Chemical 115 Bloomfield St.

(0805) WANTED--A CHAUFFEUR'S LICENSE: WE GET IT FOR $15 AND IN 4 DAYS BECAUSE WE DO NOTHING BUT TEACH DRIVING. REPAIRING AND LAW AT P'YNCHON ST. (5069) WANTEIA few Aret-class steamtitters. Apply Holyoke Valve aud Hydrant Holyoke. Maas.

($699) WANTED--Here's chance to learn; 50 ditferent professions, trades and vocations; wages, room, board, railroad ticket furnished by foIne of Co-operative Propositions." Write Aldis Owen Hall, Boston, Mass. (6629) (8915) WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN FOR HAT DEPARTMENT. 1 APPLY HARRY DANIEL, 277-279 MAIN ST. Help Wanted -Women. be per Idne per Day.

WANTED -Pastry Grove cook, Chicopee female Falls. preferred. (9794) WANTED- GIrl with good voice to sing in theater, good appearance will be quired. Box 871, Colou Office. (9844) WANTED -Housekeeper for small family 1u small house, middle-aged Protestant Woman preferred, good home, roferences exchanged.

Apply 134 Massachusetts Are. Phone 7392-M. (9823) WANTED -Competent girl or woman for general housework. Tel. 2112-M.

(9771) WANTED--Housekeeper for gentleman, one that 18 pleasant and agreeable; not over 45; piano player preferred. Box 878, Union Office. WANTED -Ladies, bring your own material and make your own dresses under the direction of experienced dressmaker, 2-hour lessons. Tel. 4687-W.

68 Pearl St. (0708) WANTED -General housekeeper, good home instead of high. wages Bor 429, 1 Union Office. 10990) Help Wanted -Women. 50 per Line per Day.

WANTED -Girls as helpers in our box shop. Morgan Department Envelope of Co. J'ine division. Stationery, (510) WANTED-Youug Protestant woman for housework and companion to valid, gool home as one of family. Box 431, Onion office.

(500) WANTED -Girl for housework. Room 26, Main St. Tel. 2702. (9900) WANTED- -Girl to do general housework and assist with cooking.

Mrs. Rice, 4040-R. (9921) WANTED -Ladies everywhere to sell "Nacco every family needs and will 11se them; splendid repeaters; salary and commission, steady employment. Address The National Chemical 1101 Chapel New Haven, Conn. "Nacco Products mean comfort In the home." (7778) WANTED- -Chambermald at once.

Washington Rooms, 187 Main St. (9740) WANTED Competent girl for general housework, mo family washing or ironing, good pay; references required. Tel. 177. (9060) WANTED -Young girl, 17 to 20 years of age, to help with the care of sinall children, good home for a good girl.

Box 426, Union Office. (9955) WANTED--House. table and store girls. Monarch Agency, 73 Spring St. Tel.

4920. (9875) -Experienced girl for general housework: no washing. Mrs. C. A.

Richmond, 37 Park St. Easthampton, Mass. (9883) WANTED -Mother's helper. Call on Mrs. John Gottesman.

270 Franklin St. (9520) WANTED -Experienced machine operator. Apply Hampden Knitting D06 South Main St. (9464) WANTED-Government jobs for women', $70 month, no la common sense education sufficient; list sitions now obtainable- rite Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept.

832L, Rochester, N. Y. (6192) WANTED- Every womin to visit this wholesale milinery house and compare our styles and Outlet Millinery 374 Main elevator service. (5803) WANTED Girls. Apply Springfield Webbing 235 Mill foot of Maple St.

(8324) WANTED- White coats cleansed, $1, guaranteed. Phone 7898. American Cleansere, Dyers and Tallors, 78 Pynchon St. (7905) Wanted -Agents. Sc per Line per Day.

WANTED- Manufacturer wants responsible general agent capable of organiz1ng and handling district sales force for the best gelling patented specialty In America; every electric light user needs it tremendous advertising campaign used in conjunction: write now aud secure exclusire territory: liberal profit. 1209 Candler 020 W. 42d New York. (9246) WANTED--Agents to Rel the beat patented article ever invented; sells wherever shown; agents making from $1 to $8 a day: CAD be carried in the pocket; get territory now. Address William Mass.

O'Connor, 174 Chandler Worcester, Wanted- -Miscellaneous. Sc per Line per WANTED--To buy your old shoes and clothes. B. Fein, Watershops Shoe Store. Tel.

0285-W. 484 Mill St. (9007) EXPERIENCED TEACHER will giro lessons In dressmaking: 35c lesson; bring Four dress and make it. Tel. 5084-M.

(9620) WANTED -Edgar E. Mead, dealer in R11- tique furniture; repairing and polishing A apecialty: I pay highest prices for furniture. 167 Hanco*ck St. (9762) -Secondhand machinery and secondhand belting; will pay high prices. Call 9542, Springfeld, Mass.

(9703) WANTED -Child to board: will receive best of care. Box 403, Union Omice. (9778) WANTED- buy chestnut woodlots for ties. Box 308, Union Office. (9474) WANTED -Dressmaking And remodeling of all kinds; also children's sewing done; prompt and reasonable.

Mrs. J. Costello, 159 Carew St. (9491) WANTED--Furs remodeled, repaired: old furs made over to look like new. M.

Ganss 53514 South Main St. Phone 7150 Opp. Metropolitan Furniture Co. (0175) WANTED- Trappers, WA buy furs. M.

'South Main St. Phone 7154 (9174) WANTED- Patients at Drummond Cottage, 52 Monmouth St. Tel. 8278. (9521) WANTED -Dressmaker will go out by day; best reference.

Tel. 8000-It. (0513) WANTED--To board 2 children. Box 809, Office. (0673) WANTED like Fur remodeling of all kinds, refernew, at lowest prices; ences, Forbes Wallace and other stores.

72 Main Chicopee Falls. (9514) WANTED- -Competent dressmaker would like to gO out by the day. M. M. Stewart, 29 Eddywood Ave.

Tel. 5854-M. (9515) -First-class watch repairing; railroad work a specialty. R. N.

Mansfield, 200 Worthington. (8322) WANTED -Plain and fancy dressmaking. Mrs. Corbin, 42 P'almer Are. Tel.



(6725) WANTED-Newman, painting and paper hanging, 28 Stafford St. Tel. 6831-R. Have Tonr rooms papered and painted, from $2.50 and up. (6724) WANTED- Your printing, 500 cards $1, circulars, labels, stationery, cheap.

Graham Press, 54 Taylor St. (6301) WANTED William George, special for ladies' dresses and general advice, 6 to 9 p. by appointment. Tel. 3132.

(6283) WANTED- -Household and offce furniture, estimates free: my many in this business and honest dealings have enabled Ine to meet all competition. Before selling or buying gee Benoit, 674 Main St. Phone 4189. WANTED -If your feet are troubling you, you feel miserable, consult Dr. Martin Brann, chiropodist, Room 303, Besse System Bldg.

Tel. 4263, for appointment. (SS01) WANTED -Men's new and Recondhand clothing: highest pricey paid. Samuel The Tailor, 73 Malo. Tel.

7675. (ST13) WANTED -Dressmaking work by day. Mrs. Wright, 85 P'earl St. Tel.

1069-W. (0319) WANTED -Painting, paperhanging and metal ceilluge, special prices this month. Max Miller, 204 Eastern Ave. Tel. 7731-W.

(0309) WANTED--Hemlock boards, 2x48, basswood, ash, pine. C. E. Day Lumber (o. (8660) WANTED--Your carpenter work, band sawing, wood turning; furniture called for, repaired and returned.

Shop at 1444 Catharine St. P'hone 7037. IC. A. Dunton.

(8306) WANTED -Child to board, with best of care. Tel. 527-R. (9075) WANTED- -Manicuring. massage, shunt327 Main St.

Tel. 9020. (6881) pooing and chiropody. M. L.

1 Lamont, WANTED--To let and carriages of kinds, also coaches for weddings, funorals, shopping, experience and careful drivers: also touring cars by day or bour. Marsh's Stables, 78 Park St. Tel. 238. (7921) WANTED -SECONDIIAND FURNITURE AND STOVES, ALL, KINDS.

HIGHEST PRICES PAID. HAMPDEN FURNITURE 619 MAIN. TEL. 9264. (5895) WANTED- Hair work, ali kinds made.

up; work guaranteed. Mrs. Ware. 24 Auburn. (7930) WANTED -Typewriting, duplicating copy.

ing. M. Meacham, Hotel Kimball. Tel. 2860.



NEW ENGLAND FURNITURE 583-585 MAIN ST. TEL. 5131-M. (4868) WANTED--I stop that leak, bulld, repair any kiud roofs. S.

E. Gardner, successor to H. S. Gardner, 10 Gunn Sc. Tel.

5604-W. (6505) TYPEWRITING AND DEplicating. Facsimile typewritten letters for circular purposes a specialty. GALLAWAY'S, St. Tel.

3415. (406) WANTED--Switches to make, 48 Main Suite 2. (8023) Dancing Teachers. 6c per Line per Day. PRIVATE LESSONS and private classes; reasonable prices.

Densmore. Tel. 4600-J. (4296) PRIVATE LESSONS and private classes by appointment. Tel.

3767-W. Miss Haynes. (7693) Music Trachers, Educational. 5c per Line per Day. NELLID CHRISTENSEN.

910 St. James Are. Tel. 920-M. Teacher of piano.

(9933) IRENE F. HANNAN, teacher of violin, 5 Federal St. Phone 6847-W. (8318) MANDOLIN CLUB PRACTISE. Dean's Mandolin Club resumes practise Monday evening Nov.

1. at 7.30 o'clock at Dean's Music Studios, Masonic 115 State St. Mandolin, guitar and banjo players are Invited to Join. (9350) MISS music DIARY BANCROFT, Jate director of N. Littleton College, Littleton, piano lessons day or evening: New Main England Conservatory method.

758 South St. (9467) MISS ELIZABETII GUILFOIL, teacher of pianoforte, private and class instruction: of graduate Music. of New Touraine England Conservatory 182 State Springtield, Mass. (8877) and HATTIE organ. MAY 155 MANLEY- Belmont Ave.

-Teacher Tel. of 2327-W. piano (6362) GEORGE S. BARRETT, teacher of pianoforte, beginners and advanced Faelten bystem. Studio, 615 Court Sq.

Bldg. (8761) EMILIE MUELLER HOPKINS, piano and harmony. 90 Everett St. TeL 4589-J. (5642) S.

C. ROBERTS. instructor, banjo, mandolin and guitar. 264 Maln St. (5687) THOS.

D. POWELL. rocal Instruction. 373 Central St. Tel.

1321. (485) TEACHER OF VIOLIN AND PIANO; violin 75c, piano 25c. 160 High St. (6237) MME. MARGARETHE VON MITZLAFF, 433 Chestnut St.

Teaches Art of Singing. (4019) BANJO, MANDOLIN, GUITAR. FRED F. GATCHELL, 625 MAIN ST. PHONE 3527.

(6408) Piano Tuners. Sc per Line per Day. PIANOS TUNED, $150, ANYWHERE: expert repairing: 22 years referNoel St. Phone 4807-W. (0043) ences on your street.

C. J. Fairfeld. 08 Musical Instruments. 5c per Line per Day.

FOR SALE cost $50 new; will sell cheap. Box 404, Union on Office. (9TSB) WILL SACRIFICE for cash, upright mahogany piauo; also music cabinet; perfect condition; call nfternoon and evening. 40 fligh, apartment 31. (8570) FOR SALE -Mahogany upright piano: little used; perfect condition: $300: no dealers.

Pox 343, Union office. (9262) CLOSING OUT DISCONTINUED STYLES! of rianos nt greatly reduced prices and on easy terms. N. W. Browu Plano 170 Bridge St, (5984) FOR SALE For private party, $325 piano, csed about 2 years, $165; 1 secondhand mah.

upright, in good condition, $115. N. W. Brown Plano 170 Bridge St. (5931) BEST IN SPRINGFIELD, Henry F.

Miller uprigbt and player pianos. N. W. Brown Piano 170 Bridge St. (5985) WANTED -Completely furnished apartment, 5 or.

6 rooms, central location. 7800, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

(9969) Wanted--Dwellings. 5c per Line per Day. WANTED -For man and wife, 4-room housekeeping apartment, well furnished, centrally located, in good residential section. Apply Room 515, Kimball Itotel. (9421) Wanted -Board and Lodgings.

5c per Line per Day. WANTED -Partial board and room by. refined young nan in private Catholic family. Bor 349, Onion Office. (9502) To Let-Lodgings.

5c per Line per Day. TO LET--Furnished room, with or without Tel board; heated. 704 Worthington St; 7372-M. (9885) TO LET--Furnished housekeeping rooms, range, privileges. 101 Culon, uear WilTO LET-45 brand new, clean.

sunny rooms, center of city, steam, hot, cold baths, all new furniture: day or week. Washington Rooms, 187 Main. (9747) TO LET -Large, sunny, attractire, wellheated front room; within minute's 62 Walk of Hotel Kimball, M. Parker, Pearl St. (8506) TO pleasant room, with kitebenet; also single rooms, steam beat, hot water, 14 Mattoon 8t.

and TS Spring. (9196) GOT TO MAIN LET -HOTEL EMPIRE INC. ST. TEL. 5170.

For a temporary or permanent home this hotel will meet your requirements at very moderate cost. $2.50 per week and up, use of bathi $4.00 per week and up, with bath 73e to $1.50 per day. 2 And 3-room suites for light housekerping. TO $1.25, $2 up a week, steam heat; also honsokerning rooms, reasonable. The Wilcox, 614 Main St.

(9984) TO LET--Pleasant, clean Runny rooms, also 2 connecting rooms. 15 Central st. (9973) TO LET-Pleasant room, private family. 168 No. Main St.

(9994) TO LET -Furnished light housekeeping rooms; steam, bot water. 57 Sargeant St. (0038) TO LET-27 Bradford pleasant furnished room; $1.60 per week. (0962) TO LET--Sunny Front room, steam, housekeeping privileges. Edson, 73 Spring St.

(0961) TO LET- Light housekeeping rooms. 61 Vernon St. (9989) TO LET -A furnished front room; modern, private family; references exchang. ed; gentlemen only. Box 123, Union (9033) TO LET- and "PLAZA." MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENTS.

2, 3 and 4 rooms, arranged for HOUSEKEEPING. From $4.00 to $10.00 per week. A. D. BUCKLER Tel.

2080. 356 Belmont, Are. (404) TO LETNEW HAYNES HOTEL 50 rooms upward 50 rooms $1.25 up, with bath few permanent guests accommodated. SPECIAL RATES. (8107) TO LET-Pleasant furniabed rooms at 89 Belmont board desired.

Tel. 7462-M. (9919) TO LET- -Pleasant front room, Rtenm heat. Atking, 34- Salem St. (8920) 0 To Let-Lodgings.

50 per Line per Day. TO Dinin LET -Furnished room, steam heat. 77 St. (9859) furuished room. entrance to Forest Park, a 'Tel.

6301-M. (9906) TO rooms. LET--Large furnished Inquire 116 Carew, upper steam-heated bell. TO furniture LET-4-room very furnished dat: will sell (9347) ter Ree it. 15 cheap, on easy terms: betWinthrop St.

(9750) TO objection LET--Pleasant to light furnished housekeeping; room heat a no phone. 521 State St. and (9781) TO LET-? housekeeping, and 3 steam rooms, furnished, light heat. State. (9038) TO for LET--44 Myrtle A furnished rooms bousekceping, gas range, steam heat.

(9536) TO LET -Pleasant furnished room, electricity, etc. J. C. Moore, 11 Wilcox. (0662) TO would LET--American widow of refinement rent steam heated front room to American gentleman with best of references: Address 110 Box other roomers; central location.

387, Union Office. (0657) TO LET -Large room, suitable for 2. home privileges, in small family, near Winchester Sq. Tel. 5604-I.

(9511) TO LET furnished room, steam heat, privileges. 758 South Main St. (9468) TO LET-Rooms, steam, hot water, $1.50 up. 437 Main. (9344) TO LET-Nicely furnished rooms.

all improvements. 71 Bliss St. Tel. 3746-M. (9272) TO LET--Furnished room, central location.

Tel. 3344-M. 32 Temple. (9333) TO LET -Large, furnished, in room, Forest opposite bath, section. in private family, Park Tel.

7918-R. (9332) TO LET-We mote baggage from house to bouse. Springfold Baggage Transfer, Tinion Station. Phone 441. (9331) TO LETOne nice large front room: also one small room.

31 Church St. (9584) TO LET-Comfortable rooms, $1 up, steam, also housekeeping, central. 37 Gray's Ave. (9599) TO LET --185 Chestnut (2 blocks from postoffice). newly furnished rooms, baths, steam; $2 to $4.

(9313) TO LET-Furnished room, upstairs. Ring bell 4, 20 School St. Tel. 1481-J. (9666) TO LET-Large steam-beated light housekeeping room.

Tel. 2338-M. Clinton St. (9053) TO LET-3 furnished rooms for housekeeping: heat, bath, gas for cooking: $5 per week, 183 Johnson St. (0793) TO LET--Two furnished rooms, one for housekeeping, bot and cold water.

78 Spring St. (9831) TO LET--To adulte, 2 or 3 furnisbed rooms; steam heat, electric lights, with privilege of kitchen, set tubs, etc. H. Balley, 1089 Worthington St. Tel.

(9S29) TO LET--Front square parlor, with bath, off ball. to one or two youug men. Single, $2.50. Tilson, 33 Alfred St. (9810) TO LET--Large furnisbed front room, 2d floor, private family.

Spring St. TO LET front room, suitable for light housekeeping. 674 Main St. (8022) TO LET -Rooms, furnished, for housekeeping; bath, 41 Huntington St. (8993) TO LET--Furnished apartment, 2 and 3 rooms, bath, Irst-class furniture, crockery, silverware, cooking utensils, linen, laundry privileges, best in city: rates moderate.

L. W. Dillon, 789 State St. Tel. 6557-W.

(9031) TO LET--Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 89 Bridge 2d foor. (9025) TO gentlemen. LET--Furnished 67 front room for 1 or Bradford St. TO LET-2 steam-heated rooms at 180 Union St.

(9471) LET-2 furnished rooms, beat and bath. 27 Montmorend St. (9031) TO LET- Rooms, with steam and hot water, $2.25 up. Hooker Hall; restaurant in building. 261 No.

Main near All Brightwood shops. Tel. 4015-W. (9737) TO Forest LET--Nice Park, in room, for gentlemen, in private family. Tel.

4912. (9713) TO -Large light housekeeplag room, running water, steum. 21 Seventh. (9703) TO LET -Furnished room in private fam1ly. Mrs.

C. A. Morton, 36 Bradford st. (9701) TO LET -Large pleasant room, 3 windows, for 1 or 2 ladles, near Hill schools, 15 minutes' walk to Court Sq. 414 Union lower bell.

Tel. 6221-J. (9252) TO LET-Good home for Mittineague school teachers. Address 88 Nelson St. (7707) TO LET--Furnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat, bot and cold water.

60 Sargeant. (7786) TO LET-1 or 2 roome, fur. or steam beat, Park section. 'Tel. 8147-W.

(8419) TO LET--2 large well furnished front rooms, in family of 2, near Bright wood shops; gentlemen only. The Hooker Apartinents, 2d floor, 7 Greenwich St. Tel. (7289) TO, LET-302 Belmont 0 or 3 furnisbed housekeeping rooms; steam heat. (0757) TO LET--Winchester Champerg, large, light rooms, care, light and bath; cial section reserved for bt housekeeping permitted.

Reed Realty Trust, 780 State St. Tel 5230. (5842) TO LET--Furnished rooms, steam beat, private family. 01 Charles St. (8164) TO LET-2 furnished nonsekeeping rooms TO LET -Furnished room.

49 Mapledell St. Tel. 8397-R. Call evenings. (5746) at per week.

356 Belmont. (8133) TO LET-3 rooms. with private bath, per week. 840 Belmont. (6445) TO LET-3 furnisbed housekeeping rooms at $3 per week.

350 Belmont. (6132) TO LET-62 Temple furnished room, modern conveniences. (8424) TO LET--Pleasant furniabed room at 54 Locust private family. (9130) TO LET rooms, steam beat, use of phone, 81 Bliss St. (8900) TO LET -Furnisbed rooms, also house.

keeping, $2.50 per week and up. 27 Bliss, (7595) TO LET-30 Maple 2 nicely furnished rooms, private bath, steam. (7846) TO LET-Furnished fats, also rooms for light bousekeeping. Main St. (7350) To Let--Board and Lodgings.

Sc 'per Line per Day. TO LET- -Small children to hoard, good home fu the country: references. Address Box 870, Union Office. (9733) TO LET--Board and room for gentleman. private family.

50 Buckingham near Winchester Sq. Tel. 7287. (9696) TO LET-Large front room and smaller connecting one, with board. to 2 people, steam heat, private family; $13 per week.

Tel. 1735-M. (9055) TO LET steam, bath; board, home cooking. Phone 7235-J. 51 Sargeant St.

(9637) TO LET -Large, furnished, steam-heated room; breakfast or, light housekeeping if desired. P'hone or TO LET -Attractive room. 1 or 2 girls, privileges; board near. 28 Woodside Tor. Tel.

(2324) TO -Fine rooms and hoard near IlIl1 Shops. Tel. 1616-J. 137 Lebanon, (0330) TO -Room with board in private home. Tel.

81 St. James Ave. TO LET-Desirable room with board. 21 Hawley Winchester Sq. (9619) TO LET -Room and board, private family.

20 Palmer Ave. Tel. 7364-R. 18413) TO LET--Furnished room with board; also table boarders. 46 Beach.

Tel. 3087-R. (8155) To Let- Table Board. 5c per Line per Day. TO LET--Wholesome and desirable table board; home cooking.

Heron, 52 l'earl. (9456) TO LET-Table board, 5 minutes from Main 8t. Mre. Pearl St. (7129) To Let-Dwellings.

Sc per Idno per Day. TO LET--New Steam -Heated Apartments, Cor. Bay and Sherman, Groom 16 and 34 Orange 4-5-6 to $29 43 Warriner rooms LO0-STO Pearl 5-6 rooms $30 to $35 Cor. State and Terrence 5 rooms Also :08 Orange 7 rooms, steam beat 128 Commonwealth 2d, 3d $17 63 Center single cottage $22 Edward Hadding, G. William Bailey, Stearns Bldg.

Tel. 0531. (9455) TO LET--Cottage and barn. 15 Merrick Merrick, Mass. (9429) TO LET-83 High 4 large pleasant -heated rooms! $29; 62 Avon large, pleasant, steam -heated rooms, $30.

F. W. lovey, 52 High St. Tel. 3226- W.

(9985) TO Rittenhouse 6 rooms on floor, new and modern, lower Kensington lower, 7 rooms Kimberly lower, rooms, Sumner upper, 7 rooms, Wilmont upper, 8 rooms 'Allen lower, 4 roonis Virginia 0-room cottage Washington 8 rooms, upper, gas range and heater $30 to adults Wilbrabam lower, 7 rooms Sumner lower, 7 rooms White 5-room $20 ASHLEY PETERSON. 307 Main St. Tel. 7984. (9603) TO LET-6-room cottage, modern, $20.

In city limits: also 4-room aud 5-room fats, modern. Tel. 6691. (9367) TO rooms, LET electric Center, upper, lights, city water. J.

M. Hamilton. TO LET-8-room cottage with large barn, henhouse, orchard and 12 acres of land. Mrs. C.

S. Moore, 9 Howard Holyoke. (9814) TO LETPlainfield 4. rooms, $11 to $12. Willard upper, IDOderD, 6 rooms.

Wilbraham 2d door, 5 modern, HAWLEY LOCKE, 381 Main St. (9840) TO LET-5-room lower G-room upper $19 4-1'00m lower $18 11-room cottage $40 REED REALTY TRUST. Tel. 8230. 786 State St.

(TRAIN TO LET-202 Walnut 5 198 Walnut rooms, lower upper. 14 366 Walnut 8-room cottage HEALEY HEALEY, 327 Main St. (9201) TO LETSTEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS. 01 rooms, furnished $20 to $29 rooms, furnisbed $33 rooms. furnisbed $42 rooms, unfurnisbed to $40 REED REALTY TRUST.

Tel. 8230. 786 State St. (5843) TO fats and LET--Small modern apartments, tenements. steam list of J.

Wm. Hanlon 310 Main St. (9533) To Let--Furnished Dwellings. per Line per Day. TO LITE furnished fat, very reasonable.

15 Winthrop St TO LET-5-room furnished, steam heat. State st. To Let- -North End. 5c per Line per Day. TO LET-4-room fats, modern.

M1. No. Main St. (9364) TO LET-4, 5, 6 and 7-room tenements, also steam flat. all modern; reut $14 up.

Inquire Geo. W. McQueen, 46 Thomas St. (8785) TO LET-2 nice, steam-beated, front rooms And kitchen: $3 birs. Legotsky, 620 No.

Main St. (9293) TO LETEMERY STREET. Seven Rooms $10.00. HARRY F. BARRETT 318 Main St.

Tel. 514S. (9200) TO LET-4-room modern tenement, $14.70 month. Apply 427 Plainfeld St. (8040) TO LET-5-room lower, 656 Chestnut near Calhoun Park.

(9350) TO LET-5 large rooms. 29 Desmond st. Brightwood. TO LET-25 Mooreland 5-room lower tenement; $15. Inquire 582 Armory St.

(9038) TO LET--A modern upstairs tenement. 51 Calhoun. Inquire downstairs, (9315) TO LET-4 Donald 4-room moderu tenement, $14. Tel. 1470-J.

(9017) TO LET-5-room modern tenement. 123 Tenth St. Call 57 Tenth St. (9811) TO LET-6-room tenements on Jefferson modern, fret month free. Tol.

4022-W. (9:52) TO LAT-6-room modern tenement. 29 Auburn St. Tel. 7724-J.

(8716) TO LET-3 rooms. lower apartment. 30 Grosrenor modern. Inquire Allen Webster, Fuller Room 30S. Tel.

129. (8494) TO LET-First-class 6 and 6-room apartmenta, 574 Chestaut corner Bancroft. Apply to janitor. (8311) TO LET-5-room tenement, all modern 899 Birnie Are. Tel.

0349-W. TO LET-5-room tenement, 18 Carew Place, $14. Call 84 Carew or Tel. 6985-M. (6515) TO LET- Upper tenement of 5 rooms, partly modern, 158 Carew, near Chestnut.

Inquire 147 Tenth between 6 and 8 D. n. 19728). TO LET- -A 7-room modern tenement, drst floor. 47 Church St.

Tel. 5339-R. (7975) TO LET-4 rooms, modern, 834 Carew near Liberty, $12.50, new. (7135) TO LET -Tenement of 7 rooms At 49 A1- lendale modern. Inquire 473 Cheatnut St.

Tel. 4741-W. (6393) TO LET-1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, steam heat. Er. Lefevre, 172 Carew St.

Tel. 3458-M. (6004) TO LET LET-5-room apper tenement, mode erd. Prospect Ter. Tel.

7714-k. TO LET-71 Everett 6-room lower tenement, modern. (9348) TO LET-4-room tenement, all modern, $15. 57 Abbe Ave. (7163) TO LET- -Tenement, 43 Medford all modern.

Inquire Mrs. N. 35 Medford st. (9505) TO LET-513 Plainfeld St: 1 6-room 6-room tenement tenements $18 $14 3-room tenement $10 Tel. 0133-J.

(7950) TO LET-4-room apartment, furnace beat, all conveniences, 8 Massasoit St. Inquire Bernhard Radding, 657 Main st. Tel. 5420. (7788) TO LET -Modern 3 and 4-room apartmenta, steam -heated.

cor. Bond and North Sts. Inquire janitor, 98 Bond. (7796) ro LET-5 rooms, modern, gurden. Brightwood.

Phone 1660-1. (9322) TO LET-4-room tenement, 62 Laurel Ave. Inquire downstairs: (8087) TO LET -Apartment, Cumberland. 5 rooms, steam beat. Inquire Swaine, 30 Cyprees Ct.

(7983) TO apartment, and $22: 6-room apartment, $19 and $23: heat, hot water. 37 Thomas St. Tel. 8215-M. (7551) TO LET-1211 North 5-room modern tenement.

Inq. 1267 North St. (7896) TO LET-6 All modern. 75 Sargeant St. Tel.

1320-R. (6470) TO LET-53 Bradford, 3 and 4-room data, steam and hot water year around. Tel. TO LETAT THE NEW BANCROFT. 4 AND 8- ROOM APARTMENTS.

152 NO. MAIN ST. TEL. 8471. (5634) TO Plainfeld, 5-room tenement.

with garage, Inq. 91 Eastern Ave. (9790) TO LET-3 and 4-room apartments, steam beat. 28 Montmorenci St. Tel.

2018. (5649) TO LET-27 John 6-room modern tenement, third door. Apply downstairs. (9555) TO LET-5-room tenement, all modern, ront $15, 267 No. Main in the heart of ood phon district.

(8003)) Has Pi i.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.