The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 18. 1914 IF you are out of workteri. Union at Several The Union daily men and look over women, Help To Let tenant or roomer in the modern wayhundred and call Take down that spotted placard and secure Situations to Want you. Ad3 Read ought them to be over carefully each assistance day.

Help Wanted Wanted Ads. If you need help -Advertise. through a Union classified advertisem*nt. Lost and Found. Situations Wanted-Women.

Help Wanted -Men. WANTED- Wanted- Hair work. all binds made up; -Miscellaneous. 1.06t Vine St. (9921) WANTED- (7223) WANTED--Work, Work, washings, etc.

Call 58 work guaranteed. Mrs. Ware. 24 Auburn, High School pin marked WANTED--Girl of 21 wants to -do EXPERIENCED POWER CUTTER. WANTED--To do your roofng: slate.

bouseLOST -Technical between The Mirror and small family or work, MILTON BRADLEY COMPANY. bestos and galvauized abingles. John A. A. G.

8. '17. Ave. Reward. Tel.

4713-3. city or country; reference. Call or (1021) Dupuis, 590 Broadway Chicopee Massachusetts 112-S) write 200 P'endleton Ave. (1205) WANTED- -Good shoemaker. 188 Chestnut Falls, Mass.

House phoue 191-R. (8382) cars and screw WANTED- -Washings by American wom- (1019) WANTED--Invalid's roller chair: write -T- FemAlo doz, bat hind legs, tail and an, large baskets done, 50c, called for. WANTED-5 carpenters, also 4 appren- width and price. S. L.

31 Dexter brindle spots on side. Busteru Ave. plane WANTED -Work by the day or laundry tices with 1. building. to 2.

years' Hampden experience Fit- on prires all except 59 Willow. (1287) St. (1110) (1264) to take home. Tel. 3036-J.

(1256) ting 30 Sanford St. (919) for secondhand furniture. North Cal B. J. Neylon, 112 house WANTED -We highest cash King WANTED -Work br a reliable woman at Furniture Main St.

Tel. (1092) 7SGO. 1. Milkman's account bonk Reward if re- housework or by day. Addregs Box at ed to 117 Norfolk -Practical nurse wants care of called for and delivered free in city.

and railroad tracks. Nt. (1067) Union Office. (1235) Help Wanted -Women. WANTED- mowers sparpened, $1.00, T.

chain with locket, Tu Plaintield WANTED eick. boine for one man. Call WANTED Protestant woman, 18 Perking Appliance machinists, 539 Finder please return and St, receire City. Ter or aged or phone 093-W. or erenings, 7 to 8.

girl preferred. housework, no Address washing; Box 733, Worthington St. Phone 600. (7155) ward. Hayes, 000 (1130) Nurse.

329 Walnut St. (1125) try Union Office. (1297) WANTED--Secondhand furniture aud LOST Small white ire woul shawl, boder WANTED--Position by respectable house- middle WANTED -Competent general housework prices. Pallot Furniture 152 and 154 feather beda: will pay the bighest cash please telephone (1036) American for widower woman. or positiou would 18 care for girl: must be willing to gO to the sea- Bridge "st.

Tel. 6046. (9405) LOST -Sunday. black anti white cat. St elderly couple.

Address Box 742, Union 'Ter. shore, Tel. Mrs. 6814-M. (1293) WANTED -T.

A. Gagliarducci, general E. Stone. 138 Dartmouth Finder please return to 158 College (850) Office. (1087) for agricultural and landscape gardener, Reward given.

WANTED -BY experienced dressmaker, WANTED--At ouce, woman geueral housecleaning. 246 Mill St. Tel. 3914-R. work at home or by day, for the re- housework.

L. Noses. West (9098) mainder of June and July. Box G60, Monson, Mast (1200) WANTED -TO BUY SECONDHAND FURSituations Wanted -Men. Union ofice.

(9984) WANTED -At A once, 2 chambermaids. NITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS; WANTED- Situation on farm by single WANTED -Situation 88 housekeeper for St. ANY OTHER BUYER; SEE ME BEfor waitresses. Monarch Agency, 73 Spring WILL POSITIVELY PAY MORE THAN American; general experience; 567, perma- Union widow or 10 elderly couple, country. or to Mrs.

care James over 18 to work in bind- FORE DISPOSING. pent place preferred. Box (1245) In Dow, valid. 786 State or Springfeld, Mass. Pry.

Springfield Printing and Binding CASPER PALLOT, Offce. (9913) Co. (1214) 103 STAIN WANTED- rienced driving and repairing; good ref- WANTED Work to tabe home br frat- TEL. 1717. (7242) A position as chauffeur; expe- COR.

GREENWOOD. crences. Tel. 1548 or Box 714, Union of- class laundress. Vaughan, 151 Hanco*ck WANTED--To save you from $25 to $50 dit.

(1254) St (635) four cellar by using guaranteed by youug mAn, coat 5 WANTED- Position by trained nurse, rea- OF PACKING ROOM IN BUTTON cement blocks. J. H. Ricbardson, (7903) 351 TO TAKE CHARGE Sears' WANTED--Situation experience in bookkeeping. sonable price.

Tel. 3380. (871) Hampden Chicopee. Tel 337-W. production work and general Union man- young woman destres posi- AND FACTORY; CLERICAL ONE WITH ARILITY EXECUTIVE WANTED- Typewriter: must be in good Orice.

as or woman. Address Box 710. Union Of- AND GOOD PAY. WANTED- BArn with 2 stalls. Inquire J.

experience. Box 707. (1165) tion as competent nurse for elderly A wan FERRED: PERMANENT condition. Box 695, Union Office. (697) WANTED--Situation by a young man 1p fire.

(S45) MFG. CO, SUPERIOR CITY. F. Flood. 285 Central St.

(9942) forewad 63 of blewatizing. Box 758 Of- WANTED -Engagements by practical (1203) WANTED- WILY KEEP THEM? Griffin's stockroom; ex (1181) nurse. BOX 706. Union Office. (524) Roach Exterminator, never falls; let dry WANTED -A position AS a competent WANTED -20 canvassers at once: steads perta rid your premises of roaches, waWANTED--A position tu store botel or or summer pursemald or second girl; ref- work; no selling; salary and commis- 162 terbugs, bedbugs; low cost.

Phone goods store or caudy age erences. Box 648. Union Office. (9927) sion. Sperry Hutchinson 5331- os College.

(517) resort by experienced young Office. (1169) aged Bridge St. (1246) 19. Address Box 754, first -class cook And by 8 laundresa; party WANTED -In Rutland, a girl under Union WANTED -Situation middle WANTED- position by. Box a Arst-class Union must pay carfare.

Krause Grocery 10 1p for center general of housework; a small modern house Wanted- -Dwellings. painter and paperbanger. (11TS) Store, 248 Water St. 1520) good to village, capable and woman who can WANTED The Westwood Renting Co. Office.

WANTED -Young girl would like to wages references. a Address Box 222, Rut- will rent Jour bouse quickly. 318 Main WANTED--A window and Interior to summer regort with family and take give land, Mass. (1154) St. (782) rator, stores, balls, weddings, etc.

(1179) care of child. Address Box 732, Union WANTED--A young girl for light house- WANTED -Tenement, with barn. Inquire rator, 48 Rochelle Clay. Ofire, or call A after 5.30 8564-R. (977) Fairmount st.

Tel. J. J. Manning, 319 Massasoit Bldg. Position as second Address class Bor eugi- 12, WANTED position in the refined home where widow.

she desires CAN (1167) WANTED in all parts of (9943) the Inion Oftue, Ilolyoke. make herself useful: pleasant home more WANTED -Frat class wAitress at once, neer, good repairs. city: have applicants waiting. Tel. 3032-W.

WANTED--Position in hotel, general work, desired than high wages. Tel. 4920. (G11) for hotel out of city. Tel.

671-M. from (9046) Address Box 746, Union Offce. (1188) WANTED -To bire, house and barn 1n to 11. 11110) colored. would like Help Wanted -Men.

one with some knowledge of bookkeep. city. Box 599, Union Offre. (9590) WANTED Young lady to act 88 cashier, WANTED- position, private family or truck; stricting; apply 1o OWN handwriting. Box ly familiar temperate; with age city.

30; Address good C. P. bing; steady work to who right can man. Write 752. WANTED- Union Girl Office.

for light honsework (1143) in Wanted--Board and Lodging. references; WANTED do jobThomas Wortdeld, Mass. or tel. to P. L.

Ouimet, North Amberst. family of two. Walnut St. C. B.

WANTED--By single gentleman, furnish(1150) WANTED--Steady work A8 painter and Moulton. (1149) in vicinity of the X. Box 769 (1300) paperbanger, handy Norton with carpenter Eastbamptou, tools. tional WANTED--Specialty opportunity for salermao; men 80 with excep- abil- WANTED-Drawer-in, in, one accustomed to Union office. (1234) 0.

I'. (1112) lty; nearby territory now open; do not drawing-in warps fancy worsted and WANTED- With private family, board 14, answer unless you have the ability to Warren, cassimeres. Mass. Apply (1115) for and room about for a year; young willing girl to help to Warren Woolen Mill, of 16 veurs WANTED--Two farm age 16 during and vara- close and mean business; call Saturday, would like work on' a (1097) 8.3. Springteld Store Fixture and Spe- WANTED House-to-house demonstra- care for children; willing to pay $10 tion.

Box 739. Union Offce. cialty Room 228, Massasoit Bldg. tors. (all Thuraday and Friday from month.

Box $59, Union Office. (117G) WANTED- -Chauffeur mechanic wants 8 years po- (1202) to 4.30. 175 State St. (974) WANTED -Room in private family, with sition, 12 years' experlenco, last references. WANTED- For Massachusetts country WANTED -A girl to do bousework and or without board, by middle-axed on Packard; furnish splendid (1080) cotton mill, first-class engineer to run of children, go home nights.

gentleman: good neighborhood desired. Address 0 Parker Holyoke. englue and have charge of plant 15 take care Hollywood St. Tel. 778-J.

(1026) 755, Inion Office. (1168) WANTED- short references. order cook. and write piping: about good your house experience and and garden; tell WANTED- Store, house table girls. Mon- WANTED man desires furnisbed worker and.

sober, (1000) what salary you expect Box 860, Union arch Agency, 73 Spring St. Tel. 4920. room with private family near postof- (1144) Onion Off Office. fice.

Box 751, Union Office. wants position in (1213) WANTED- Experienced waitress. Inq. WANTED--Young women desire 3 or private WANTED--Young place, city or country. D.

37 -Young man, over 18 years, in man Chapel St. (109S) bakery: good chance to learn trade; 56514 Main Sept. 1, Box 697. Cuion Office. (791) St.

(904) furnished rooms for light housekeeping grocery clerk, by ply. only Box 750, honest Union willing Office. person need (1162) ap- tatives in Springfeld women as and special nearby represen- towns, WANTED -At once, place to board two 53 Church Street, Pittstield, Mass. (1031) 37 Anisber. Mass.

Fitzgerald, (1159) lutely necessary if conscientious and re- from Springdeld. Box 635, Union ofWANTED middle aged -Position man; experience, reference. as and later to travel; experience not abso- children in country for summer, oc ride Chapio Holyoke, liable; an attractive graduated scale of Ace. (9842) cent wishes Badia, position 70 in Race city or Holyoke, country. Mass.

WANTED- A good mason foreman. Apply St. Room (813) To Let- Lodgings. WANTED-Barber, Al. hotel experieuce.

Vin- 27-3. North A Wilbrabam. around farmhands. (1171) Tel. wageS.

218, See Myrick Manager 20 (afternoons Wortbington only), (920) to the Loucks Clarke Walling- WANTED--Amateurs for vaudeville TO LET--Very pleasant room with gar. WANTED--Position for summer chauffeur's by liceuse, young ford. WANTED- Conn. (1153) test, prizes $50, Ludlow $25. Carnival, $15.

$10. July Apply 2. 3, 4, Gen. 1914; H. or den 2 and persons, board or if nice desired: couple suitable with for light 1 man steady.

best (American) of references, will to travel. cense for -Engineer Western $21 per week. Dick, Sec'y, 21 Walnut Ludlow. housekeeping. 603 Plainfield st.

1525) with with Arst-class li772. Union Office. (339) Charles P. Raymond, 201 Washington (7078) TO LET-179 Bay 2 furnisbed rooms Box well-educated man, with and the Boston. (1185) ships; WANTED $70 -Women month: for Spriugfeld gorernment examina- to gentlemen.

Tel. 9035-R. Upper bell. best of references from military WANTED -Collector for city route. salary (1172) WANTED--A desires a position as night $12 per week.

references and bond re- tong Franklin soon: Institute, sperimen Dept. questions Roch- free. TO -Furnished rooms for civil day watchman, custodian or bead officials. 01 factory. quired; please state age.

Box 747, Union ester, N. Y. (8303) Ang, sink. 32 Meadow, West Springdeld. janitor in public building or Office.

(1137) (1104) Address Hox 72S, Union office. WANTED -Barber. TO LET and four rooms for light WANTED--Drug clerk with 5 years' 724, ex- 361 Dwight St. (1147) Wanted -Agents housekeeping. 10.

Main St. Tel. 4766-J. perience desires positiou. Box (060) WANTED -Man with engineer's license to (1030) Union Offce.

operate boiler And engine at portable WANTED Ladles And gentlemen, Photograpber, TO T00103 for housegood WANTED--By middle- aged married mau, sawmill; a line roller and good log cut- par can Main. be made. Towue, (4253) keeping, private bath; 11 fober and reliable, position as 717. chauffeur, Union ters; steady job for a year with fair anon St. 11034) Olice.

(913) Joseph Andrews, 316 Clark TO' private family. 100 room. Pearl. Tel. for 1133-M.

private or light truck. Box pay; bums and wooden hends please LET suitable 1 or WANTED- as chauffeur on driv- truck Pittsfield. Mass. (1043) Wanted -Miscellaneous. (1015) or and private repairing.

Fred Burbee, 27 MAx- WANTED- 6rst-class stock cutter and WANTED Whitewash and colt water TO LET--Several large front roomS, All car, 10 years' experience ter ing City. (917) Aller: steady work: good wages, paint spraying, for factories, barns, cel- conventonces. 339 State St. (1042) WANTED--Position as chauffeur, private Holyoke (1006) tis, 375 Sumner Ave. Telephone 7330.

TO LET -Light bousckeeping at 241 No. Box aud Lumber Holyoke. lars, estimates Albert Curor truck, do own repairing, 3 ref- ex- WANTED good ou inside (326) Main modern. Tel. 3537-M.

(929) perlence; white; 42 years of age; Anish at Loomis Institute, Windsor, WAN order, cement atone made TO LET--Nicely furnished front room. Sc erences. Box 715, Inion Office. (915) Hartford wages, 50c per hour. the job, fireproof $1 square Pearl third floor.

(928) on WANTED--Young man, good habits, Inquire for Mr. Sullivan, Central Bldg. foot floor space, building completed. W. TO LET--Suite of rooms, light housewishes position around private residence Co.

(99S) F. Pendeld, R. F. D. No.

1. city. 800) keeping, use of kitchen. 80 Patton St. caring for gardens, etc.

Address Box 713, WANTED -At once, young wan on farm, WANTED- (930) Union Office. good home, good milker wanted; come SECONDHAND FURNITURE: HIGHEST baker and see me. E. L. Powers, Palmer, Mass.

CASHI PRICES PAID. TO Banes. LET 614 Main St. rooms. $1.30 up, (78) Mrs.

WANTED and rolls. as Paul second hand Koapik, 113 FURNITURE CO. High Holyoke. (814) (1018) 683-583 MAIN ST. TEL.

5125-1. TO LET- Large side room, with bot and NEW ENGLAND tire- to learn WANTED--YoUng the men, automobile Dow repairing aud (641) cold water. for gentleman; West. piazza. 31 1s the time by dret-class 695, Union electric lights.

phone. Mrs. man: references. Address Box 1712) driving; we are the only acbool 10 REPAIR TIN AND clean SLATE ROOFS. Salem.

Offce. giving leesons on up-to-date paint roofs and furnaces. Perry WANTED--A position by a student candy of tomobile factory experts; we give you feld. (677) bousekeepiug. Main St.

1758) automoblice: Instruction given by AM- Muse, 18 Barrett West Spring- TO furnisbed rooms for light American hotel or International summer resort. Box warning to keep away from bargain College in store or Automobile schools; just throwing your WANTED--CEMENT BLOCKS, made and TO LET--Cool, comfortabie furnished 494, Colon Offce. (70S) money and time away; all chauffeurs laid on job, 16c. Tel. 4429-R.

(3123) rooms: I I I shady I piazza, I I all conveniences; chaufeur, for the wanted by the Cadillac Automobile Co. WANTED--TO buy old feather beds. Ger- honrd if desired. 302 Union St. (S05) WANTED--Position as summer, in 1cwn or out, good reference.

are bired from ask any good man Feather P. 0. Box 1438. (6703) TO LET- -Large front room. elegantly furTel.

(742) feur, they will soon tell you the only WANTED-WII pay highest price for nished, piazza, ton l'earl private doing place to learn 18 to go to Smith stock of dry goods, shoes, clothing, or family. Claucy, 202 P'earl St. Tel. 011. WANTED -Position 89 anywhere; chauffeur, 6 years' 563 State cor.

of Oak St. (4985) macbandise. Box 392, Union Of- (772) all repairs; will go any experience; references. Address Box 4.0, WANTED-1st class engineer. $21-24 wk.

dice. (7919) TO LET -Very desirable and 3-room Union Office. (713) 3 2d class wk. WANTED prices paid for men's furnisbed apartments with bath: best in WANTED -Position by night watchman; Exp. meat cutter.

25. 35 years bd. old. and rm. secondband clothing.

Call or write, 53 city. L. W. Dillon, 789 State. Tel.

5557-W. (771) references; licensed fireman. Address Husky Main St. Samuel the Tallor. (8645) Box 699, Union Office.

(714) 1st class farmhand. WANTED- TYPEWRITING AND DU- TO LET-Housekeeping and other rooms, WANTED--Position in, Springfield as Young man in shipping wk. plicating. Facsimile typewritten letters 76 Dwight lower left bell. (773) chauffeur by experienced youug man; Boy Exp.

18 in grocery hardware wk. for circular purposes St. specialty. TO LET- Rooms at the Yorkshire House, clerk. best of references us to character rod 2 boys store.

wk. GALLAWAY'S. 374 Main Tel. 3415. light housekeepiug or single.

817 Main. Address Box 079. Opion Oftice. (032) MI. C.

A. a EMP. DEPT. TEL. 3320.

WANTED-Carpenters' and machinists' TO LET-Furnisbed apartments for bouseability; capable of doing all repairs. See "Bulletin" for full list. (406) W. H. Tuttle.

(69T) WANTED -Position driving, milk or EX- WANTED--Salesmen, wide awake and tools: money loaned. 38-40 Dwight St. keeping; single rooms. 332 No. Main.

press team, experienced in both lines, workers, on honse-to-bouse proposition; (40T) (0573) in or out of city. Box 673, Union Ouice. workly. F. Adams 216 WANTED--House painting, papering, plas- TO LET-2 furnisbed rooms for light (569) Worthington Springdeld, Mage.

tering; best work. J. Hoffman, 57 housekeeping. 40 Sargeant St. (527) WANTED -Position by a sober man, a3 (9514) Franklin.

Tel. 5769. (6738) TO LET--Furnished rooms. with would chance accept of promotion; can do any work. Address Carl tions dence In gathered private secretly and cases: quickly; TO LET-2-room furnished housekeeping foreman 10 8 woodworking shop.

or WANTED -Linotype De machinist for three WANTED -Detectives; reliable investiga- 30 Spring St. (570) a position as worklugman individual evikind of work ou house finish, stair build-. Withe. The Springdeld Onion. interviews confidential.

Martin Mar. npartment, best in the city. 36 Arch St. log and cabinet used work; in a can shop. operate Address most 10 WANT DRIVING -A LESSONS CHAUFFEUR'S AT $1.50 LICENSE.

EACH do, 308 Sigourney Hartford, Conn. (7920) Tel. 3448-M. (9024) every machine ST. TO LET -Double room with or without P.

O. Box 008. Northampton, Masa. GETS IT AT PYNCHON (8020) WANTED- Watches, cleanea, 30c; main- board. 52 Pearl St.

Heffron. (9903) WANTED -Experienced baker's helper; Driving lessong on up-to-date springs, 50c. 38 Dwight St. Open evenings. TO LET-2 light housekeeping rooms; deexperienced iu bakery or hotel: go any- automobiles; a lesson.

(419) sirable. Baker, 120 Greene St. (9908) where. Tel 1175-1. 003 State city.

(8444) to WANTED--Household 1g time furniture to and get office that TO LET-2 light housekeeping rooms. 73 SMITH BROS. WANTED month: -Railway steady. postal pleasant clerks, work; $75 write tuff out of now the attic the and elsewhere, bet- Main bell 1. (0037) WANTED -By A student, work of any fininediately.

Franklin Institute, Dept. ter to turn it into cash. Call us. Benoit, TO LET--Pleasant furnisbed rooms near $150 klud for the sunwer. Dox 652, Uniou 160-N.

Rochester. N. Y. (8059) always reliable and fair. 574 Main St.

Hendee's. 49 Mapledell St. Tel. 3397-R. Oftice.

(0932) Tel. 4199. (0034) WANTED--College student, practical, in- jobs, big pay, examinations announced WANTED -Secondhand furniture, also TO LET -Rooms. 72 Temple St. Tel.

WANTED-Men, women, get government telligeut. desires position otdce. Ad- ererywhere, July 15; sample questions feather beds; I pay the highest cash 2548-M. (576) dress Box Go1, Union Offce. (9950) free.

Franklin Institute, Dept. 164-N, prices; don't Bell before you see 118. TO LET--Nicely furnished front parlor WANTED -Competent uli around office Rocbester. N. Y.

(8035) Hampden Furniture 619 Main St. and connecting rooms, also furnished man desires position with progressive WANTED- -Engineers and in- Tel. 0266. 19604) dat of 2 or more rooins for housekeeping, couceru; thoroughly experienced in book- struction given to obtain A license OD WANTED--I STOP THAT LEAK. 1at door, 20 School St.

Tel. 1484-W. (070) keeping, factory systems, general inill boilers: pumps and engines for the practical stu- TO rooms, furnisbed for house. and departmental accounting, receiving dents to work on; given the aide valve ROOFS REPAIRED, ANY KIND; keeping: adults. 59 Stebhins St.

11219) and shipping, good correspondent; nOw work in the Corliss schoolroom on valve; it CHIMNEYS AND PLASTER WALLS. TO furnished room for Union office. (9906) takes but a short time to complete the H. S. GARDNER, 10 Guun Sq.

Tel. 8372-W. or nice women or man rnd wife. 529 employed; age 33: married. Address Box setting; Harris engine LET course: individual attention to each stu- (9103) State lower bell.

(1261) WANTED-P'osition desired as office 1031- dent: day and evening classes now formager or chief clerk by young man (mar- ing: weekly payment. Springfeld Pn. WANT TO BOY chestnut or pine on timber TO LET -Small front room, $2. Mrs. ried).

several yeurs' experience in gineering School, 41 Sharon St. (970) Jot near Springfeld. Box 561, Union Office. Flanders. Spring St.

(1237) counting. bookkeeping. Address Box 446, WANTED- Carriage, wagon and, auto (8289) TO LET-3-room furnished apartment. Union Office. (9907) workers from every branch Arc wanted WANTED--Hair work.

all kinds made up; modern. first floor. Tel. 7436-W. WANTED -Muster mechanic and first- to atiend an open massmeeting which guaranteed.

Mrs. Ware, 21 Auburn. TO LET- Furnished rOOmS, light. and class engineer wants positiou July 1. will he bell on Friday night, June 19, (749) niry.

with or witbout board. Address Box 801, Uniou Oftice. (8079) at 8 in the ball at cor. of Sanford Bell 2. (124) WANTED--Carpeater very much in need, and Market StS.

(1202) WANTED TO LET -P'leasant front room, all 1nodkinds; wishes $2.00 positiou; a cad do Herman repairing Krause, of all WANTED--At once, first-class furniture Tour baby carriage and zo-cort wheels; ern improvements. 83 Pearl St. (1240) Howard St. day. (9648) Anishers.

Adaskin Furniture (1282) 21 big reduction in prives: rubber made LET -Furnished rooms for light Lyman. cially for wheels, $1.25 per sot: all housekeeping. GI Vernon St. (1219) Wanted -Women. shipping and storeroom: receiving one preferred.

familiar with Ap- And work guaranteed: prompt delivery. nished front rooms, $1.75 to $3 per wepk. WANTED--A A Foung man about 18 to sizes of wheels; reluced from S1.40. $2 TO LET-174 Maple pleasant furSituations (1227) 32 WANTED Meadow Position West by practical Springtield. nurse.

Tel. referenres, etc. Write Box 770, Union 520-521 Worthington St. Tel. TO pix in own handwriting, giving age, MAYNARD RUBBER CORP.

LET -Small front room, 22 Salem 3936. J. (1103) Office. (1220) (1260) with bath and gAS. (1233) to he attendant Qu invalid OL able and experienred man.

Apply 104 banging and decorating by the sired. Inquire upstairs, 81 P'almer Ave. WANTED--A middle-aged lady would like WANTED--Farm gardener. single, reli- WANTED -Have your. painting, paper- TO LET- Furnished room: hoard if 10 panion and caretaker in home; no Coruell St.

(1229) Heller Decorating we also bave select big 11232 jection to helpiug iu light housework. WANTED--AT THIS TIME OF YEAR line of paints rolls; and wall we will papers paper to rour TO LET-2 large front rooms, nicely furTel. 70-7-M. (1001) THERE ARE MANY POSITIONS from: 75,000 Tel. 4252.

16 Worth- nished, botb connorted; ladies: gents WANTED middle-aged woman WAITING FOR GOOD CHAUFFEURS: rooms for $3.75 up. Bldg. (2581) housekeeping: cheap: the hoth for would like position In city at light WE CAN QUALIFY YOU SUCH opp. Myrick per week. 83 Sargeant top bell.

housework or cooking, no washing or POSITION IN A SHORT WHILE: WANTED--I will buy your wen's Worth- sults. (1180) iroolus: reference. Call 109 l'earl st. OURS IS THE ONLY AUTOMOBILE Call or drop postal. M.

Bldg. (6759) To LET-47 Neventh, 1 or 2 rooms Cohen, 20 Tel. (701) SCHOOL IN WITH SPRINGFIELD THAT IS logton opp. Myrick light housekepplug. Lower bell.

(1188) WANTED--By American woman as house- CONNECTED A LARGE GAR- WANTED -Typewriting, duplicating, copykeeper for elderly person; two yours ONCE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. ing. M. Meacbam. Hotel Kimball.

Tel. (0444) 2860. tel. 173 Main, Suite 10. Tel.

6143. (976) AGE AND REPAIR SHOP': SEE US AT TO LET- -Newly furnished rooms, use each in three places. Strs. 21 Seveuth. FAIRBANKS AUTO SCHOOL, 18 FORT (708) ST.

(1150) WANTED--TO TO RID YOUR PREMISES TO LET--Furnished front room. gentleWANTED--SItuation by first-class fire- WANTED--Men to work at brick yard, OF RATS, ROACHES BY PROFESSION- (944) MICE. BED- men. Tel. 3036.

Mrs. E. W. Colt, 127 Spring. maD; references.

Address Box Union good pay to right men. Apply to Brower AL; BUGS OR THOROUGHLY GUARANTEED TO Office. (717) Best, Thompsonville, Conn. (1157) WORK: WRITE OR PHONE FOR LET -Nicely furnished rooms, modern. private home, central.

WANTED--Young woman wants position, WANTED -Salesman for general mercan- REFERENCES AND RE CONVINCED. Worthington St. general housework, small family, no tile trade in Mass. to sell tr new proposi- MAILLARD. 54 BROAD ST.

TEL. 3494. washing. Box 671. Union Office.

tion of merit: vacancy now: attractive (1049), TO LET -Large furnished front room. WANTED By 2 American ladies, commission contract: weekly for ex- WANTED Expert photo developing and light Greenwood. housekeeping. Middle beil, (9065) tloc at seaside or mountains; could All peDAPs. Miles F.

Isixler Wholesale printing At lowest prices; all kinds of any place but cooking: best of city ref- Jewelers, 120-24 Carlin Cleveland, camera repairing; also commercial pho- TO LET -A furnished apartment for July, ereuces. I'hone 139-5 Thompsouville. 0. (GAS) 1ographing. Bright wood Photo Shop, 389 August and September if destred.

and or 3061-J Springtield, Dins8. (9953) WANTED -Amateurs for vaudeville con- Birole Ave. 16082) rooms. all service. modern conveniences Ofire.

WANTED--Young girl wishes position in test, Ludlow Carnival, July 2, 3, 4, 1914; WANTED--Collie shepberd puppy, Mrs. sable (9991) vator Box 679, Union light in city. housework, Box no 657, Union children: Office. wages Dick, prizes $50. Sec'y, $25, 21 $15, Walnut Apply Ludlow.

Spaulding, 110 Pleasant Palmer, TO LET-3 rooms, with private batb, $10. Geo. I. and white, good markings. Ida V.

(9907) I (7102) Mass. (PS06) per week. 356 Belmont. (6445) To Let--Lodgings. TO ROOMS AT WINCHESTER CHAMBERS.

SPECIAL SECTION RESERVED FOR WOMEN. $2 TO $4 PER WEEK. REED REALTY TRUST, 166 STATE ST. (9058) TO LET- Pleasant front room in private famlly. with or without board.

Mrs. C. Galbraith, 155 Fulton St. (612) TO LET--Newly furnished rooms, $2 up; ligbt urnd airy. 58 Spring St.

Tel. 2417-R. (642) TO LET--Furnished rooms, with running water. modern; best location in the city. 43 Pearl St.

Tel. 2648-W. (643) TO LET-: furnisbed rooms for light bousekeeping; all modern. 60 Sargeant. (633) TO LET--Cool.

pleasant front room, with porch. 26 Palmer Ave. Tel. 7361-R. (600) TO LET- Central.

2 nicely furnished light bousekeeping rooms, front, respectable party, adults. 102 State. (1003) TO LET -Nice pleasant front room. Tel. 9089-M.

No objection for two. 100 Carew. (996) TO LET- -Furnished front room In prirate family for young couple or 2 business men. Tel. 1824.

(991) TO LET-2 rooms, unfurnisbed or partly furnished. for light bousekeeping; hath. gas. 321 Walnut Tel. 603-R.

(902) TO LET us more baggage proves your wisdom: 2-men teams assures careful service. Springfield Baggage Trausfer, office railroad station. Phone 411. (9725) TO LET-Homestead Rooms, 19 Bliss, $2 week up; also bousekeeping: laundry. (8726) TO LET--Furnished room, continuous bot water; $1.50 up.

32 Holyoke St. (8518) TO LET-Furnisbed rooms: references required. 160 High St. (9517) TO LET -Furnished front room. for 1 or ladies, 728 Union up 1 dight.

Call erenings. (1070) TO LET -Furnished, airy room for light with 3 windows: also single room for gentleman, use of laundry. 83 Elliot St. Tel. 7890-M.

(1073) TO LET -Furnished rooms for Jivht 194 Main third door. (1084) TO LET-Nowly furnished room in new house: electricity: private family: piazza privileges. 279 Dickinson St. (1047) TO -To A couple. 2 furnished rooms for housekeeping with lady that away most of the time.

Tel. 5785. (1048) TO LET-Furnished room. J. F.

Taylor, 135 Spring St. (1052) TO LET--Furnished room. 98 Florence St. Modern. (1062) TO LET-4 Wilbraham 3-room furnished apartment: bath, hot water.

steam heat. 'Tel. 4202-31. 1948) TO LET- rooms for light housekeeping, moderu conveniences. 153 Main St.

(903) TO LET--Large front corner room, with kitchenet, for light housekeeping: Also other rooms. 'The Whitney, 14 Mattoon (749) TO LET-Furnisbed rooms, modern itprovements. 223 Worthington St. (9640) TO and "PLAZA." MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENTS. and 4 rooms, arranged for HOUSEKEEPING.

From $1.00 to $10.00 per week. A. E. BUCKLER, Tel. 2930.

356 Belmont Are. (404) TO LET--Furnished rooms, neat, clean. cool, large piazzas, an agreeable stay during summer months: rooms $1.50 per WAPk, 50c up per night. Court Square 'bambers, near Municipal Auditorium, SS61. (1145) TO LET room for light bousekeeping, also single room, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.

Hooker Hall, 201 North Main l'hone 4015-W. (10GS) TO LET $1.50 up. 32 Mattoon St. (8572) TO LET-11 School pleasant front room with running water, suitable 1 or 2 business men or women. (8003) TO LET-WINCHESTER CHAMBERS, Fornished rooms, single or en suite; light.

heat, care and bath; light bousekeeping permitted. 786 State St. Tel. 5340. (4070) TO LET-Furnished room, modern, prirate fanilly.

100 Pearl St. Tet. 5045- (7140) TO LET-2 furulshed housekeeping rooms at per week. 356 Belmont. (4433) TO LET rooms for light bousekeeping.

US Morgau St. Tel. 4141-W. (9267) TO LET-30 Maple large furnisbed front room for 2, running water. Tel.

(9577) TO LET-3 3 furnished housekeeping rooms at $6 per 356 Belmont. (6432) TO LE and small rooms. Watson. 83 Spring St. Tel.

2439-W. (6712) TO LET-1 furnished front room. Thompson St. (9692) TO IANT-Furnished and unfurnished singly and en sulte: list Westwood Renting 318 Main. 9090.

(9430)) To Let- -Dwellings. TO LET-6-room apartment, modern. 1639 or Main St. (1090) TO LET -Lawn wood Longmeadow, 5 rooms, upper. all modern.

Inquire premises or last house on street. TO LET -Upper tenement, 8 rooms, den. place for chickens. Feeding Center, 5c carfare. Box 765, L'aion lice.

(1204) TO LET cottage of rooms, rent $20. 1. Inquire Main Room 7, mornings or between 7 ADd D. n). (1096) TO LET--Dwellings in all-parts of Westwood Renting 318 Main Room 208.

(9431) TO LET-1220 Liberty lower ment of 7 rooms. (6809) TO LET-Small apartments, steam -heated Auta and modern tenements. Get list J. W. Haulou 310 Main St.

To Let-Board and Lodgings. TO ---2 furnished, rooms, breakfast aud dioner 33 Kenwood all TO LET -Very pleasant room with den and board if desired; suitable for 2 persona, or nice couple with housekeeping. 403 P'Ininfeld st. TO LET-1 large front room and board 2d floor. 74 Temple St.

Tel. 2549-R. LET--Large comfortably furnished select table board, central desirable location. separate 2-room with sprivate balcony. Apply 52 TO LET- Board 37 and Stebbing room.

st. de. To Let- -North End. TO LET-4-roow modern tenement, or per month. 427 P'lainfeld St.

$3 TO RT- No. Main 3-room heated apartment: continuous and janitor service: rout $20 a for Inq. John J. Fish. 476 Main St.

Tel. nt TO LET-4-room apartment. janitor. Corry, 55 No. Main St.

TO I.ET-5-room apartment, 11 Grove Inq. H. F. Dickinson. 72 Main St.

TO LET -Upper 5-room dat. all modern, all $10. 40 St. Tel. 53SS.

509 TO LET -Tenement. 5 room's, 28 St. Inquire 7 Douglas St. 136 TO LET- Two, four audl five-room ments, all up to date, aud one store. Inquire of E.

A. Roberts. Main St. Tel. ele- TO LET-6-room fat.

steam and water, janitor service. 13 Bradford Boudreau. $7 TO LET-2-family, Allendale upper, 7 rooms. moderu. 39 St.

To Let--North End. TO LET-4-room apartment, Bright wood. E. D. Sbaw, 244 Maln St.

Tel. 741-W. (587) TO LET-3 and 4-room See janitor. 214-216 No. Main St.

(1278) TO LET-2. 3, 4 and 5 rooms. furnished or unfurrished, steam heat. N. Lefebre, 172 Carew St.

Tel. 3158-M. (8094) TO LET-5-room apartment at The Rancroft, 162 No. Malo St. Inq.

at store, 154. (923) TO LET-5-room apartment. rontinuous bot water, and gas range, 28 Roseland St. Tel. 3704-M.

(652) TO LET-G-room, lower tenement: 7 if desired; modern. 1530 North. (580) TO LET-4-room apartment, modern, new block, 874 North also store, 84 Essex St. Inquire 876 North St. Tel.

4141-W. (7581) TO light and alry and 5- room apartments: steam beat, routinuous hot water, tile bath aud kitchen: rendy for occupancy June 15. Inq. Geo. W.

McQueen, 46 Thomas St. Tel. 3932 W. (774) TO LET-6-room lower modern tenement. 32 Demond Ave.

1751) TO LET-3-room apartment. modern block. 461 Chestnut up side Old Ladies' Home. Inquire of owner. Tel.

2755-R. (845) TO LET-5-room upper tenement. central, 40 Vine. Owner, 28 Osgood. (9982) TO LET-4-room modern steam fats, 1st, 2d and 3A doors, best in the city.

Nee Janitor, 16 Sbeldon St. (513) TOLET-2, 4 and 5-room apartments. upto -date. 4 Eagle janitor. (9860) TO LET- First-class apartments, 5 rooms each, 105 Bancroft corner of Chestput; 15 days free.

(9703) TO LET -A 5-room, all modern tenement. 38 Douglas St. (9396) TO LET-38 Bradford 3 and 4-TO ID apartments, steam, bot water. Inquire house in rear. Tel.

1358-W. (8727) TO LET-5-room apartment, 104 North Main St. The Nevada. Tel. 3696-M.

I. Dick, or inquire of janitor. (8711) TO LET-4-room tenement, all modern. 76 Holyoke St. (1139) TO LET-5-room lower tenement, modern.

866 Plainfield St. Inquire 360 Plainfeld St. (6798) TO LET-4 and 6-room apartmenta: 1 store. Tel. 1966-W.

(7869) TO LET-53 Bradford 4 and 5-room apartments. steam beated and hot water year around. 29 Arch St. Tel. 6384-R.

(962) To Let- End. TO LET-4-room flat, newly furnished. Inq. 15 Winthrop st. (1209) TO LET- Upper tenement.

Are rooms, modern, good locality, at 905 Still St. (1037) TO LET-5 rooms, steam heat. hot water, 47 Richelieu Ct. Tel. 5510 J.

TO LET-4-room tenement, modern, $13, 239 St. See Samuel Brisk, 238 Mill. Tel. 2531. (9995) is TO LET-28 Warriver 5-room mod ern tenement.

(607) TO LET -Lower 4 rooms and kitchenet, janitor service, $20. 73 Pecousiu, on boulerard. Tel. 3087-R. (8513) TO LET-246 Mill 4-room ten tenement: gas.

Tel. 3914-R. TO LET--54 Locust rooms on A toor. all wodern. Tel.

486-R. (8380) TO LET-21 Wilcox 3 rooms, modern. Inquire 581 Main St. (957S) TO LET--Iu Marbleton, cor. Marble and Main 4 and 5-room apartments, All class and modern.

Inquire Tel. St. 5132 or Hampdeu Shoe 67 Taylor St. (7405) TO LET -Pleasant airy fat, hot water, Main and York Sts. Tel.

4377. (7072) TO LET -Flat, Main and Howard; $17. Inquire second floor. 14 Howard. (8194) To Let--Forest Park.

TO LET--Lower tenement, 6 rooms. all modern. heated, bath and gAS; 3 minutes' walk to car line. Apply Forest St. Phone 3792-M.

Terms reasonable. (1205) TO LET--Upper tenement. 7 rooms, 144 Magnolia Tor. Phone 9338-M. (1160) up TO tenement.

LET-72 $20. Beaumont Mel. 3125-1. 7-room modern (1136) TO LET-7-room upper tenement, modern. 630 Sumner Ave.

Tel. 3836-J. (1170) TO LET -Tenement vor. of White and P'asadena single house with barn. St.

Call at 356 Bridge St. Tel. 6329- (1122) TO I.ET-20 20. Wareham near Watershops, 2d door, 6 rooms, modern. adults; $17 per month.

Inquire 16 Main St. Tel. for 5715. t1113) TO LET--Tenement, 7 rooms, new house, 5 rooms on a very Ane rensonable to right party if taken at once; 32 Beaumont Ter. P.

Mullen, 706 Main. Tel. 3316. (1103) TO LET -Flat. 242 Pleasant Are.

John Swaine, 30 Cypress Court. Tel. 5192. W. (1101) TO LET- -Elegant 7-room upper tenement.

facing St. Lawrence price $25. Tel. hardwood, steam beating, hot water; 2062- M. (031) TO LET-7-room upper tenement, modern.

60 Grenada Ter. (903) TO LET-7-room upper tenement, modera. Tel. 1487. 238 Dickinson St.

TO LET -New, modern 7-room tenement, $5 Bryant St. 39S1-M. Fred G. Bull. 1832) TO LET--2 good modern tenement.

5 and 6 rooms, $17 and $18. Tel. (SOS) 190 TO LET- LOWER TENEMENT. CHERRYVALE UST OFF free. LONG HILL ST.

E. TAYLOR. Tel. TEL. 5648-J.

(765) TO LET -Reautiful 8-room upper touement, just iu front of Park. hot water during steam season, 3 minutes from X. 33 Trafton Rd. Tel. 3803-J.

(687) Tel. TO LET-(harming furnished piano, garden, car line: $39. Address Home Comfort, Box 650, Colon Office. on Tel. 5313.

(0940) (500) TO LET-222 Washington desircar- able moderate apartment. Phone 3575-W. Hills (9369) OPTO LET- Modern steam-heated tenement. 368 Dickinson near the X. (1299) 9 TO LET- Wanted.

a tenant for 61 hot Euclid and 8 7 rooms, Arst floor; gas, cold water and furnace heat. For price and kev to show, call telephone number city. 8178. (1266) St. TO LET-4-room modern tenement, 7 l'iney Place, rent $14.

Inquire Fuchs, 51 Sartene- gent. Tel. (1214) TO LET--July 1, modern. 4 rooms. Palm $16.

Inquire 19 Palm St. (9537) (9533) TO -The nicest 4-room of in the Forest Park section wil' be ready July at 418 Dickinson at tho Park: rent $18, only left. Tel. 6510. (9692) 'TO LET-4-room apartment, kitchen range furnished.

all modern, $16. Tel. Ter. (1091) 7329-31. 29 Commonwealth Ave.

(9510) gar tenement. Tel. 17 Woodside Tor. TO LET--Attractive 7 ol' 8-room upper light (0273) (525) TO LET-5-room lower tenement, nicely decoruted, sunny corner. 79 Greuada Ter.

on Tel. 9223-W. (8059) (8337) TO LET -Modern apartments for adults, steam and hot water, gas, electricity, and tubs, gAS ranges, hardwood floors, pleassulte ant location, 86 Woodside Ter. Inquire Pearl Mra. Dyer, or Tel.

2077-W. (8251) (7206) TO LET-5-room tenement, 3d modern, 80 Scott St. Tel. (4687) (9934) To Let -Central. TO LET-73 Avon 5-room flat: piazza, $13.50 bot water, modern, yard.

Inq. 71, Prouty. (1256) 1 steam- TO LET -Tenement. 5 rooms, modern, water very central; adults. Apply 24 Salem.

month. (1174) TO LET-20 Grays lower, 6 rOOMS, 3821. (1238) $15. Toquire Main Room Inquire over Lerche's Drug Store. 11183 (1242) TO LET -July 1, house of 8 rooms.

St. at 28 Pearl PI. Tel. 3835-W. (1111) (1220) TO LET-12 Holyoke suite of bousekeeping rooms and single furnished (1042) (1207) rooms: private entrance.

TO LET -Residence, centrally located. Donald pleasant surroundings, consisting of (1078) large rooms on the first door. with apart- ditional rooms on the second door if large sired: also accommodations for 2 105 mobiles; fine lawn and shade trees: (1029) minutes' walk postofice: owner intends bot leaving city. Box 743, (1189) Union Office. St.

(1054) TO LET -Seren and 14-room apartments, all steam heat: price $20, 00 Vernon St. (1065) 1 To Let-CentraL TO four rooms. rear. 33 Linden St. 11023) TO LET-5 rooms, modern, very central, adults.

Apply 24 Salem st. (1020) TO Chestnut dat 5 pleasant rooms, modern. st Pam beat: rent TP9 sonable. Inquire Moses Ehrlich Coal Co, 310 Main, or Dr. Harrey in block.

(853) TO roows and hath, modern, $13, 111 adrance. J. W. Parker, 302 Bay St. Tel.

2113-M. (620) TO LET-1 6-room apartment, cor. Sharon and Main nil modero, Inquire of Janitor. Telephone 5432. (7404) TO LET--Modern 4-room tenements, new blocks: Inquire ou spremises.

John Kuehn, Summer (9516) TO LET-6-room apartment, cor. Sharon Main all modern. Inquire janitor, or tel. 5432. (9518) TO LET-37 Sargeant 4 rooms, steam beat, hot, water.

Tel. 9223-W. (6320 To Let -On the Hill. TO LET-4-room tenement, top door, 312, small family. Inquire 207 Wilbrabam Are.

112511 TO LET-22 Chapel upper? 5-room tenement. W. T. Gregg. 11330) TO LET-4-room moderu apartment, 50 Walnut St.

Apply L. Dillon. State Ht. Tel. W.

11243) TO LET-5-room modern tenement, 32 Wellington St. Tel. 3511. (1210) TO LET-3-room Hat. modern, $13, 289 Walnut.

'Tel. 6388. SPP janitor. (1206) TO LET-3 rooms, 191 Wilbrabam Ave. Tol.

3266- W. (1074) TO LET- Flat, cor. Florida and Worthington John Swaine, 30 St. 11100) TO LET-5-room tenement. 10 Warren Are.

M. J. Hannon, Tel. 4441 da79, and evenings. (1053) TO LET-5-room tenement.

third door. 191 College St. (784) TO LET-5-room modern tenement, 34 Chapel St. (779) TO LET-3-room modern apartment, aduits; $20. Telephone 2981-M.

(705) TO LET-2 all modern tenements, 6 rooms, at 111; 4 at 171 College St. (700) TO LET- Very desirable new modern house, upper and lower. 48 Carlisle 8t (9781 TO LET-2 modern apartments, in Vic toria, 1 of 3 rooms and 1 of 4. rooms steam beat, electric lights and janitor service. Liss, 017 State St.

(900) TO LET-8 rooms, steam plant, $23. G. hampson, 310 Main St. 'Tel. 1348.

(660) TO LET-101 lower tenement, All modern, 7 rooms. (715) TO LET-5-room tenement, all modern pay to investigate. Inquire 933 State St (744) TO LET-2 new apartments in the folk left taken); 4 rooms, bath and kitchenet, steam heat, ranges, etc. $17. Tel.

owners (8A8 TO LET-18 Bristol lower tenement, 5 rooms, modern. steam beat; rent reasonable. Tel. 1197-W. (943) TO LET-4-room modern apartment, 105 Wilbraham Ave.

Inq. 53 Eastern ve. (883) TO LET-5 rooms, modern, 1st door, $20. 19 Windsor St. Tel.

5631. (634) TO LET -Upper rent, near St. James 12; Amherst St. (9945) TO LET -July 1, 5 roomS, modern, $15, 10 P'rinceton St. Inq.

75 Marble St. (0985). TO LET-4-room new modern upper tenement; $13. 102 Pendleton Ave. (851) TO LET-192 Westford upper rooms, modern, reasonable.

(9910), TO LET-5 rooms, modern, lower, $15. 628 Union st. Tel. 3037-R. (992S) TO lower flat, steam heat, gas, electricity, 2 bathrooms, oak floors, fireplace.

53 Thompson St. (8278). TOLE College LET--New 7 modern rooms, 5-room steam tenement, 73 Dawes St. Call at 46 Eastern. Tel.

2162-M. Walnut bot water and janitor. M. TO LET-4 and 5-room apartments, 159 F. McGrath.

tel. 2055-M. (7948) TO LET-214 High, finest apartments, 3 to 5 T. also 5 and 8-room tenements. Thayer, 214 High.

Tel. 7078-M. (6765) TO LET-lo the Octo, 191 High 5- room dat, modern, hot water, steam heat, Janitor: $25. Tel. 3626-R.


PHONE 98. BAY STATE STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE COMPANY. Storage, Forwarding. Packing, Distribution, Furniture Automobile Moring Vans. 380 Liberty St.

Absolutely Fireproof Tel. 228. Railroad Siding. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. BEST IN CITY.

The only steam-beated concrete building In No city used dampness. Night and day watchmen. for storage. HERSEY FURNITURE CO. Myrick Building.


TO room tenement and and store, counters. Fuller Lavertue, 132 Florence St. nected, State shelving (1116) TO LET--Nice store on Liberty or barber best location for tailor, cobbler shop; rent $18 month. Inquire K. (7553) W.

Bardack, 418 Liberty 30 floor. TO LET-Store, cor. Main and Howard, Inquire second floor. 11 Howard. (8196) TO LET-2 doors, on Dwight suitable for light manufacturing.

jobbing trill of divide storage, to suit tenaot: rent about $10, well lighted and drivenay; Box 320. Union office. (7773) TO LETDWIGHT LARGE STORE. GF. FICES AND LOFTS, PARTITIONED TO SUIT TENANT.

INQUIRE JOHN FISH, 476 MAIN ST. (010) TO LET- Store At. North Main, suitable for haberdasher or shoe store. quire on property. Phone 4015-W.

(1064) TO LET-2 modern stores near Hender'! Wt 23. shops: rent reasonable. Apply to Liss. 917 State St. Call TO LET -Front office on Main.

posite 1d floor: low reatal TO quire loom 4. 297 Main St. TO LET- -STORE IN PITTSFIELD, Mass. opposite the Dawes School, building. ideal will be completed July.

al-4 store for grocery and market art- near locations and tow routs. Apply to I. 9. the General Electric plant: good de. auto- Freedman, Pittstold.

Mass. (073) 10 TO LET- Store Fin tenement :11 111 loguire tm. of 1. 31. Labrovitz, Amherst.

Mass. 19064) where cobbler is NOW. TO LET -Desk with George W. l'utuaw, 25 Harrison (9187). Are, (1033) Tel.

5770. -r I 1.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.